What’s the purpose of these in 2024? (wrong answers only)

I'll start

  • a safe space for London's introverts to escape from large crowds of tourists

by Low_Union_7178

  1. For tourists to take pictures in.

    For a bit of sound dampening while you’re taking a call on your mobile

    and to get out of the rain.

  2. The ones at parliament square can generate queues of tourists taking photos

    So they are magic boxes now

  3. Urinal and also it’s quite funny seeing tourists trying to cope with the smell of piss just for an Instagram post.

  4. Visitors entrance to the Ministry of Magic.

    At least the ones off Whitehall are. No idea why there’s one on Kingsway.

  5. Just turn them all into urinals – would be an amazing forward thinking facility.

  6. People don’t understand the ‘wrong answers only’ prompt.

    It’s obvious that it’s for making phone calls after finding the number you want in the Yellow Pages.

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