DoD LEAK: 1 in Every 250 Russian Men KILLED in Ukraine!

DoD LEAK: 1 in Every 250 Russian Men KILLED in Ukraine!

according to leaked documents from the Department of Defense obtained by The Economist a staggering number of Russian men have been killed in the conflict in Ukraine up to one in every 250 men are casualties of the Ukraine war just what does this mean for Russia and for the West I’m Paul US Army Combat veteran let’s talk about all of it okay this is completely insane to me uh so this is a the original leak was from The Economist right and the economist is notable because it’s one of the uh it’s actually one of the news magazines or news Publications with whose readers have the highest net worth it’s like The Economist and the financial times um and so these are people who demand generally very very good reporting there is no clickbait in The Economist uh people like even J JP Morgan CEO J D Jamie Diamond is like I love The Economist um and so it’s an incredibly uh well reasoned well-written and well researched publication that doesn’t mean they don’t get it wrong sometimes right nobody’s perfect but this is not clickbait right and this is something that you should re this is one of the top tier uh source of information so when they say because here’s the thing they got these documents from the dod that were leaked to them um but they couldn’t put the documents themselves in that’s actually illegal so instead they put in their analysis right and they published though four charts of their analysis showing first off that the dod estimates between 400,000 450,000 and 700,000 Russian soldiers have been killed or wounded in Ukraine right based on leaked documents from the US DOD as well as official and unofficial sources so there one chart here actually really illustrates it well where they say listen this seems about right because as you guys know as time has gone on right the number of casualties has increased the red represents killed and multiply the number of killed by four to get to the total casualty number that we are sort of expecting and so you can see here that the most recent numbers of course as the war has gone on more Russians have been killed right none of them are coming back and you can see that media Zona um the opposition Outlet in Russia as well as BBC Russia are estimating something in the 113,000 range um again media zon is high range about 140k but you can see when you multiply right 130,000 times four right because one casualty and three wounded you multiply by four this is how math works you get 500,000 so comfortably inside the estimates right UK mod putting out about 500k as well as other sources so this to me is strongly indicative that this is uh the real casualty number and you can see based on some of these charts here again from these leak DOD documents as well as mediaa and medus Medusa um that Russian casualties right actually reached uh were were much lower during the Ukrainian counter offensive when Russia was focused on defensive operations but now that they’ve pivoted back to the offense particularly with their new high casualty strategy they have begun to really take a lot of losses you can see in belard especially right once they took a diva they said listen we’re going to put keep pushing as hard as we can and taking massive casualties in a push in belard uh kind of a one-w punch but you can see here this is also part of their detet offensive Russian forces are just incurring huge casualty numbers and don’t get me wrong it’s achieving Putin’s objective which itself is kind of crazy but here’s where the numbers but we’re going to talk about the craziest number of all but first I wanted to talk about if you want to support this channel you guys know that it’s an election year and YouTube they it’s not a secret that they have a stance right they have a a particular set of feelings that they want to push a narrative they want to push and I as somebody who talks about the reality of this conflict on the ground uh sometimes it feels like I kind of go against that and so I’ve gotten fewer 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colonel tier members so if you want to support man go to combat become a member the link is in the description and it really you’re making a huge difference to me and you’re making sure that we can continue to put out this real information here about the conflict now this is the most absurd part of this whole thing here is a chart from The Economist of the Russian soldiers of Ukraine by a AG group estimates plotted as a percentage of male population now again it says media Zona media and un this level of sophistication more likely to be uh vetted or or or at least informed as well by the dod analysis but here’s the Absurd thing one note that basically if you’re over 25 you’re Russia M over 25 they’re recruited in equal measure all the way up to men in their late 40s but look at this .4% sometimes up to 05% of a popul of their population has been killed killed in Ukraine right now what does that mean it sounds like small it’s 410 of a percent it’s very small but not when you’re talking about a whole country because look 0.4% right is four out of every thousand men or one in every 250 Russian men have died not been wounded died in Ukraine that is insane guys and this is a country who already has a demographic crisis this is when you have that scale of of death in a country particularly concentrated just in one gender what you’re looking at is a a absolute Panic level crisis right and that number is only going to rise because again it’s it’s a downward spiral think about it 2 years ago let’s say how what how many of the soldiers killed in the first month of the war right young Russian men young fit Russian men how many of them if this war hadn’t happened would have had kids right would have some at some point reproduced in the next subsequent two years right so then you take those numbers and you realize it becomes a a compounding damaging uh uh effect right now obviously it won’t show up in the next three years but what’s going to happen is Russia which has one of the lowest rates of fertility of reproduction in the entire Western world is going to have an even bigger crisis now here’s the other thing despite this absolutely absurd casualty rate right actually the article says that about 2% of all Russian men this is even crazier age 20 to 50 may have either been killed or grievously wounded in Ukraine that’s one in 50 guys one in 50 Russian men killed or grievously wounded in this war we’ve seen how Russia treats its wounded and so this is absurd but what’s more absurd is Russia continues to bring in 25 to 30,000 new soldiers a month this means that Russia still has sources without doing a general draft to offset these losses and guys if you’re fun this is a fundamental re-evaluation of the Ukraine conflict and the West in general right because here’s the thing the West was like listen the Russian military only has so many combat troops you kill all the combat troops and the war ends you win and so we gave them weapon Ukraine did it Ukraine wiped out an entire Russian army and then Russia just got a new one and they sent them into the fight and they said okay well Russia’s fighting with its Reserve now wipe it out they wiped it out now Russia is fighting we just Rand dudes just pulling men military age men or men in their late 40s depending on your perspective of military age and Ukraine is wiping these guys out and Ukraine’s getting better at it that’s the thing Ukraine is getting better at killing Russians but the Russians are getting even better at recruiting but again now they’re running up against a fundamental demographic crisis right when you’re talking about one in 50 Russian men who’ve been wounded in this war or killed it’s only going to get worse and as it gets worse and worse and worse you know one it’s going to become very un popular more and more families are going to have this be unable to ignore this war right because it’s coming home more and more and this is a brewing problem for someone like Putin but he finally feels like he has a road a route to Victory you can see here Russian forces advancing in easily half a dozen different locations and they’re only being pushed back near H boka near harke somewhere Russia’s kind of said we’re going to abandon and so it is both like it it’s working that’s the insane thing right no one thought that you Russia would be willing to incur this level of casualties for a war like this and no one expected this strategy of trading your military-aged men and their lives for a couple of yards of dirt would be sustainable again you have to think that for Russia like these numbers this is the these numbers are like this is the equivalent of a 911 scale attack every single day on a multiple days a week like it’s insane Putin’s apathy towards his people is insane and unfortunately this is somebody who is obsessed with Russia’s Legacy and Russia’s rise and Russia’s desired for Empire and ultimately he just has this fixation on yards of dirt when what he should be fixating on in the modern world an Empire isn’t about the dirt that you control Russia has like 20% of the world’s land mass at Baseline it’s about the people and their product ity right it’s about the ability you know to like why can’t Russia have a Silicon Valley right where’s Russia’s Tech Hub and this kind of thing is a reflection of Putin’s Antiquated thinking but this is what happens when you have megalomaniacs who are in their late 70s and early 80s running your countries you end up with this kind of just completely medieval thinking anyway guys that’s all I had a huge thank you to the tier members including Cameron wheeler William Tell Eugene qua Makoto Mason Anonymous Don Mossman citronics awesome cyon Citron X Citron X Bill DWI Doug Beck H young France zakarius Mark and James Porsche be sure to like the video uh And subscribe to the channel really when you hit subscribe it makes a difference and I will see you guys in the next one cheers

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  1. All dictators have the fatalist perspective. "après moi, le déluge" Putin, like Hitler, feels he is the only one to lead. If Russia fails, it's their fault not his.

  2. Paul, Stop fooling yourself. The Ukrainians are losing close to the same percentage of men in proportion to their population as the Russians are. The number of casualties for either side does not make a difference in who will win this war. A war, by the way, which might very well result in the end of either Russia or Ukraine in their current form. The only thing which will determine which country wins this war is the number and sophistication of weapons that either side has, as well as the ingenuity in tactics and strategy that both sides employ. By the standards of the Russian Civil War or WW2 the casualties of either side in this conflict are manageable. Sorry Paul, you do not understand that the Slavic peoples of this general region are much tougher than the people of the US. Only in the Civil War did the US see casualties that are similar to what we see in this war. Paul, you need to learn more history. Neither Putin or Zelensky are going to stop this war based on the level of casualties of their nations. Total victory is the only thing that either of them cares about.

  3. Right. "No missiles" , "they have only shovels" , "they will run from Leopard"…. War propaganda. 1/250 is 4 tenths of one percent so if "men" is military age only that is about 120,000 KIA. That isn't actually crazy and since Ukraine has 500,000 KIA I'm sure Russia will take the "W" with those losses

  4. Russia doesn't mind demographic crises. They have one due to the lost generations of two world wars, and that doesn't deter them from getting into wars of attrition like this where they think they have an advantage because they still operate on the belief that they can just throw meat at the problem until their enemy's gears jam. Short-term, that's true. Russia has several times the population of Ukraine. They can afford to dogpile Ukraine and achieve their objectives.

    It's just that future generations will pay for it when Russia lurches from demographic crisis to demographic crisis because they keep taking chunks out of their generations with these wars that cost them masses and masses of young men who really need to be raising their own families instead of destroying the families of others.

    And China's just sitting there; starved of resources, with more people than they know what to do with, staring at the untapped potential of Siberia.

    Russia is selling its future to buy a small piece of its nostalgic past. If you don't live in Russia, that's a good thing.

  5. These are guys from far away lands, nobody in big cities as Moscow or St Petersburg gives a shit…..the problem will be when these city dwellers are called up

  6. Do Russians take a perverse pride in the casualty numbers? I can't believe that if the Russians knew the real extent of this, they'd take to the streets for real. Anywhere else would, I'm sure.

  7. If we are speaking about demographics, an estimated 1 million Russians fled the country to avoid mobilization. They weren't just the economically mobile section of their population, they are going to be mostly men and child bearing age couples.

    Russia's population on its current trajectory is cooked. If he keeps on like this, he'll have his empire, but no one to pass it on to.

  8. Biden is older than Trump but a complete man of and fore the people BUT Trump will be the American Putin ! how disturbing is that im very worried for the worlds future because the American economy will go down the toilet and china and Russia will play trump like a fiddle!

  9. if you know more about russia politics and how it acts, life there means nothing! russians if they get victory and if there was no high casualty its ot a win. Theyr idea for woman make more kids and soldiers so what it would be not as hard to loose couple or more kids. ANd these words from theyr own church. russian life is to live to later go to war and die

  10. Multiplying by four to get an idea of general casualties may not be applicable to this one. Because we've seen a LOT of instances in which people are simply left lying in the field or outright… "removed from the planet" by their own officers or "comrades". The amount of people they take back to be taken care of is likely shockingly low.

  11. I don't like how the Economist called this conflict "Ukraine's War".
    They should call it "The Russian War of Aggression Against Ukraine and Western Interest"

  12. Battlefield losses in a fascist dictatorship (mass movement around a strong Leader figure=Mussolini/Hitler/Stalin ) do not count that much to cause an uprising.
    So, rookie numbers here .

  13. The funny part of this information war is that nobody talks about Ukrainian losses despite them being the ones with man power shortage and are now resorting to throwing conscripts and reservists at the hottest parts of the frontline 😂

  14. While it would be ideal for Ukraine to win – for Europe boxing in Russia geopolitically as well as gaining access to the very assets they lost (LNG,PETROLEUM AND ITS BY PRODUCTS AS WELL AS FERTILIZERS AND AGRICULTURE), would allow the EU to perhaps survive their own demographic challenges. But from the US perspective the main goal is, and has always been, to degrade Russia’s combat effectiveness so that any thought of future aggression against NATO itself would be impossible.

  15. There is a youtube press site/blog with contact info with contact if you all have not reached out already.
    Get airwave-rated or whatever buying relatively cheap public broadcast channel timeslot somewhere?

  16. Oh yes it's totally about controlling people, not territory. Russia already owns about 11% of the world's land mass, being the largest percentage of any country.

  17. We have seen Korean and Chinese troops recently, so Putin’s recent trip was a recruiting drive in addition to procurement of weapons.

    Russia seems ill-equipped to fight in the new kind of war which Ukraine is becoming very good at.

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