Die Hamas verliert die Unterstützung der einfachen Menschen im Gazastreifen, die den menschlichen Preis für ihren Krieg zahlen.

Die Hamas verliert die Unterstützung der einfachen Menschen im Gazastreifen, die den menschlichen Preis für ihren Krieg zahlen.


  1. While winning the hearts and minds of people in the west. Make it make sense…

  2. Wait. You’re telling me that terrorists DON’T care about everyday people?

  3. You’re telling me people don’t like being sacrificed for a terrorist organization?

    Since when?

  4. Well considering that Hamas considers the innocent people of Palestine their number two biggest enemy I would say that this is pretty fucking accurate.

  5. Polling seems to show they still support the killing of Jews on October 7…

  6. [PSR’s numbers are dramatically different](https://www.pcpsr.org/en/node/980) from their May 26 – June 1 poll.

    The article claims AWRAD’s polling shows only about a fifth of Gazans support the Oct 7 attacks; PSR’s polling shows 57%.

    The article claims AWRAD’s polling shows only a quarter of Gazans support Hamas; PSR’s polling shows, depending on the question, between a 34% plurality (“if new elections agreed to by all factions are held today…”) and 75% majority (being satisfied with Hamas’ performance in the war), with various other values between: 46% plurality for Hamas to control Gaza; 52% prefer a return of Hamas versus other options; 40% plurality select Hamas among political parties to support. PSR shows that 54% of Gazans prefer armed struggle to negotiations or peaceful resistance, as the “best means of achieving Palestinian goals.”

    Here’s hoping AWRAD is more accurate.

  7. One of two things is happening: 1) Gazans now oppose Hamas because Israel is winning the war. 2) Gazans can now say they oppose Hamas because they feel they will not be beaten/killed by Hamas because Israel is winning the war.

    As a human I hope the answer is #2. If so, I think there can be peace. I just don’t know if it is.

  8. This has as little meaning as discovering most Syrians don’t like assad. None of this matters if the militia class is willing to continue fighting, and if they are willing to continue to asset fear in the population. These guys aren’t committed to the Palestinians they are committed to a political cause spearheaded by a brutal dictator.

  9. It’s taking a while. I guess that’s what happens when you vote for a terrorist organisation as the government.

  10. The government has a responsibility to the people and at some point they have to negotiate for peace even if it means they lose power. If they don’t care about their people at all then they shouldn’t be supported anymore

  11. > “I hope that God will destroy you, Hamas, like you destroyed our children,” she yells in a video captured by NBC News crews in Gaza, her anger palpable, tears streaming down her face. **Her startled companion reaches to cover her mouth, insisting the woman’s teenage son died a martyr as she quickly ushers her away.**

    People like her, who have just had their eyes opened, have always existed. However, she could only express her realization after experiencing such trauma. Most Palestinian Arabs are still under the influence of Islamic hate.

  12. It took until now for people to realize Hamas isn’t acting in their best interest ?

  13. Israel is winning the conflict now. Israel might as well continue the war.

  14. Surely they didn’t mind Hamas opening the war on the 7th.

    Quite the contrary, they celebrated it.  So If this is true, this only comes from a place of frustration for being defeated. 

  15. In the immortal words of the great union general William Tecumseh Sherman ,”If the people raise a great howl against my barbarity and cruelty, I will answer that war is war, and not popularity-seeking. If they want peace, they and their relatives must stop the war” The people of Gaza need to stop backing Hamas

  16. And this is why Israel needs to keep their gas on the pedal and boots on the throats of Hamas.

    You don’t beat terrorists through negotiation or compromise.

    You beat terrorist by making there population more afraid of supporting them than they are afraid of opposing them.

  17. This is good for long term peace and hopefully the trend continues.

  18. My reddit feed sure feels different after Trump said Israel should finish the job during the debate.

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