$175 billion for war in Ukraine, while the US Supreme Court has ruled that homeless people can be fined or even arrested.

$175 billion for war in Ukraine, while the US Supreme Court has ruled that homeless people can be fined or even arrested.


by wakeup2019

  1. money that could have helped so many American Citizens and Vets…we need a change, SOON

  2. The MAGA SCOTUS ruled that it’s illegal to be homeless.

    The Ukraine money is to keep Putin from taking over Europe, who are our main allies.

  3. I’m tired of everyone comparing everything to Ukraine. Yes, the homeless issue is absolutely terrible, and every justice who has committed crimes against this country, along with the person who appointed them, should be held accountable. But we aren’t donating money to Ukraine out of pure altruism.

    The American government doesn’t care about Ukraine or its people. The reality is for a fraction of the cost of deploying our own soldiers and maintaining our army, they’ve found someone else to fight one of our biggest adversaries for almost nothing while Russia sends its own men to die. 

    This is money that would be spent anyway, whether through proxy wars or intelligence operations to counter Russian aggression elsewhere. Comparing the two is ridiculous because this is money the American government uses to maintain its global power and our returns on this investment have been immense.

    If the government though they could sell the idea by telling the truth and saying we’re going to let Ukraine kill themselves to benefit us they would but instead they sell the idea of protecting democracy when in reality it’s just furthering the American interest. This is something all Americans benefit from with the added bonus that yes we are keeping a raging lunatic from taking over Europe. 

    Pretending that we are somehow throwing money away ignoring Americans in the process just shows how stupid some of these arguments are and how asinine this post is. 

  4. I personally don’t think military equipment that already exists is going to help the homeless. And yes I know some of it isn’t just old equipment, but this war is for an extremely righteous cause, and I the conservatives are also very much not keen on social welfare, so I don’t know what you want to happen here.

  5. While I dislike SCOTUS and their recent rulings, this is a strange comparison especially since Ukraine has received aid mostly in equipment from our storage

  6. Its a red flag when a conservative lobby group makes a claim and hopes everyone will just read the headline and not take a closer look (just like conservatives)

    Just with a 1s bullshit smell test. We can see them counting “drawdown replenishment” which is spent in US not Ukraine.

    Another 1s test is them counting Europe, Eurasia and central asia, Israel and Taiwan aid as “Ukraine”

    [Now the actual source with actual correct breakdowns](https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/IF/IF12040)

    Take a few more seconds looking at u/wakeup2019 account and you can see them shilling for China and Russia, while shitting on US. Now…. some of US criticism is valid, but regardless you can clearly see the agenda of this user. US conservatives eat this shit up because it fuels their conspiracy minds.

  7. So are Republicans willing to allow that money to go towards funding solutions for the unhoused? Absolutely not, so this is a really stupid comparison.

  8. Sadly, no one cares about the homeless but they should be helped. It’s simply the right thing to do.

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