Kroos’ book preferences meme wasn’t a meme?

Kroos’ book preferences meme wasn’t a meme?

by Swatieson

  1. To be honest if I was rich football player then I also would retire somewhere on a Mediterranean beach and not at the Baltic Sea. 

  2. It is constantly present. Especially in the evening at 11 p.m. in a large German city.

  3. It’s very telling (in other german subs) that people only grant footballers or other athletes the authority to express their opinions, if these opinions suit the person in question and if not, the athlete is denied any knowledge, they are denigrated and told to “stick to their guns”. He just doesnt want his daughter to be enriched by the dune people; all power to him but dont you dare talking about the problem.

  4. Also we Spaniards know, after the last match, how he can kick our ass if we try something with her daughter.

  5. Guy is 34, has a 7 years old daughter. The fuck should she do alone in a city at 23:00?

  6. The multi-millionaire who has lived in a gated community since he was about 15 who has only actually ever been to madrid twice and hasn’t been to a german city in probably 10 years is probably not the best person to judge these sorts of things

  7. He’s been here more than a decade, I’m pretty sure his family is settled here, friends, schools and what not. Also, if you have money, every place is nice, but Spain is nicier than Germany.

    That without considering the political statement he’s mentioning. Spain is 20 years behind Europe in the inmigration debate, and Madrid is full of Robmanians and Panchitos, and besides some Latin Gangs, is not a troublesome bunch for the most part. And that comes fron someone who wouldn’t move to Madrid even if I get double my pay.

  8. People who were for mass immigration after they realized it doesn’t work (they have enough money to leave the mess they made):

  9. Spaniards will say the same thing about wandering downtown Madrid at 11pm,

    “It’s not like 10 years ago”

  10. Well he might be right, but it’s a bit weird because weeks ago he said that he lives in a gated community and he or his wife never visits Madrid.

  11. It is curious how he sees migrants in Germany “constantly present” but doesn’t realize that, in Spain, he and his daughter are also immigrants (who probably doesn’t want to learn the language or culture either). And, yes… we can talk about the obvious differences, but it sounds very German of him.

  12. The dude is 35 years old. His daughter is 8!

    No shit he wouldn’t let his daughter go out at 11pm. Who in their right mind would.

    This is just such an irritating take all around. And an unnecessary one from someone who lived in Madrid for the last 10 years of his life. His whole adult life before that he played at Bayern Munich(and for one season in leverkusen). I doubt he has ever seen a night out in a German city outside the comfortness of his football bubble knowing how protective clubs are of their talent.

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