Mit Blick auf China wollen die Philippinen ihr erstes Angriffs-U-Boot kaufen

Mit Blick auf China wollen die Philippinen ihr erstes Angriffs-U-Boot kaufen

  1. Strategically this is an excellent idea. The Chinese have been flouting their “naval superiority” long enough without a proper counter action. Putting a torpedo in the side of a PLAN ship would probably put the Chinese on their heels a bit

  2. Investing in Asymmetrical Warfare capabilities is a pretty intelligent move. The challenge would be developing a submarine navy culture—and there are only a handful of countries with the expertise, experience, and institutional knowledge to support that.

    Fortunately, one of them is the U.S. which is a Philippine treaty all. However, the U.S. doesn’t operate diesel electric submarines and the Philippines can’t afford a nuclear attack submarine. It’s going to take a lot.

  3. Drone subs with ADCAPS are the future. China would not like that, even though they are probably actively developing drone subs as well.

  4. They should buy drones. Lots of them. It’s to defend home waters so they’ll have the near field advantage while China drags its logistics train across the S. China Sea.

  5. Was this article written by an AI? Feels like every other paragraph is just repeating information. You’ve got two paragraphs back to back that start with “Ironically, China doesn’t give a shit”.

  6. Is this one of those British ones? Canada bought a couple of those and we’ve had nothing but trouble with them. We’ve had to revert to our traditional anti submarine force: 3 Newfies in a fishing boat with cinderblocks covered with dynamite and duct tape.

    (They mock destroyed a US nuclear sub in exercises a few years ago)

  7. The same country that is attacking your navy and preventing it from resupply missions? Yeah smart.

  8. They should copy our strategy here in Australia where our replacement submarines are like that gif of the truck that perpetually never crashes. Coming soon!

  9. Guess you can buy anything on Temu or Alibaba these days… Good for the Philippines, hope they arrive as pictured🤗

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