French election 2024 live: exit poll shows shock win for left-green alliance as far right falls to third

French election 2024 live: exit poll shows shock win for left-green alliance as far right falls to third

by GalaadJoachim

  1. I’m happy to be able to share with y’all that my country will not let hate win, this is a win for french people as it is for Europe. I’m relieved like never before.

    Thanks to all the people that fought for it those past few weeks, thanks for the people of r/Europe also for the support during those times.

    Vive la liberté, l’égalité et la fraternité.

  2. I’m so happy for Europe as well as for the people of France! This will surely give fuel not only to the left leaning movement in France but to the left-wing movement in Europe at large.

  3. Vive la France! The country that is one of the great founders of western civilization still is great!

  4. Sure , celebrate tonight but don’t forget what really couldve been.
    They should be working on action to make sure something like this never happens again . This was the ultimate warning shot to the left.

  5. As a Dutch person, this is actually a relief! I’m slowly starting to hope that Europe may not be headed towards right wing extremism as much as I had started to fear.

  6. I hope this holds and that the far-right doesn’t pull “Stop the Steal” bs that we saw in the United States.

  7. Le Pens followers are already shouting Voter Fraud and Rigged Elections.

    We’re 7 days away from Quatorze Juliet. Let’s see what will happen….. It can become ugly, potentially.

  8. I’m happy to share this celebration with people from abroad on Reddit. Thank you all very much for your kind comments

  9. An honest question: what can they now do to pull ppl from far right to centre/left? Or this is going to be a common recurrence?

  10. Fuck far right… if it wasn’t for the immigration issues this party would be already death. Left and Macron party should address immigration issues to get rid of these useless far right parties. Italy 🇮🇹

  11. American here can someone help explain to me how the French election system work? So according to Wikipedia (Link: The 2nd round results shows that NFP (The left) won 7 million votes (26%), Ensemble (The moderate) won 6.7 million votes (24.5%), and RN (The right) won 10.1 million votes (37%), yet The left won 182 seats, the moderate won 168, and the right won 143.

    How did RN has less seat than both NFP and Ensemble when it had like a >3 million vote lead than either of them.

  12. Somewhat good news, but still disheartening to see how many voted for the the hate group RN.

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