Russia may withdraw its troops from Ukraine by September this year

Russia May withdraw its troops from Ukraine by September this year UN General Assembly president Dennis Francis expressed hope that Russia will decide to withdraw its troops from Ukraine by September this year we hope that the Russian authorities will decide to withdraw their troops from Ukraine by September this year or sooner but based on what we have seen there is no guarantee that this will happen this will remain a priority issue Francis said earlier Russian President Vladimir Putin during a meeting with the leadership of the Russian foreign Ministry named the conditions for negotiations on the settlement of the Ukrainian conflict according to him Ukraine must completely withdraw its troops from the territory of the donet and lugansk as well as the zapia and kerson regions after which the Russian side will be ready to begin negotiations in addition Ukraine must officially notify about the abandonment of plans to join NATO Moscow needs neutral and non-nuclear status of give as well as its denazification and demilitarization at the same time we are talking about a complete end to the conflict not about its freezing The us-based Institute for the study of War reported that Vladimir Putin has explicitly rejected Russian participation in meaningful ceasefire negotiations for Ukraine instead demanding Ukraine’s irreversible demilitarization as a precondition according to the isw this stance effectively calls for Ukraine’s surrender before any ceasefire agreement can be reached at the Shanghai cooperation organization Summit in aana Kazakhstan Putin commented on the prospects of a negotiated ceasefire in Ukraine the isw notes that instead of his typical feigned interest in such negotiations Putin outright rejected any ceasefire negotiation process the report highlights that Putin has dismissed all potential mediators for an agreement between Ukraine and Russia including Western parties he had previously portrayed as his envisioned negotiating Partners Putin’s primary demand as reported by the isw is Ukraine’s demilitarization as a prerequisite for any ceasefire agreement the Russian president insists that these measures must be irreversible arguing that Russia cannot allow the Ukrainian military to use a ceasefire to reconstitute its forces the report suggests that Putin’s rejection of any ceasefire agreement short of Ukrainian capitulation indicates his confidence in Russia’s ability to achieve victory through continued advances in Ukraine outlasting Western support and winning a war of attrition against Ukrainian forces Russian troops surrendering to ukrainians soldiers ignore orders of commanders new evidence has emerged that Russian troops are surrendering rather than obeying the Canon fodder orders of Vladimir Putin’s commanders according to the mirror tabloid according to the publication a picture shows Russian soldiers stripped to their underwear blindfolded and with their hands bound near oero in the detet region Ukrainian journalist Denise kazanski reported a group of Invaders refused to die in one of these cannon fodder assaults and surrendered the mirror says that Russian soldiers have started a new wave of protest videos to Putin over commanders insisting on throwing injured men back into fresh assaults despite heavy losses two brothers evi and Igor valov told Putin they were ordered to make a fresh attack on vchan despite being wounded everyone got wounded someone ran away evgheni told the president in a video message I don’t know their fate perhaps wounded perhaps killed my brother and I were wounded he pleaded we managed to give ourselves first aid and get out into the woods the commander says that tomorrow we must go again and storm vens but in what condition are we going to go everything hurts we are all wounded and we just don’t have any strength I appeal to the military prosecutor’s office to the president of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin why send such people all wounded and exhausted into battle it’s just to send them to their deaths the mirror says that footage of mutilated soldiers sent back to battle was too much for prominent pro-war blogger Anastasia karova I can’t watch our men die on crutches and remain silent she said the ukrainians would enjoy Joy the images of Putin sending cripples into battle she made clear she demanded men on crutches and plastered limbs what will they do on the front line she blamed Russian commanders for sending back the troops against doctor’s advice the walking wounded from the 26th armored regiment 47th division pleaded more than 50 of us arrived from hospitals the remnants of three companies our Command is sending us in groups to combat missions but everyone here requires surgery and hospital treatment the documents we were given in the hospitals clearly state that we should be given leave due to wounds we need further treatment and Rehabilitation none of this is fulfilled on the contrary wounded servicemen are sent on combat missions

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UN General Assembly President Dennis Francis expressed hope that Russia will decide to withdraw its troops from Ukraine by September this year.
“We hope that the Russian authorities will decide to withdraw their troops from Ukraine by September this year or sooner, but based on what we have seen, there is no guarantee that this will happen. This will remain a priority issue,”.Francis said.
Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin, during a meeting with the leadership of the Russian Foreign Ministry, named the conditions for negotiations on the settlement of the Ukrainian conflict. According to him, Ukraine must completely withdraw its troops from the territory of the Donetsk and Lugansk, as well as the Zaporizhia and Kherson regions, after which the Russian side will be ready to begin negotiations.
In addition, Ukraine must officially notify about the abandonment of plans to join NATO. Moscow needs neutral and non-nuclear status of Kyiv, as well as its denazification and demilitarization. At the same time, we are talking about a complete end to the conflict, not about its freezing.
The US-based Institute for the Study of War reported that Vladimir Putin has explicitly rejected Russian participation in meaningful ceasefire negotiations for Ukraine, instead demanding Ukraine’s “irreversible” “demilitarization” as a precondition.
According to the ISW, this stance effectively calls for Ukraine’s surrender before any ceasefire agreement can be reached.
At the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit in Astana, Kazakhstan, Putin commented on the prospects of a negotiated ceasefire in Ukraine. The ISW notes that instead of his typical “feigned interest” in such negotiations, Putin “outright rejected any ceasefire negotiation process.”
The report highlights that Putin has dismissed all potential mediators for an agreement between Ukraine and Russia, including Western parties he had previously portrayed as his envisioned negotiating partners.
Putin’s primary demand, as reported by the ISW, is Ukraine’s “demilitarization” as a prerequisite for any ceasefire agreement. The Russian president insists that these measures be “irreversible,” arguing that Russia cannot allow the Ukrainian military to use a ceasefire to reconstitute its forces. The report suggests that Putin’s rejection of any ceasefire agreement short of Ukrainian capitulation indicates his confidence in Russia’s ability to achieve victory through continued advances in Ukraine, outlasting Western support, and winning a war of attrition against Ukrainian forces. – click here and support Kanal13 monthly for distributing more videos and independent journalism &
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Tags: #Ukriane, #Russia, #Putin, #Putler, #Russian invasion of Ukraine, #Zelenski, #Kiev, #Kyiv, #Kadirov army, #Kadirov, #Kherson, #Bucha, #Kharkiv, #Ukrainian pilots, #vagners, #Russian tanks, #NATO, #drones, #Moscow, #Kreml, #war victims #Ukraina, News, The Washington Post, waPo Video, Washington Post Video, Washington Post YouTube, a:politics, aid, biden, putin, s:Politics, support, t:Other, Ukraine, war, fact check, news coverage, Donald Trump, news, wp video, forbes, nytimes, newspaper, media, journalism, Ilham Aliyev, Baku, Azerbaijan, Israel, Gaza, Palestine, Tel-Aviv, Garabag, Karabakh, football, ronaldo, messi, brian tyler cohen

  1. Remember all the tools that kept repeating "we need ceasefire with Putler" – now they see what this "ceasefire" looks like – complete Ukrainian surrender 🤡
    Never get baited by these tools again.

  2. I wonder how many idiots believe in this news ? In just a week , the Russian army has liberated 9 settlements and continues its offensive , there is hysteria in Ukraine , men are being forced into trenches , and here is some kind of alternative , fantastic world !

  3. Lmao so all Putin wants is for Ukraine to abandon its defensive positions and disband its military and Ruzzia will start talking? At that point what can they talk about? It will just be Ruzzia demanding things of Kyiv and if the Ukrainians refuse Ruzzia will take over the rest of Ukraine because Ukraine has no military to defend itself? This is not a legitimate precondition. How about this? Ruzzia will remove its troops from Ukraine entirely, return Ukraine to its 1991 borders, pay reparations to Ukraine equal to the amount required to rebuild Mariupol, Bahkmut and Avdihvka, as well as an amount equal to all the damage caused throughout Ukraine. Pay pensions to all families of slain Ukrainian soldiers and agree to allow Ukraine to immediately join NATO. In addition Putin must step down from his position in the Russian federation and turn himself over to the ICC to stand trial for war crimes.

  4. Imagine being so vain, so pathetic, that you insist upon your neighboring nations having only tiny militaries, no nuclear weapons at all, and no alliances that are not of your choosing. SAD! Time for you to go sleepy weepy, Putin.

  5. this war is killing every uke, uke being a russian dialect. joe biden blackmailed ukes boasting on national tv that he said no billion dollars unless you fire the country's prosecutor general who was investigating an oil company 'burisma', for corruption, , but joe's son hunter ha taken tens of millions in bribes from burisma, exactly for this reason, to block any investigation/ prosecution for its systemic corruption. pedo biden also covers. for countless child sex trafficking rings in uke, and 20 or 30 US biological weapons labs like cvd19, many genetic target like effect on ukes DNA

  6. trump and putin WILL DESTROY THE ENTIRE WORLD.

  7. Maybe Russian withdrawal from Syria, Moldova, Georgia and the Chechen Republic should be a pre-condition to Ukraine agreeing to have discussions with a Russian diplomat.

  8. Are you kidding me? Russia abandoning ukrainian territory is easier God comes from the heaven for participating a match of poker… with a huge cigarette at his lips…

  9. In South Africa we say" Moenie kak praat" which means "dont talk sh!t" Putin and his troops aint going nowhere until the West helps Ukraine to force them out. Slava Ukraine!

  10. Japan 1904,Poland 1939, Finland 1939-40, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania 1940,Hungary 1956,Czechoslovakia 1968, Afghanistan 1979, Moldova Transnistria 1991,Chechnya 1999, Georgia 2008, Crimea 2014, Ukraine 2022.

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