‘World War III…’: Top NATO Leader’s Shocker After Meeting Putin On Ukraine War | Watch

‘World War III…’: Top NATO Leader’s Shocker After Meeting Putin On Ukraine War | Watch

Turkey President Erdogan lambasted Western elements for their hidden desire to spark world war 3. Erdogan alleged that Ukraine and its Western backers are not seeking de-escalation and rejecting peace proposals by Russian President Putin. Erdogan blamed the western arms manufacturers for their hidden agenda as west continues to funnel military aid to Ukraine. Watch.

#NATO #erdogan #putin #ukraine #ukrainewar #zelensky #joebiden #turkey

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  1. An OWN Opinion ONLY. Oh Yes Sir, While the Civilian People of the West & Europe Talks, Seeks, In Need of Freedom, Liberty and PEACE showed by Demonstrating, Protesting and rallying Publicly. THE Western & European LEADERS are still BUSY with their Political and Personal INTEREST and with Wars, Conflicts and Crisis by THEM supporting it and even SPENDING Millions BILLIONS worth of MONEY Weapons Ammo Military Hardwares and Personnel's. So very very very VERY SORRY JUST SAYING ONLY based on News Media REPORTS. Good luck GOD BLESS ALL. Ty…….

  2. An all-out nuclear war is as inevitable as night and day,as prophesied in the Book of Revelation. And these warmongers are hoping that it is sooner than later.

  3. The west have been planning ever since, by maintaining NATO, erecting bases and missles towards Russia. Even enticing Russia's neighnors to join their alliance. Now, who'se the evil here ?

  4. Erdogan would be more trustworthy if he would help his Muslim brothers and sisters amid the ongoing occupation with horrific and nazi-like genocide.

  5. As a American I don't see any reason my tax Dollars should be leaving America or funding illegals that can walk across our border but we have Globalist making rules and idiots voting for them.

  6. The IS is under Zionist control from Israel and don’t want peace in Ukraine nor Palestine – Gaza Lebanon Iran Iraq Syria Yemen Egypt Serbia Russia Belarus and so forth. Muslims and gentiles

  7. France is trusting Madame Le Pen to take the necessary steps to put a stop to this pointless regional war, that has been to the real detriment of the Ukrainian people, only intended to serve the long term future financial goals of foreign investors…

    Comedy president Zelenska needs to call for a general election in Ukraine. The fact that he does not, shows he is afraid of losing, knowing full well that the Ukrainian people have been reduced to piggy-in-the-middle status in an appalling tug-of-war between NATO and neighbouring Russia to the economic detriment of Europe and to the detriment of world peace…

    When all is said and done, Zelenska will be remembered in history as a leader who condoned the genocide of his own people in a war initiative against Russia, provoked and intended to fill the pockets of a wealthy elite without scruple or conscience, further down the line

  8. Are the west so stupid to risk the distraction of the world as we know it for a piece of Ukraine that is mostly populated by Russian speaking people to begin with anyway??????

  9. WWIII plans that were destroyed after I didn't die of NATO poison and Ancient Gods' Army appeared on the sky. Their Great Parades were appeared on news like "Elon Musk shining satellites flying in row 😂". Since then I fight against them ALL ALONE.

  10. 13.07.2023 Report of retired Swiss Intelligence Colonel and NATO Long-term Officer, as Military Expert on the Warsaw Pact Countries Jacques Bo (Jacques Baud). Jacques wrote a book about Russian President Vladimir Putin. It became a bestseller in France and has now also been published in Germany in German and in Germany also became a bestseller. The report consists of information that Jacques Beau gathered during the writing of the book.

    36. Pleisweiler Gespräch mit Jacques …

    Putin: Game Master? – Essais – documents Kindle Edition / by Jacques Baud (Author)

  11. One has to question the accuracy of the reporting from The Times of India. Interesting that they dont show any actual footage of Erdogan saying what is reported in this story. It is so easy to fool some of the people all of the time.
    With this report of Erdogan and if you include the actions of Orban from Hungary, it is like them offering the murdering thief who has broken into your house to kill your parents and steal your family heirlooms, free use of the main bedroom for as long as they need to finish of the job, and also give them free access to the family's bank accounts.
    One only has to ask how these leaders would respond if it was their countries being invaded by the murderers; and if it was the same as what they are suggesting happen to Ukraine then you have to question why these shallow men hold the positions they currently do in their respective countries.
    Apologists for dictators usually get what they deserve, so hopefully some time in the future these man have to pay for their siding with the thief and murderer from Ruzzia.
    Slava Ukraini !!

  12. Turkey said F*** Europe… they are collapsing anyways…. That's why they want WW3… WAR=PROFIT=$$$$…. Wtihout war Europe will colapse..>! THEY NEED THIS!

  13. The Western cowards are all hiding behind Ukraine as they are using it as a front unashamedly. President Putin defeats them all anyway. Their evil schemes won't prosper to serve their greedy interests.

  14. Пропаганда и ложь. Запад не нападал на Украину, Путин хороший лжец
    Propaganda and lies. The West did not attack Ukraine Putin's a good liar.

  15. Anyone paying attention to more than what the US government-owned main stream media gaslights you with, knows who the real terrorists are and needs to look no further that the countries under the control of the MIC and World Bank.

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