Russia-Ukraine war: U-turn by Zelensky as he invites Russia for Peace Summit | World At War

Russia-Ukraine war: U-turn by Zelensky as he invites Russia for Peace Summit | World At War

[Music] hello and welcome to this edition of World at War my name is Mohammad s the influx of Western weapons has slowed down but not stopped the Russian war machine and this week the Ukrainian forces announced that they’ve strategically pulled back from parts of the crucial Eastern town of chavar the Pentagon has again pledged another $2.3 billion worth of weapons even as KF awaits the delivery of the much touted F-16 figh Jets this month but the nub of the pro is elsewhere the Western nations are able to flood Ukraine with their weapons but Ukraine’s problems aren’t just limited to military hardware the bigger puzzle that K is finding it really hard to solve is about getting adequate and trained manp power to be fielded onto the battlefield and this perhaps explains why the Ukrainian president Vadim zelinski has made a dramatic U-turn for the first time since the War Began more than two years ago vadir zilinski now wants Russian representatives to be present in the next peace Summit so what does this mean for the Russia Ukraine war that is now dragged on for so long our next report gets you more details these videos captured by the Russian combat drones will give you a glimpse of the Russian strategy at the moment in coordinated Precision strides the Kremlin is taking out the Ukrainian air power but destroying one Ukrainian fighter jet after another even as the fighter jets were in their panger the intelligence for these strikes was gathered by the Russian drones and once the targets were identified Russia is believed have used its escanda missiles with devastating efficiency not only do these strikes expose the gaping holes in Ukraine’s air defense systems but they also indicate the Fate that Waits The much started F-16 figh Jets that are slate to arrive this month where the F-16 fets will be stationed in Ukraine is not clear but the staro costantin of Air Base which is widely suspected to have gotten the facilities ready to house the F16 fight Jets has been repeatedly struck by the Russians using Hypersonic kinel missiles and drone clusters in the last forn the ukrainians are clearly losing the ground and Air contest but in the naval war that is unfolding in the Black Sea KV has managed to destroy almost 25% of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet and this has forced Kremlin to withdraw a number of its combat ready warships from sester pole and anchor them at [Music] novaris I think they should not return there to SLE this is obvious I don’t know what they’re thinking they simply left CLE to retrieve their ships from under Ukrainian fire that’s the main reason as to why they find themselves now in noasis the Ukrainian Defense Forces has fir power control over cast the Ukrainian field hospitals are overwhelmed with the number of injur wounded soldiers are wielded in 24 bar 7 from the front lines there is no clear tally on the number of soldiers who been killed and wounded in this war but according to a document presented in the American Congress the US officials estimate that as many as 120,000 Russian soldiers may have been killed while the Ukrainian death toll is estimated to be over 100,000 and more than 300,000 soldiers of both sides combined are set of sustain some serious injuries the enemy is Insidious and uses any kind of weapon they can whether it be mechanical or chemical everything that is forbidden is being used by Russia chemical agents sh anything really there are things that we take out of soldiers bodies that we can’t explain to ourselves how these things flew into their bodies the Americans would been dragging their feet in providing the ukrainians with the necessary fire power at the beginning of 2024 now look more willing to pump in more weapons into the Ukrainian battle feied and I am proud that the United States will soon announce more than 2.3 billion dollar in new security assistance for Ukraine this package under presidential draw down Authority will provide more air defense interceptors anti-tank weapons and other critical Munitions from us inventories but on the battlefield Ukraine’s problems are no longer about the posi of weapons what Ukraine is struggling with is its ability to field trained soldiers an estimated 27,000 convicts are being released from prisons to fight on the front lines but this is barely scratching the surface of the Ukrainian Manpower problem the only problem we have is the shortage of Manpower ammunition and weapons we have more than enough enough weapons enough of all else just the people we do not have enough people this is some Drone footage of what remains of the strategically crucial Ukrainian city of chavar almost every building here has been reduced to a shell and the Ukrainian forces have announced a strategic Retreat from parts of the city Victor orban’s visit to Moscow was condemned as a appeasement by Ursula wandel with a clear message that appeasement would not stop Putin but in his meeting with Victor Oram Vladimir Putin again insisted that Russia is ready to settle the Ukrainian conflict as for Russia I have repeatedly said that we have always been and remain open to discussing a political and diplomatic settlement however on the other side of the conflict we hear about the reluctance to resolve issues in this particular way and the sponsors of Ukraine continue to try to use this country and its people as a battering ram victim in the confrontation with Russia from the outset of this war backed with the American weapons the Ukrainian president V zinski had B that the only circumstance under which he would negotiate is when every Russian soldier had been evicted from the Ukrainian soil in October 2022 vadir zilinski had in fact signed a decree ruling out any negotiations and going as far as to say that Ukraine will negotiate with Putin’s successor in Kremlin will but much water has since flowed under the bridge and for the first time since this conflict began Vadim zilinski appears to M A uturn inviting Russian representatives to attend the next peace Summit for the Ukrainian War besides his many other problems Joe Biden does not want to appear to be on the losing side in yet another war with the presidential elections just months away in the United States but the question now is how much longer will K be able to fight this war as with each passing week any prospects of outing the Russian soldiers from the Ukrainian soil appear to be getting Bleaker and Bleaker the Turkish police detained nearly about 500 people after anti-syrian riots rocked several cities the spreading unrest was sparked late on the 30th of June in the Central City of kaiseri after social media reports emerged of a Syrian man sexually abusing a child properties and vehicles owned by the syrians were vandalized and set a blaz in Keri and soon afterwards the violence even spread to several other provinces including to Istanbul the alleged incident is under investigation subsequently hundreds of angry syrians took to the streets in several towns in the rebel held Northwestern part of Syria hurling stones in Turkish convoys and tearing down the Turkish Flags the Syrian Border City of Afrin was the scene of the most violent clashes with at least about four people being killed in an exchange of gunfire between armed protesters and the Turkish troops so what actually is happening in this region between turkey and Syria our next report gets more details turkey was rocked on Sunday night after online reports emerged of an alleged sexual abuse of a 7-year-old girl in the central Anatolian city of Kaiser by a Syrian man identified only by his initials as i e infuriated Turkish residents flipped over cars and set Syrian run shops of Blaze demanding that syrians be kicked out of the country the violence soon spread to other provinces of haai gazan Kunia bua and an Istanbul District on Monday Turkish president RB T erdogan while condemning the anti- Syrian violence as unacceptable blamed the political opposition accusing it without providing evidence of stoking racism and tens itions no one can reach anywhere by fueling xenophobia and hate towards refugees one of the reasons for the saddening events caused by a small group in ceri is the opposition’s poisonous discourse no matter who it is burning people’s homes and their relatives engaging in vandalism setting fire to the streets is unacceptable the next day Turkish interior Minister announced arrest of 4 174 people involved in attacks targeting the Sirin Community late on Monday turkey had also closed until further notice bab alhava along with bab Al Salam and other small border crossings the anti-syrian violence in Turkey triggered backlash across the border in several towns in Rebel held Northwest Syria where turkey maintains thousands of troops and as effectively carved out a sphere of influence thereby preventing Syrian president Bashar al-assad from regaining control in retaliatory riots hundreds of Syrian demonstrators some of them armed took to the streets in solidarity with syrians in Turkey this is a message to the Turks as you treat our Syrian Brothers there in turkey and attack their women we will make it equally difficult for you as you condemn us we condemn you an eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth we do not want our country to be ruled by Turks nor by traitors and agents in this country people are free and we will continue to demand Freedom as long as we are alive our demands from Turkey are to respect syrians and stop exploiting them they use syrians to collect donations from Europe and when the European support stopped they started deporting syrians from Turkey now turkey is coordinating with the Assad regime and opening the Abu Al zenin Crossing we do not want this Crossing to be opened more than 3.5 million syrians live in Turkey the highest number in the region initially they were welcomed as refugees but the Civil War erupted in Syria in 2011 most of them are living under temporary protection status and many subsequently became Turkish citizens but anti-refugee sentiment has been rising in Turkey particularly against syrians recently because of the deep economic crisis that has seen soaring inflation the dire state of the economy Rising nationalistic sentiment and waning popularity of erdogan and his party have all contributed to BS of xenophobic violence targeting syrians recently it will be interesting to see how president erdogan deals with this political Minefield Pyongyang claims to have successfully tested a new Tactical ballistic missile that is capable of carrying a 4.5 ton superlarge Warhead on the 1st of July a day earlier solid reported the launch of two ballistic missiles by North Korea adding that the second likely failed soon after its launch blowing up in Flight o land interestingly the North Korean State News Agency the kcna made no mention of the second missile while lating the launch of the first one additionally in a rare disclosure of a future missile launch plan the kcna has said that North Korea’s missile Administration will conduct another launch of the same type of missile this month to test the explosion power of this new superlarge Warhead so how does North Korea’s new superlarge Warhead change the balance of power in the region our next report get you more details North Korea has been relentlessly modernizing its weapons Arsenal to C cope with what it calls us-led [Music] threats on Tuesday it claimed to have successfully tested a new Tactical ballistic missile wasung 411 da 4.5 with a simulated heavy Warhead the test was conducted to verify its flight stability and hitting accuracy at the maximum range of 500 km and minimum range of 90 km interestingly it did not elaborate on the nature of the simulated Warhead where the missile launched from and where it landed in response to the claim the South Korean military said that it appears to be a case of deception regarding North Korea’s news report we are leaning towards the possibility of deception the second missile that flew abnormally appears to have landed in a field where there were no houses nearby also it is extremely rare to carry out a test fire in land but it is highly possible that it was a lie to say it was successful noteworthy is the fact that North Korea did not publicize munday’s tests with photographs unlike during previous such announcements also testing the missiles maximum and minimum ranges suggested it performed two launches [Music] did North Korea deliberately not mention the second missile launch well the South Korean military definitely think so claiming the second missile appeared to have failed in the early stages of flight if one were to go by se’s version that missiles trajectory suggested a possible midair explosion over North Korea which could have led to debris falling on the country the wasang 411 is a series of short range ballistic missiles developed by the north that are also known as k23 and K24 in all likelihood the k23 is the missile that North Korea supplied to Russia to be used in the war against Ukraine on 27th June South Korea Japan and the United States had kicked off three day large scale joint military drills called Freedom Edge involving Navy destroyers fighter jets and the nuclear powerered US aircraft Courier Theodore Roosevelt aimed at boosting defenses against missiles submarines and air attacks on the 30th of June North Korea criticized the joint military exercise dubbing the relationship among the three countries as the Asian version of NATO what’s worrying is that this show of strength from both sides is escalating the already heightened tensions in the Korean Peninsula a misstep and all hell might break loose both sides should do well to exercise some caution at least 32 people have been killed and over 42 others were grievously wounded in a string of suicide attacks in the northeastern Nigerian town of guaza on the 29th of June Saturday’s attacks by suspected femal usde bombers targeted a wedding a hospital and also a funeral it was one of the worst attacks in the region in many years a reminder of the dark days of Nigeria’s long-running struggle with the islamist militants the no group has so far claimed responsibility for the attacks the needle of Suspicion points towards bah Haram who are active around the guaza region so what was the motive behind the multiple suside bombings our next Port gets more details the northeastern Borno State in Nigeria is at the center of a 15-year islamist Insurgency more than 40,000 people have been killed and another 2 million people have been displaced by fighting which started in 2009 suicide attacks including by women have always been part part of the militant modus operandi which reared its ugly head again on Saturday the first attack around 3:00 p.m. took place during a wedding ceremony when a suicide bomber set off explosives among the guests the incident happened at about 300 p.m. at a wedding we were attending when a lady came holding two children’s hands and then we heard the explosion as funeral prayers for the victims of the wedding attack were being conducted another female suicide bomber detonated her device the Carnage continued a few minutes later as a teenage girl near the city’s General Hospital blew up another device I personally lost three of my you know friends um instantly there at that first blast there on afterwards uh some people now started for the funeral of one of the three that I lost at the funeral ground another one also blasted afterwards as the DG SE said um because I spoke with him personally he said they were preparing a rescue mission at the General Hospital goza when another one blasted instantly in the hospital reportedly a fourth suicide attack targeted a security post killing three people including a soldier Nigeria’s vice president kashim shatima paid a visit to the Saturday attacks victims undergoing treatment at a specialist Hospital in mayur capital of The Boro state so far 32 people lost their lives 42 were injured were brought from guza out of them two died so far 14 have been discharged and the remaining 26 are in the hospital by God’s grace the government of Bono state will do its best to ensure its supports and take scar of them B Haram and its Splinter Group Islamic State West Africa Province or iswap are the most active militant groups in the Borno State they aim to establish a caliphate in the northeast of Africa’s most populous nation at the height of the conflict in 2014 Boh Haram insurgents had seized guza after taking over parts of Borno State in the same year 276 mostly Christian School girls were abducted by boo Haram from chuk a few kilometers from guza nearly a hundred of those girls still remain in captivity a year later the Nigerian Army recaptured the town with the help of chadian for forces though the capabilities of the militant group has been dented they still carry out deadly attacks against civilians and security forces Saturday’s audacious and coordinated attacks are yet another Grim reminder of the security challenge being faced by President Bola kbo’s government and without it on this edition of World at War if you want to reach out to me with any comments feedback or suggestions please feel free to do so on the ID that you’re seeing on your screens I’m your host Muhammad s and I’ll see you again next week [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music]

Russian troops surround Chasiv Yar | U-turn by Zelensky as he invites Russia for Peace Summit

Turkiye rocked by anti-Syrian riots over allegations of sexual abuse of a child

North Korea unveils its latest ballistic missile with a ‘Super Large Warhead’

Mohammed Saleh gets you an in-depth analysis of the world’s biggest warzones of the week in #WorldAtWar

#russiaukrainewar #zelensky #worldatwarshorts

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  1. Zelensky you have been fooled by Nato and its allies.this war should not have happened at the first place,So much detructed😒😒😒😒

  2. 2.3 billion from US under jb 🀬 jb should have been impeached years ago! None of this war would have happened! Its not the US's buisness!

  3. The reality is absolutely clear that the USA wants to continue with war because it has sinister and insidious desires to weaken Russia.The USA'S weapon industry is making a great deal of money.

  4. It is now too late for Ukraine to try and seek for peace talk coz it refused 3 peace talks offered by Russia. The USA and NATO forced Zelensky not to accept Russia's peace talk offers. Now they are pressuring Zelensky to call for peace talks. Sorry Zelensky – it is too late now because: first, Russia will not accept your peace talk offer; second Ukraine has lost more than 500, 000 soldiers; 3- Ukraine is now wrecked beyond recognition.

  5. Ukraine is on the edge of default. They need workers to rebuild economy starting ASAP, while workers are dying, or being crippled on the front, or hiding to avoid conscription, or leaving country without any wishes to go back.

  6. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚Zelensky cannot invite anybody to peace talks because he has no more legal power. Also Ukraine already has broken the Minsk peace agreements which raises the question whether they are contractable at all. And at least Putin cannot take part in the peace talks because of the arrest warrant of the International Comedy Court.

  7. President Zelensky, thanks for showing courage now to invite Russia for a peace talk. It will be very important to find a permanent,lasting peace for all Ukrainians so they can live in peace with all NATO countries on one side and Russians and its allies on another side. We all can't wait to see Ukraine having absolute peace!

  8. You listened to NATO and US. This is what you will get. They are just supplying weapons, but Ukraine are the one who suffered. Is Zelensky really protecting his country, or is he just US, NATO puppet. 2024 peace is the best solution.

  9. Russia should NOT hold these peace talk with ukraine because Ukrainians are being used as a test dummies for the west and their weapons. Ukrainians should be upset at the west and not at russia.

  10. The U-turn man! He wanted peace at Minsk and then turned away, he wanted peace at Istanbul and then turned awa. Now after so much destruction, loss of territory, over 100,000 dead, he wants peace again.

  11. what I know about West Country and American are not serious in any way to stand with Ukraine. that's why most African countries are hating western. they never be serious

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