With a precise throw of his helmet, a Russian soldier knocked down an FPV drone, which left no chance of survival as the explosive detonated at head level

With a precise throw of his helmet, a Russian soldier knocked down an FPV drone, which left no chance of survival as the explosive detonated at head level

by Solid_Snaka

  1. Honestly, what they should do when they are chased by a drone. Accept their faith? Yes they not on their land

  2. Whelp, now every time I hear Shooting Stars I’ll be thinking of some guy blowing up.

  3. Is there any video where someone actually survived a drone attack by throwing/shoooting smthn at the drone?

  4. Looks not a day older than 22. Had the whole life ahead of him. Could have peed in so many fountains and pass out in his own vomit so many times… A tragedy…/s

  5. why didn’t he shoot it? Do the soviets just throw their guns down when they run ?

  6. I went to a safari park yesterday. today I learned FPV drones are endurance hunters. Like hyenas. They chase their prey till the prey gets exhausted and gives up.

  7. “I will use my head protection to hit the drone.”

    Brain: wait what no don’t do that- – –

  8. omfg the music i can’t breath and neither he now! this is some top-tier gourmet shit right here thank you for this. **Slava Ukraini!**

  9. I don’t usually laugh at videos of orcs getting wasted by drones, but this one made me laugh.

  10. Still doesn’t match the guy throwing a full gas canister at a drone causing it to boom lol

  11. Protip: keep ya fucking helmet on. Throw literally anything and everything else before your fucking helmet. I know hollywood makes it seem like people just run around without helmets on, but it aint like that. That stuff between your ears is very valuable. Unless you’re a russian then its probably empty space so disregard all of this

  12. It is good to have images with the deceased recognizable in the picture, the bereaved can use this for their processing.

    Ignorance makes people crazy.

  13. Ah, yet another attempt at propaganda, look here as not at the reality of the day to day.

    I enjoy reading the unhinged comments. Both sides are working us up into a frenzy.

    Hope this made someone… excited.

  14. Move over “Jumbo shrimp” … Biggest oxymoron ever …. “Russian intelligence”. Thank you thank you ! Your welcome good night. I’ll be here all week folks.

  15. Just like they say in Zombieland, cardio cardio cardio. His strat of running in tight circles was actually good. Maybe could have kept that up until the Drone ran out of battery if he was fit.

  16. Imagine having assist kill on yourself, NGL most others have worse stats

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