Aileen Cannon stalls Trump case again

Aileen Cannon stalls Trump case again

  1. And she did it on a Saturday. Be honest. Take of your robes Eileen and just wear your damn MAGA shirt.

  2. > On Saturday, Cannon, who is presiding over the case and was appointed to the bench by Trump in 2020, paused a handful of deadlines based on whether or not there should be more briefing on the effect of the Court’s immunity ruling involving the former president.

    These judges need to just trade their robes for team jerseys at this point.

  3. Of course she does. She needs to be charged with obstruction of justice. These are our national secrets for God sake.

  4. Another prime example of why it’s important to vote . It’s not just for the person at the top, it’s the whole circus that comes with them .

  5. Landing this case and not recusing herself will be the worst mistake of her career. She sold her soul to the devil and he will come to collect it.

  6. complete bullshit, the core of this case did not happen when he was in office

  7. I’m worried that we have crossed the event horizon into this right wing authoritarianism that’s been brewing. It seems like they have played the long game and got all their key players in their places.

  8. None of Trump’s actions charged on the documents case occurred while he was in office and therefore nothing in the SCOTUS immunity decision should apply. But that simple logical conclusion is apparently too big a leap for Cannon.

  9. Her name is evocative. I can’t help but think about how prophetic it could be under certain circumstances.

  10. I wonder if anybody could lay a charge of obstruction of justice against her

  11. I’m gonna say what I keep saying. At some point this is on Jack Smith. I mean at some point you’re gonna have to take it to the full circuit and I don’t know what he’s waiting on.

  12. She’s doing a better job than his defense attorney. She’s got a lot to gain.

  13. Donald is a pedophile, a traitor and a rapist, he cannot control his lying, he is nothing but a fascist.
    Sung to the tune of “Pepper” by the Butthole Surfers

  14. This is on the Supreme Court. 

    I hate Cannon, but some of the evidence used was stuff that happened during his time in office. That means it now has to be decided what evidence Smith is allowed to use based on whether or not she thinks the evidence was a part of an “official act” or not. All of her decisions will also be appealed to the 11th, then the SC.

    That SC ruling made it so that they can personally decide what evidence can be used against Trump. 

  15. The only way he ever sees justice is if he loses the election, then they won’t need him any more and they’ll cut him free. The only path now is to vote, encourage others to vote, and make sure he loses.

  16. I wish I could afford a judge. I wouldn’t even know how to exploit the situation. Fuck me running.

  17. If only one of those “second amendment folks” could take care of this.

    I believe Trump suggested similarly for Hillary

  18. Biden should use an “Official Act” to remove her from the case. Just removal from her position nothing else as she was appointed by a president she should be able to be removed by one.

  19. I hope that people are so disgusted with the scotus and GOP that they will vote for a super majority for dems. This would be a clear message that they fucked up and the dems now have a super majority to quash everything scotus and GOP has done. Then the dems should take this opportunity to fix the problem for future generations.

  20. Not only is there no accountability he’s got even odds on becoming dictator.

  21. How TF is it possible for him to have a judge HE appointed on ANY case let alone one of this magnitude!?

    Have we lost our collective mind!? This was a non starter from the beginning and the Left should be bouncing off the dome of the capitol building over this.

  22. It is a travesty that the DOJ has not pulled out every single fucking move to do something about this.

    This of all trumps crimes is the most egregious under the law.

    He is getting a corruption level of special treatment.

    Merrick Garland is weak. He has failed to step into the fray.

  23. >Aileen Cannon stalls Trump case again

    I didn’t realize it was going forward to be stalled again.

  24. *biden and rest of American government allow rogue & paid off judge to keep future dictator free.

  25. You currently have an AntiConstitutional, AntiLaw party with a stranglehold on your Supreme Court and Congress. What does History teach us about this? Well it never ends peacefully, that’s for sure.

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