US administration: New announcements on F-16s for Ukraine should be expected next week

US administration: New announcements on F-16s for Ukraine should be expected next week

by Mike-a-b

  1. F-16 showing up in Ukraine….kinda like the little boy who cried wolf now. Either deliver or shut up already

  2. It’s like the bugs bunny cartoon where little john keeps going “never fear, Robin hood will soon be here” just show up…

  3. Next week:

    It’s official! We have given consideration to a possible date and we now have several possibilities!

    to be continued…

    Edit: *”next week we will have something additional to announce” in this regard.*

    So not something crucial or new, only additional.

  4. ‘should be’ ‘soon’ ‘almost there’ … Its like waiting for the never arriving flying cars we were always promised..
    Just do it..
    If the training had started when the full invasion began these guys would have been flying these things for a years already..
    How many Ukrainians have died because of “soon” “almost there” and “should be”

  5. I dont think there will be an „F16 will arrive by xy“ announcement.

    They will announce „f16 completed their first missions“ when its done, like they did with other systems before.

  6. There probably already there and next week we will hear the first targets .

  7. Trolling the Russians, great job. They will arrive, execute and deliver in a way just a few imagined. This is what keeps Putin awake

  8. 1. ⁠Training pilots (who also need to be taught English, mind you, yes, English, the lead Air Force instructor at Arizona State AFROTC DET025 who’s husband is an F16 fighter pilot at Luke Air Force Base and who is teaching the Ukrainians, told me this) from a post USSR country using Soviet era fighter plans takes a looong time.
    2. ⁠You also need to train mechanics as well.
    3. ⁠I agree with you that they should just stop announcing things, don’t ever announce things that way we can keep shit secret if you know what I mean.

  9. werent they supposed to arrive in the end of june? weak show from the west again and again

  10. This is an endless jam for tomorrow that has been going on for 2.5 years.

    > “You couldn’t have it if you *did* want it,” the Queen said. “The rule is, jam to-morrow and jam yesterday – but never jam to-day.”

    > “It *must* come sometimes to ‘jam to-day’,” Alice objected.

    > “No, it can’t,” said the Queen. “It’s jam every *other* day: to-day isn’t any *other* day, you know.”

  11. They are already operating in Ukraine. Picking off radars, AA, and electronic warfare systems.

    Why would they admit to it when it’s working so well.

  12. Yeah yeah. Been about 6 months since we first heard stories about “F16s to be used in Ukraine in 2 weeks”.

    I hope the announcement is gonna be something that actually changes something, instead of just the usual “as little help as we can get away with”.

    My wish is that it’s an announcement that the US is finally gonna commit a small portion of it’s huge fleet of F16s for Ukraine. Start off with announcing that for every Mig or Sukhoi that the Russians destroy in Ukraine, USA will donate 2 F16’s as replacements. Along with enough Patriots to provide a multilayered defense of their airbases.

  13. We are announcing our announcement to make an announcement next week.

    Fuck up until there is something worth saying.

  14. Long range ground attack missiles air launched from Ukraine that hit Putins troll farms.

  15. How about announcing the completion of several fortified subterranean hangars to keep them in…
    This last week or so has me a little concerned for the longevity of such valuable and important equipment, once it eventually arrives in Ukraine.

  16. This fucking shit jesus fucking christ just dunk on that fucking bridge all fucking ready what is taking so goddamn long fuck let’s fucking go soon or I’m going to start demanding free healthcare.

  17. Let me guess: “a new pilot training program starts sometime this fall”.

  18. None of this material should be announced. The Russians should only find out about it when it is used on them.

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