Legislative Election 2nd Round Result of France July 7th, 2024 seats in Parliament

Legislative Election 2nd Round Result of France July 7th, 2024 seats in Parliament


by UpgradedSiera6666

  1. After all the predictions of a far right resurgence who would predict the far left taking power. UK, Germany and France having center left – far left taking power

  2. That’s what I was hoping for but honestly didn’t expect. Thank you France! Greetings from Germany.

  3. That is still a lot of support for far right. I would not call that an amazing result

  4. So majority of the vote is Far-Right or Far-Left? Is that supposed to be a good thing.

  5. Wow the France is saved for the next 4 years, I’m kinda concerned what happens afterwards. Do you think far right reached maximum saturation, or there’s still plenty of space to rise within following years?

  6. Media is pushing far-right and trying to whitewash it but those attempts are failing.

  7. An honest question: what can they now do to pull ppl from far right to centre/left? Or this is going to be a common recurrence?

  8. Didn’t think I’d ever say this, but I have gained some respect for the French

  9. I don’t really see this as a win – just another round of let’s merge every party left of the right wing party so we will win. Until they don’t.

    I personally think it’s better for centrist parties to look for a coalition with left and right wing parties and stay in power that way instead of decimating the center to end up in a two party extremes kind of state.

    Because at some point people want a conservative right wing party. It will happen, and when everyone merged and there is only the far right left, they are going to get it.

  10. Really nice turn of event. I imagine Putin being disappointed and it makes everything better.

  11. Currently: RN leading with 119 followed by left 104, Macron’s coalition 103, Republicans 36, Ind right 15, Ind left 8

  12. Not sure why this is worth celebrating because France is obviously 2 years of bad economy away from going completely Nazi and Macaroon’s policies are guaranteed to not save the situation or whatsoever. Aint they almost doubling their seats from the last election?

  13. A far right group ends up with more seats than ever. Macron’s party has lost quite a few seats. The largest block is an alliance which will likely be fragile…..and all of this was only possible after 200 candidates withdrew to stop vote splits. Was that the plan?

  14. Macron can now flood France with more illegals and higher crime rates

  15. I thought this was far-right summer where the fascists at lmfaoooo

    Labour won a landslide by the most boring and centrist campaign imaginable. NFP and ENS ganged up to put RN on 3rd place yet again. Even outside Europe Iran has elected a reformist president while every other candidate and ex-president was a conservative.

  16. The fact so many people went to vote hinted that the left would score well but this is big.

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