Der gemäßigte Pezeshkian wird voraussichtlich die Präsidentschaftswahl im Iran gewinnen, sagt eine iranische Quelle

Der gemäßigte Pezeshkian wird voraussichtlich die Präsidentschaftswahl im Iran gewinnen, sagt eine iranische Quelle

  1. let’s get something straight from the star, he’s a moderate in Iranian context.

    for the idiots who will claim he’s worst than the Ameritaliban keep in mind where each are starting from.

    Pezeshkian will add more freedom to his people.

    The American candidate who’s name must not be spoken will also bring more freedom to his people.

    the trick is to figure out who “his people” mean in either case

    I personally don’t spend that much time on a golf course.

  2. So long as zealots rule Iran, it will remain a pariah no matter who win the election.

  3. Summary

    * Vote unlikely to change policies, may shape Khamenei succession
    * Supreme Leader Khamenei, not the president, has the last say
    * Authorities seek high turnout to offset legitimacy crisis
    * Iranian rights activists have called for election boycott

    Will he improve life for women in Iran? I’m guessing the answer is no.

  4. There is absolutely nothing moderate about him, this is just propaganda from the islamist terrorist regime.

    For all non-iranians reading this: This man was one of the enforcers of the mandatory hijab at the beginning of the revolution, focusing on Iranian universities and the islamization of these institutions.

    He has proudly admitted on Iranian television that he and his thugs went after women who didn’t have hijab or “bad hijab” with knifes and violence.

    Same rotten islamist as the rest of them. I hope you all have understood by now that there are no “reformists” in the islamist regime, they’re all thugs who would rather burn Iran to the ground than give up any power. They came to power with violence, and they will disappear to the dustbins of history with violence when they fall..

  5. “Moderate” is a fucking joke of a descriptor.

    Not even to mention the fact that the president is a figurehead at best.

  6. surprised the result wasn’t rigged and the regime allowed the people to chose who they wanted.

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