Russia-Ukraine war LIVE: Russian drone attack on Ukraine hits energy facility in Sumy region | WION

The Winds of War are shifting in Ukraine and is now bringing a chilling concern for the fate of the incoming F-16 fighter jets the Russia’s campaign to [ __ ] the Ukrainian air power has resulted in a series of devastating strikes on Ukrainian air bases which are the potential future homes of the American f-16s now this F ons slaugh has thrown up this critical question can Ukraine even if it is in possession of the F-16 F Jets actually Shield them from the Russian Onslaught the Russian Ministry of Defense recent claim of destroying five su27 Fighters and damaging two others in Precision strikes on Ukrainian military airports has sent a pretty straightforward message to Ukraine now the aggressive targeting of air assets and infrastructure is likely a prute to the broader strategy one that is aimed at neutralizing Ukraine’s improved air capabilities with the f-16s squarely moscow’s crosshairs now these attacks also underscore the formidable obstacle that KF faces in its attempt to rejuvenate its depleted Air Force by inducting the American manufactured f-16s the first of these figh jets are expected to arrive sometime this month the outgoing Dutch government has said that the Netherlands will soon Supply Ukraine with its first of the 24 promised F-16 figh Jets the necessary permits to deliver the Jets to Ukraine were granted after months of Coalition building following an election last year however the Netherlands is declined to specify as to how many of the F-16 fire jets will be delivered in the first bat and when precisely they would arrive in Ukraine Ukraine hopes that they’ll bolster its air defenses against the ongoing Russian Onslaught along the front lines and these lines are currently subject to devastating Russian Glide bombs that the f-16s potentially could stay off now in addition to the aial threats Ukraine’s ground situation is increasingly precarious the Ukrainian military sources have reported their troops have withdrawn from parts of chavar in eastern donit region and this move follows Russia’s claim that its forces had secured a district within the Strategic town the enemy has a big advantage in the air if we could intercept at least half of what they have super cams orans it would have been much harder for the enemy much harder but since our airspace is not protected there’s nothing we can do the chasar holds significant tactical significance as it sits on elevated terrain should Russian forces fully capture the town it could also serve as a crucial staging ground for further advances towards key Ukrainian cities like kator and Sloans the intensifi focus on Ukrainian air bases combined with ground losses like those in chavar reflects the mounting challenges that k faces the anticipated arrival of the f-16s while offering a potential boost also comes with a significant risk as Russia remains pretty determin to neutralize these new American scent assets to Ukraine as Russia continues to fire Glide bombs at Ukraine president vadir zelinski has raised concerns he claims There’s no practical way to defend against the Russian Glide bombs and America’s Patriots or the himas are not a viable solution to the Soviet ear ammunitions most has fired over 800 Glide bombs at Kei only in the last week in simple terms a Glide bomb is a standoff weapon with flight controls which allow it to use a gliding flight path onto a Target at a greater distance these weapons allow Russia to supplement a an inadequate inventory of Tactical Air launched missiles they also help Russia avoid using Free Fall bombs that expose Pilots to a greater risk of being shot down Russia is using Glide bombs along with direct attack munitions in volume two overwhelm Ukrainian air defense in the given circumstances zalinsky has underscored the need for a permanent solution the Ukrainian president has called for long range attacks on Russian air bases moreover zalinsky has requested for necessary means to destroy the carriers of these boms ke maintains that the provision of F-16 will allow them to take on Russian fighter jets while they are in the air destroying the bombs before they are released meanwhile Netherlands has assured that it will will deliver the first of 24 promised F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine very soon the necessary permits to deliver the Jets to Ukraine have been granted Netherlands defense minister said in a letter to Parliament that Netherlands Belgium Denmark and Norway have together committed to provide ke with over 85 us made F-16 fighter jets by 2028 meanwhile in a rare visit to Ukraine since the beginning of Russia’s full scale Invasion Hungarian prime minister Victor Obin arged Ukrainian counterpart vadir zelinski to consider Cy the war with Russia to accelerate peace talks adding that he wanted to sign a big cooperation agreement with Ukraine known as Russian President Vladimir Putin’s closest EU Ally Orban is known for being a vocal critic of Western military aid to Ukraine I asked president vadir zinski to think about whether we could reverse the order and speed up peace talks with making a ceasefire first a ceasefire connected to a deadline would give a chance to speed up peace talks I explored this possibility with the president and I am grateful for his honest answers and negotiation President vadir zinski says it is important for Europe to maintain military support for Ukraine as the Army struggles to hold back determined Russian attacks across the front line [Music] to all of us in Europe it is crucial that the European support of Ukraine remains at a sufficient level including our defense from Russian Terror it is important that the relationship between all Neighbors in Europe becomes more deep and effective now five people were killed and 34 others injured in a Russian drone and missile barrage on the central Ukrainian city of Dino the Regional Governor said ranan forces have been targeting the industrial city and the surrounding region persistently since their Invasion two years ago it say a 14-year-old girl is among those wounded in the attack Ukrainian media published amateur footage of the attack showing a huge plume of black smoke rising over the city and drivers speeding from the scene the Air Force said its air defense systems shot down six drones and five the seven missiles targeting the nepro the head of the nepro region Council described the barage as a massive and posted images showing buildings ripped open by the attack and shatter glass and stwn across the ground nepro had a pre-war population of around 1 million people and lies about 100 km from the nearest point along the southern front line more than 40 people were killed in a Russian strike on dipro in January 2023 in one of the single worst aial bombardments by Russian forces meanwhile Russia claimed it destroyed two Ukrainian Naval drones advancing on its Black Sea port overnight Ukrainian Naval drones have sunk several Russian ships in the Black Sea but strikes as far east are rare the major port city lies on Russia’s Southern Southeastern Coast 100 km east of the Crimean Peninsula that Russia annexed in 2014 the defense Ministry published footage of what it said was the naval drones being destroyed it showed several bright rounds being fired into the sea at night from multiple directions several hitting the waters next to a small craft before an explosion and fire broke out keave has heavily targeted Crimea since Russia launched its fullscale military offensive in 2022 including multiple attacks and attempted strikes on the ker Bridge a vital role and rail route linking the peninsula to Russia The Winds of War are shifting in Ukraine and is now bringing a chilling concern for the fate of the incoming F6 fighter jets Russia’s brutal campaign to crippled Ukrainian air power has resulted in a series of devastating strikes on air bases which are the potential future homes for these American f-16s the this Fierce Onslaught has thrown up a critical question can Ukraine Shield these Advanced Jets from the Russian aggression the Russian Ministry of Defense recent claim of destroying five s27 Fighters and damaging two others and precision strikes on Ukrainian military airports sends a chilling message the aggressive targeting of air assets and infrastructure is likely a Prelude to a broader strategy one that is aimed at neutralizing Ukraine’s improved air capabilities with the f-16s squal and M scores crosshairs these attacks underscore the formidable obstacles KF faces in its attempt to rejuvenate its depleted Air Force by inducting the US designed f-16s the first of these fighter jets are expected to arrive this month the outgoing Dutch government says the Netherlands will soon Supply Ukraine with the first of 24 promised F-16 fighter jets the necessary permits to deliver the Jets to Ukraine were granted after months of Coalition building following an election last year however Netherlands declined to specify just how many planes will be delivered in the first batch and when they will arrive in Ukraine well Ukraine hopes they that the f-16s will strengthen its defenses against the ongoing Russian Onslaught along the front lines these lines are currently subjected to devastating Russian Glide bomb attacks that the f-16s could potentially disrupt and th in addition to the aerial threats Ukraine’s ground situation is increasingly precarious Ukrainian military sources report their troops have withdrawn from parts of chasar in the Eastern dunet region this move follows Russia’s claim that its forces had secured a district within the Strategic town the enemy has a big advantage in the air if we could intercept at least half of what they have super cams ORS it would have been much harder for the enemy much harder but since air space is not protected there’s nothing we can do Joseph holds significant tactical significance as it sits on elevated terrain should Russian forces fully capture the town it could serve as crucial staging ground for further advances towards key Ukrainian cities like katos and Sloans the intensified focus on Ukrainian air bases combined with ground losses like those in chasar reflect the mounting challenges KF faces the anticipated arrival of f-16s while offering a potential boost also comes with significant risks as Russia remains determined to neutralize these assets all right let’s get you some updates from the Russia Ukraine conflict as Ukraine awaits the arrival of f-16s from the Netherlands Russia is targeting airfields in Western Ukraine which is home to an important air base and it is a the frequent Target of moscow’s strikes Ukrainian officials have not revealed where the f-16s will be based but Moscow said that the strike targeted airfields that believe would house them meanwhile a Ukrainian Air Force spokesperson said that the strikes presented certain difficulties but would not undermine the delivery of f-16s or their use in the battle the first batch of planes are expected to arrive this month and Ukraine hopes that it will boost forces struggling to repel a Russian Onslaught along the front line meanwhile the United States of America has announced that it will soon announce more than $2.3 billion in new security assistance for Ukraine on the Diplomatic front Hungarian prime minister Victor auan has urged Ukrainian president vadir zinski to consider a ceasefire to end the war with Russia auan who is an outspoken critic of Western military aid to Ukraine held talks with zalinski during his first trip to Kev in more than a decade more details on this in our next report in his surprise visit to keev on Tuesday Hungarian prime minister Victor Orbin gave a clear message on how to end Russia’s war in Ukraine I asked the president to think about whether we could reverse the order and speed up peace talks by making a ceas fire first a ceasefire connected to a deadline would give a chance to speed up peace talks I explored this possibility with the president and I am grateful for his honest answers and negotiation Orban has the warmest relations of any EU leader with Russian President Vladimir Putin the outspoken critic of Western military Aid to Ukraine held talks with President Vladimir zalinski during his first trip to keev in more than a decade we would like to make the relationship between the two countries better we would like to make a broad bilateral agreement with Ukraine similar to the ones we already have made with our neighbors we would be happy to take part in the modernization of Ukraine’s economy we would like an ordered framework for this he also said he valued ke’s push to promote zelinsky’s vision of Peace at an international Summit in June the Ukrainian president who spoke before Orin did not respond to those comments ties between the neighbors came under heavy strain after Russia launched its fullscale invasion of Ukraine on February 24th 2022 pest has often opposed the European Union efforts to support keev earlier this year it took EU leaders weeks to break orban’s veto to extend over 50 billion EUR in new Aid to the wtor country under Orbin Hungary has repeatedly accused Ukraine of curbing the rights of roughly 150,000 ethnic hungarians living in the far west of Ukraine Ukraine denies this and says it is open to addressing any concerns keev is Keen to support hungary’s backing as it relies heavily on financial and Military Support from the 27 member EU where unanimity is needed for many decisions NATO allies have agreed on a $43 billion military pledge for Ukraine however a big question mark looms over Ukraine’s NATO membership and has effer to safeguard Ukraine from any further Invasion Ukrainian president V zenski is pushing towards NATO membership after the end of this war but the challenge is multifold membership talks cannot progress until the former Soviet state cleans up in a major blow to Ukraine’s goal a senior official in the US state department said that the alliance will request additional steps from KF before it considers a timeline for Ukraine’s membership the official signal that Ukraine will be told that at the at the moment the country is too corrupt to join NATO this position of the western Alli Alliance will be signed during the annual Summit on the 9th of July as per reports United States is blocking any UK and European efforts to ride an irreversible path towards Ukraine’s NATO membership in his recent interview with the Time Magazine this year US President Joe Biden raised significant corruption in Ukraine’s defense units he further ruled out supporting the NATO natation of Ukraine Ukraine has suffered from corruption particularly in its Armed Forces since the dissolution of the Soviet Union as a part of curbing corruption the Ukrainian president sacked military Chiefs amid growing Rift between Cave’s government and Military staff this year zelsky sacked his bodyguard after foiled assassination plot European nations remain supportive of Ukraine as it struggles to hold off Russia’s forces on the Eastern Front however the countries country are divided on how to end the war a survey released by the European Council on Foreign Relations say that most countries are skeptical about Ukraine winning this war the polling data shows that majority of European countries including Italy Greece Spain are against increasing the def defense spending in Russia Ukraine war in fact when we look at Italy pole data states that 80% of the population is against sending any troops to Ukraine a large number of respondents believe that the war between Russia and Ukraine will end in negotiations China’s president Shan ping told members of the Shanghai cooperation organization that includes Russia and its latest members Belarus that they must work together to resist external interference and firmly support one another and one address each other’s concerns addressing the 24th SEO Summit in aana sh junping stressed on the need for member nations to firmly control the future and Destiny of their countries and ensure Regional peace and development since its Inception in shangai in 2001 the Shanghai cooperation organization has expanded from a regional organization with six members into a trans Regional block with 10 full members Belarus is the latest country to officially join the block on Thursday on the sidelines of the Shanghai cooperation organization also known as the SEO Russian president vadir Putin met with Chinese president Shin ping and hailed their country’s partnership both Putin and she commended the group’s expanding membership it has been stated more than once and with good reason that Russian Chinese relations of comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction are experiencing the the best period in their history they are built on the principles of equality Mutual benefit and respect for each other’s sovereignty our cooperation is not aimed against anyone we do not create any blocks or alliances we simply act in the interests of our people the Chinese president in turn referred to the turbulent International situation and external environment in the face of a far from simple International situation and external environment we need to maintain a commitment to Eternal friendship work hard for the well-being of the people enhance the unique values of China Russian relations cultivate new drivers of cooperation and make tyus efforts to protect our legitimate rights and interest as well as fundamental Norms of international relations this is sh and Putin’s second meeting in two months and the two countries are facing the heat of West over their Regional policies China for what US calls its increasingly assertive action in the Asia Pacific region and its policy towards Taiwan Russia for its ongoing invasion of Ukraine besides she Putin also met kazak president and the Turkish leader rajb T eduan now Edan offered to help end Russia Ukraine war as a mediator she also held a meeting with the kazak president and the Chinese President also met with azer bani counterpart the block was founded by China and Russia as a Counterpoint to Western might and this year’s SEO meeting is particularly important for China as the country is going to get the presidency of the block after seven long years now to get us the latest our correspondent anas Malik is joining us live from estana anas we are getting some news as we speak that Russia’s Vladimir Putin has thanked SEO members for their proposal for Ukraine peace settlement what can you tell us about it certainly so the Russian president has indeed thanked all of the member states for uh uh weighing in on the Ukraine peace proposal uh the Chinese president president she while addressing has said that in the face of the real risk of small yards with high fences we must Safeguard the right to development this is what president she has said he’s also said and I quote the block the block must resolve internal difference within with peace seek common ground and resolve cooperation difficulties uh that is what president shei has said but additionally while the SE has of States meeting uh is over and the aana declaration has been signed and while I talked to you uh the SEO plus format meeting is currently ongoing the UN Secretary General Antonio GES has made quite a statement uh before the grouping in the SEO plus forat and he he has chosen to speak on uh a the while with regards to ceasefire in Gaza he’s also called uh for the unconditional release of all the hostages he’s also said that we need and I quote we need peace in Ukraine based on the charter of un and international law he’s also said we need peace from Sudan to sahil from the Democratic Republic of Congo to Somalia from Myanmar to Haiti then the then the uh un Secretary General while addressing the SEO plus grouping has gone on to say that we need peace in Afghanistan and an inclusive government that respects human rights rights and is integrated into the International Community so quite some statements there uh on onto the SEO plus format meeting the SEO heads of States has concluded the Asana declaration has been signed while the SEO uh heads of States a chair has been handed over to China that takes over the presidency after 7 long years uh as we speak the SEO plus format meeting is currently ongoing Ana all right anas thank you for getting us all those live updates from Asana at least four people are reported to being killed and over two dozen fathers have been injured in a Russian drone and missile barage in the central Ukrainian city of dpro the regional Governor has said that the Russian forces been targeting the industrial city in the surrounding areas persistently since the invasion about 2 years ago he said that a 14-year-old girl is among those who have been wounded in this attack Ukrainian media has published some amateur footage of the attack showing a huge plume of black smoke rising over the city and drivers speeding away from the scene the Ukrainian Air Force further said that its air defense systems managed to shoot down at least about six drones and five of the seven missiles that targeted the city of Deno the head of Deno petritz a Regional Council described the barrage as massive and posted images showing buildings being ripped open by the attack and shattered glass stwn across the ground dpro had a pre-war population of over a million people and it lies about 100 km from the nearest point along the southern front line more than 40 people are said to being killed in a Russian strike on denro in January 2023 in one of the single worst aial bombardments by the Russian forces meanwhile Russia claims to have destroy two Ukrainian Naval drones advancing on its Black Sea port of novaris oite the Ukrainian Naval drones have sunk several Russian ships in the Black Sea but strikes as far east as novaris are pretty rare the major port city lies on Russia’s Southeastern Coast almost about 100 km east of the Crimean Peninsula that Russia annexed from Ukraine in 2014 the defense Ministry published footage of what it said was the naval drones being destroyed it also showed several bright rounds being fed into the sea at night from multiple directions several of them hitting the waters next to a small craft before an explosion and a far breakout the KV was heavily targeted K is heavily targeted crimeia since Russia launched its full-scale military offensive in February 2022 including multiple attacks and attempted strikes in the kers bridge which is a vle road and a rail route linking the peninsula to Russia The Winds of War are shifting in Ukraine and is now bringing a chilling concern for the fate of the incoming F-16 fighter jets the Russia’s campaign to [ __ ] the Ukrainian air power has resulted in a series of devastating strikes on Ukrainian air bases which are the potential future homes of the American f-16s now this F on slaugh has thrown up this critical question can Ukraine even if it is in possession of the F-16 F Jets actually Shield them from the Russian Onslaught the Russian Ministry of Defense recent claim of destroying 5 su27 Fighters and damaging two others in Precision strikes on Ukrainian military airports has sent a pretty straightforward message to Ukraine now the aggressive targeting of air assets and infrastructure is likely a prute to the broader strategy one that is aimed at neutralizing Ukraine’s improved air capabilities with the f-16s squarely in moscow’s crosshairs now these attacks also underscore the formidable obstacles that KF faces in its attempt to rejuvenate its depleted air Force by inducting the American manufactured f-16s the first of these fighter jets are expected to arrive sometime this month the outgoing Dutch government has said that the Netherlands will soon Supply Ukraine with its first of the 24 promised F-16 figh Jets the necessary permits to deliver the Jets to Ukraine were granted after months of Coalition building following an election last year however the Netherlands is declined to specify as to have many of the F-16 figh Jets will be delivered in the first B and when precisely they would arrive in Ukraine now Ukraine hopes that they’ll bolster its air defenses against the ongoing Russian Onslaught along the front lines and these lines are currently subject to devastating Russian Glide bombs that the f-16s potentially could Stave off now in addition to the aial threats Ukraine’s ground situation is increasingly precarious the Ukrainian military sources have reported their troops withdrawn from parts of chavar in in eastern donit region and this move follows Russia’s claim that its forces had secured a district within the Strategic town the enemy has a big advantage in the air if we could intercept at least half of what they have super cams orans it would have been much harder for the enemy much harder but since our airspace is not protected there’s nothing we can do the Chas ofar holds significant tactical significance as it sits on elevated terrain should Russian forces fully capture the town it could also serve as a crucial staging ground for further advances towards key Ukrainian cities like kator and Sloans the intensifi focus on Ukrainian air bases combined with ground losses like those in chavar reflects the mounting challenges that KIA faces the anticipated rval of the f-16s while offering a potential boost also comes with a significant risk as Russia remains pretty detent to neutralize these new American scent assets to Ukraine as Russia continues to fire Glide bombs at Ukraine president vadir zelinski has raised concerns he claims There’s no practical way to defend against the Russian Glide bombs and America’s Patriots or the himas are not a viable solution to the Soviet ear ammunitions Moscow has fired over 800 Glide bombs at ke only in the last week in simple terms a Glide bomb is a standoff weapon with flight control controls which allow it to use a gliding flight path onto a Target at a greater distance these weapons allow Russia to supplement a an inadequate inventory of Tactical Air launched missiles they also help Russia avoid using freeall bombs that expose Pilots to a greater risk of being shot down Russia is using Glide bombs along with direct attack Munitions in volume to overwhelm Ukrainian air defense in the given circumstances zalenski has underscored the need for a permanent solution tion the Ukrainian president has called for long range attacks on Russian air bases moreover zalinsky has requested for necessary means to destroy the carriers of these bombs keev maintains that the provision of F16 will allow them to take on Russian fighter jets while they are in the air destroying the bombs before they are released meanwhile Netherlands has assured that it will deliver the first of 24 promised F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine very soon the necessary perit to deliver the Jets to Ukraine have been granted Netherlands defense minister said in a letter to Parliament that Netherlands Belgium Denmark and Norway have together committed to provide ke with over 85 us made F-16 fighter jets by 2028 meanwhile in a rare visit to Ukraine since the beginning of Russia’s full scale Invasion Hungarian prime minister Victor Oben arged Ukrainian counterpart vadir zansi to consider CI the war with Russia to accelerate peace talks adding that he wanted to sign a big cooperation agreement with Ukraine known as Russian President Vladimir Putin’s closest EU Ally Orban is known for being a vocal critic of Western military aid to Ukraine I asked president vadir zinski to think about whether we could reverse the order and speed up peace talks with making a ceasefire first a ceasefire connected to a deadline would give a chance to speed up peace dos i explored this possibility with the president and I am grateful for his honest answers and negotiation President vadir zinski says it is important for Europe to maintain military support for Ukraine as the Army struggles to hold back determined Russian attacks across the front line to all of us in Europe it is crucial that the European support of Ukraine remains at a sufficient level including our defense from Russian Terror it is important that the relationship between all Neighbors in Europe becomes more deep and effective now five people were killed and 34 others injured in a Russian drone and missile barrage on the central Ukrainian city of Dino the regional Governor said Russian forces have been targeting the industrial city and the surrounding region persistently since their Invasion two years ago it a a 14-year-old girl is among those wounded in the attack Ukrainian media published amateur footage of the attack showing a huge plume of black smoke rising over the city and drivers speeding from the scene the Air Force said its air defense systems shot down six drones and five of the seven missiles targeting the nepro the head of the nepro Regional Council described the barage as a massive and postered images showing buildings ripped open by the attack and shatter glass and stwn across the ground Neo had a pre-war population of around 1 million people and lies about 100 km from the nearest point along the southern front line more than 40 people were killed in a Russian strike on Dio in January 2023 in one of the single worst aial bombardments by Russian forces meanwhile Russia claimed it destroyed two Ukrainian Naval drones advancing on its Black Sea port overnight Ukrainian Naval drones have sunk several Russian ships in the Black Sea but strikes as far east are rare the major port city lies on Russia’s Southern Southeastern Coast 100 kilm East of the Crimean Peninsula that Russia annexed in 2014 the defense Ministry published footage of what it said was the naval drones being destroyed it showed several bright rounds being fired into the sea at night from multiple directions several hitting the waters next to a small craft before an explosion and fire broke out keave has heavily targeted Crimea since Russia launched its fullscale military offensive in 20122 including multiple attacks and attempted strikes on the ker Bridge a vital Road and rail route linking the peninsula to Russia The Winds of War are shifting in Ukraine and is now bringing a chilling concern for the fate of the incoming F16 fighter jets Russia’s brutal campaign to [ __ ] Ukrainian air power has resulted in a series of devastating strikes on air bases which are the potential future homes for these American f-16s the this Fierce Onslaught has thrown up a critical question can Ukraine Shield these Advanced Jets from the Russian aggression the Russian Ministry of Defense recent claim of destroying five s27 Fighters and damaging two others in Precision strikes on Ukrainian military airports sends a chilling message the aggressive targeting of air assets and infrastructure is likely a Prelude to a broader strategy one that is aimed at neutralizing Ukraine’s improved air capabilities with the f-16’s squarey and moscow’s crosshairs these attacks underscore the formidable obstacles KF faces in its attempt to rejuvenate its depleted Air Force by inducting the US designed f-16s the first of these fighter jets are expected to arrive this month the outgoing Dutch government says the Netherlands will soon Supply Ukraine with the first of 24 promised F-16 fighter jets the necessary permits to deliver the Jets to Ukraine were granted after months of Coalition building following an election last year however Netherlands declined to specify just how many planes will be delivered in the first batch and when they will arrive in Ukraine well Ukraine hopes they that the f-16s will strengthen its defenses against the ongoing Russian Onslaught along the front lines these lines are currently subjected to devastating Russian Glide bomb attacks that the f-16s could potentially disrupt and th in addition to the aerial threats Ukraine’s ground situation is increasingly precarious Ukrainian military sources report their troops have withdrawn from parts of chasar in the Eastern dunet region this move follows Russia’s claim that its forces had secured a district within the Strategic town the enemy has a big advantage in the air if we could intercept at least half of what they have super cams orans it would have been much harder for the enemy much harder but since our airspace is not protected there’s nothing we can do Joseph holds significant Tactical significance as it sits on elevated terrain should Russian forces fully capture the town it could serve as crucial staging ground for further advances towards key Ukrainian cities like katos and Sloans the intensified focus on Ukrainian air bases combined with ground losses like those in chasar reflect the Moun challenges KF faces the anticipated arrival of f-16s while offering a potential boost also comes with significant risks as Russia remains determined to neutralize these assets all right let’s get you some updates from the Russia Ukraine conflict as Ukraine awaits the arrival of f-16s from the Netherlands Russia is targeting airfields in Western Ukraine which is home to an important air base and it is a frequent Target of Moscow strikes Ukrainian officials have not revealed where the f-16s will be based but Moscow said that the strike targeted airfields that believed would house them meanwhile a Ukrainian Air Force spokesperson said that the strikes presented certain difficulties but would not undermine the delivery of f-16s or their use in the battle the first batch of planes are expected to arrive this month and Ukraine hopes that it will boost forces struggling to repel a Russian Onslaught along the front line meanwhile the United States of America has announced that it will soon announce more than $2.3 billion in new security assistance for for Ukraine on the Diplomatic front Hungarian prime minister Victor auan has urged Ukrainian president vadir zilinski to consider a ceasefire to end the war with Russia auan who is an outspoken critic of Western military aid to Ukraine held talks with zilinski during his first trip to Kev in more than a decade more details on this in our next report in his surprise visit to keev on Tuesday Hungarian prime minister Victor Auburn gave a clear message on how to end Russia’s war in Ukraine I asked the president to think about whether we could reverse the order and speed up peace talks by making a ceasefire first a ceasefire connected to a deadline would give a chance to speed up up peace talks I explored this possibility with the president and I am grateful for his honest answers and negotiation Orban has the warmest relations of any EU leader with Russian President Vladimir Putin the outspoken critic of Western military aid to Ukraine held talks with President Vladimir zalinski during his first trip to keev in more than a decade we would like to make the relationship between the two countries better we would like to make a broad bilateral agreement with Ukraine similar to the ones we already have made with our neighbors we would be happy to take part in the modernization of Ukraine’s economy we would like an ordered framework for this he also said he valued ke’s push to promote zelinsky’s vision of Peace at an international Summit in June the Ukrainian president who spoke before Orin did not respond to those comments ties between the neighbors came under heavy strain after Russia launched its fullscale invasion of Ukraine on February 24th 2022 pest has often opposed the European Union efforts to support Kev earlier this year it took EU leaders weeks to break orin’s veto to extend over 50 billion EUR in new Aid to the walor country under Orbin Hungary has repeatedly accused Ukraine of curbing the rights of roughly 150,000 ethnic hungarians living in the far west of Ukraine Ukraine denies this and says it is open to addressing any concerns keev is Keen to support hungary’s backing as it relies heavily on fin financial and Military Support from the 27 member EU where unanimity is needed for many decisions NATO allies have agreed on a $43 billion military pledge for Ukraine however a big question mark looms over Ukraine’s NATO membership and has effer to safeguard Ukraine from any further Invasion Ukrainian president vadir zenski is pushing towards NATO membership after the end of this war but the challenge is multifold membership talks cannot progress until the former Soviet state cleans up in a major blow to Ukraine’s goal a senior official in the US state department said that the alliance will request additional steps from KF before it considers a timeline for Ukraine’s membership the official signal that Ukraine will be told that at the at the moment the country is too corrupt to join NATO this position of the Western Alliance will be signed during the annual Summit on the 9th of July as per reports the United States is blocking any UK and European efforts to ride an irreversible path towards Ukraine’s NATO membership in his recent interview with the Time Magazine this year US President Joe Biden raised significant corruption in Ukraine’s defense units he further ruled out supporting the NATO natation of Ukraine Ukraine has suffered from corruption particularly in its Armed Forces since the dissolution of the Soviet Union as a part of curbing corruption the Ukrainian president sacked military Chiefs amid growing Rift between Cave’s government and Military staff this year zelinski sacked his bodyguard after foiled assassination plot European nations remain supportive of Ukraine as it struggles to hold off Russia’s forces on the Eastern Front however the countries country are divided on how to end the war a survey released by the European Council on Foreign Relations say that most countries are skeptical about Ukraine winning this war the data shows the majority of European countries including Italy Greece Spain are against increasing the def defense spending in Russia Ukraine war in fact when we look at Italy pole data states that 80% of the population is against sending any troops to Ukraine a large number of respondents believe that the war between Russia and Ukraine will end in negotiations China’s president Shan ping told members of the Shanghai cooperation organization that includes Russia and its latest members Belarus that they must work together to resist external interference and firmly support one another and one address each other’s concerns addressing the 24th SEO Summit in aana sh junping stressed on the need for member nations to firmly control the future and Destiny of their countries and ensure Regional peace and development since its Inception in Shanghai in 2001 the Shanghai cooperation organization has expanded from a regional organization with six members into a trans Regional block with 10 full members Belarus the latest country to officially join the block on Thursday on the sidelines of the Shanghai cooperation organization also known as the SEO Russian President Vladimir Putin met the Chinese president Shri Jinping and hailed their country’s partnership with both Putin and she commended the group’s expanding membership it has been stated more than once and with good reason that Russian Chinese relations of comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction are experiencing the best period in their history they are built on the principles of equality Mutual benefit and respect for each other’s sovereignty our cooperation is not aimed against anyone we do not create any blocks or alliances we simply act in the interests of our people the Chinese president in turn refer to the turbulent International situation and external environment in the face of a far from simple International situation and external environment we need to maintain a commitment to Eternal friendship work hard for the well-being of the people enhance the unique values of China Russian relations cultivate new drivers of cooperation and make tiess efforts to protect our legitimate rights and interest as well as fundamental Norms of international relation this is she and Putin’s second meeting in two months and the two countries are facing the Heat of West over their Regional policies China for what US calls its increasingly assertive action in the Asia Pacific region and its policy towards Taiwan Russia for its ongoing invasion of Ukraine besides she Putin also met kazak president and the Turkish leader rajb T eduan now eduan offered to help end Russia Ukraine war as a mediator she also held a meeting with the kazak president and the Chinese president pres also met with azer bani counterpart the block was founded by China and Russia as a Counterpoint to Western might and this year’s SEO meeting is particularly important for China as the country is going to get the presidency of the block after seven long years now to get us the latest our correspondent anas Malik is joining us live from maana anas we are getting some news as we speak that Russia’s Vladimir Putin has thanked SEO members for the proposal for Ukraine peace settlement what can you tell us about it certainly so the Russian president has indeed thanked all of the member states for uh uh weighing in on the Ukraine peace proposal uh the Chinese president president she while addressing has said that in the face of the real risk of small yards with high fences we must Safeguard the right to development this is what president shei has said he’s also said and I quote the block the block must resolve internal difference within with peace seek common ground and resolve cooperation difficulties uh that is what president shei has said but additionally while the SEO heal of States meeting uh is over and the aana declaration has been signed and while I talked to you uh the SEO plus format me is currently ongoing the UN Secretary General Antonio GES has made quite a statement uh before the grouping in the SEO plus format and he he has chosen to speak on uh a the while with regards to ceasefire in Gaza he’s also called uh for the unconditional release of all the hostages he’s also said that we need and I quote we need peace in Ukraine based on the charter of un and international law he’s also said we need peace from Sudan to sahil from the Democratic Republic of Congo to Somalia from Myanmar to Haiti then the then the uh un Secretary General while addressing the SEO plus grouping has gone on to say that we need peace in Afghanistan and an inclusive government that respects human rights rights and is integrated into the International Community quite some statements there uh on onto the SEO plus format meeting the SEO heads of States has concluded the Asana declaration has been signed while the SEO heads of States a chair has been handed over to China that takes over the presidency after seven long years uh as we speak the SEO plus format meeting is currently ongoing Ana all right anas thank you for getting us all those live updates from Asana at least four people are reported to being killed and over two dozen others have been injured in a Russian drone and mile Barat in the central Ukrainian city of dpro the regional Governor has said that the Russian forces been targeting the industrial city in the surrounding areas persistently since the invasion about 2 years ago he said that a 14e old girl is among those whove been wounded in this attack Ukrainian media has published some amateur footage of the attack showing a huge plume of black smoke rising over the city and drivers speeding away from the scene the Ukrainian Air Force further said that its air defense systems managed to shoot down at least about six drones and five of the seven missiles that targeted the city of denpro the head of denpro petritz a Regional Council described the barage as massive and posted images showing buildings being ripped open by the attack and shattered glass stwn across the ground dinpro had a pre-war population of over a million people and it lies about 100 km in the nearest point along the southern front line more than 40 people are said to being killed in a Russian strike on deno in January 2023 in one of the single worst aial bombardments by the Russian forces meanwhile Russia claims to have destroyed two Ukrainian Naval drones advancing on its Black Sea port of novaris oite the Ukrainian Naval drones have sunk several Russian ships in the Black Sea but strikes as far east as novaris are pretty rare the major port city lies on Russia’s Southeastern Coast almost about 100 km east of the Crimean Peninsula that Russia annexed from Ukraine in 2014 the defense Ministry published footage of what it said was the naval drones being destroyed it also showed several bright rounds being fired into the sea at night from multiple directions several of them hitting the waters next to a small craft before an explosion and a far breakout the KV was heavily targeted K is heavily targeted crimeia since Russia launched its full-scale military offensive in February 2022 including multiple attacks and attempted strikes in the kers bridge which is a whle road and a rail route linking the peninsula to Russia The Winds of War are shifting in Ukraine and is now bringing a chilling concern for the fate of the incoming F16 fighter jets the Russia’s campaign to [ __ ] the Ukrainian air power has resulted in a series of devastating strikes on Ukrainian air bases which are the potential future homes of the American f-16s now this F Onslaught has thrown up this critical question can Ukraine even if it is in possession of the F-16 figh Jets actually Shield them from the Russian Onslaught the Russian Ministry of Defense recent claim of destroying five su27 Fighters and damaging two others in Precision strikes on Ukrainian military airports has sent a pretty straightforward message to Ukraine now the aggressive targeting of air assets and infrastructure is likely a prute to the broader strategy one that is aimed at neutralizing Ukraine’s improved air capabilities with the f-16s squarely in moscow’s crosshairs now these attacks also underscore the formidable obstacles that KF faces in its attempt to rejuvenate its depleted Air Force by inducting the American manufactured f-16s the first of these F jets are expected to arrive sometime this month month the outgoing Dutch government has said that the Netherlands will soon Supply Ukraine with its first of the 24 promised F-16 figh Jets the necessary permits to deliver the Jets to Ukraine were granted after months of Coalition building following an election last year however the Netherlands is declined to specify as to how many of the F-16 figh Jets will be delivered in the first bat and when precisely they would arrive in Ukraine Ukraine hopes that they’ll bolster its air defenses against the ongoing Russian on slot along the front lines and these lines are currently subject to devastating Russian Glide bombs that the f-16s potentially could Stave off now in addition to the aerial threats Ukraine’s ground situation is increasingly precarious the Ukrainian military sources have reported their troops have withdrawn from parts of chavar in eastern donit region and this move follows Russia’s claim that its forces had secured a district within the Strategic town the enemy has a big advantage in the air if we could intercept at least half of what they have super cams orans it would have been much harder for the enemy much harder but since our airspace is not protected there’s nothing we can do the CH holds significant tactical significance as it sits on elevated terrain should Russian forces fully capture the town it could also serve as a crucial staging ground for further advances towards key Ukrainian cities like kator and Sloans the intense F focus on Ukrainian air bases combined with ground losses like those in chavar reflects the mounting challenges that KIA faces the anticipated arrival of the f-16s while offering a potential boost also comes with a significant risk as Russia remains pretty detent to neutralize these new American scent assets to Ukraine as Russia continues to fire Glide bombs at Ukraine president vadir zalenski has raised concerns he claims There’s no practical way to defend against the Russian Glide bombs and America’s Patriots or the himer are not a viable solution to the Soviet ear ammunitions Moscow has fired over 800 Glide bombs at ke only in the last week in simple terms a Glide bomb is a standoff weapon with flight controls which allow it to use a gliding flight path onto a Target at a greater distance these weapons allow Russia to supplement a an inadequate inventory of Tactical Air launched missiles they also help Russia avoid using Free Fall bombs that expose Pilots to a greater risk of being shot down Russia is using Glide bombs along with direct attack Munitions in volume to overwhelm Ukrainian air defense in the given circumstances zalenski has underscored the need for a permanent solution the Ukrainian president has called for long range attacks on Russian air bases moreover zalanski has requested for necessary means to D destroy the carriers of these bombs keev maintains that the provision of F-16 will allow them to take on Russian fighter jets while they are in the air destroying the bombs before they are released meanwhile Netherlands has assured that it will deliver the first of 24 promised F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine very soon the necessary permit to deliver the Jets to Ukraine have been granted Netherlands defense minister said in a letter to Parliament that Netherlands Belgium Denmark and Norway have together committed to provide Kev with over 85 us made F-16 fighter jets by 2028 meanwhile in a rare visit to Ukraine since the beginning of Russia’s full scale Invasion Hungarian prime minister Victor Obin arged Ukrainian counterpart wadir zansi to consider Cy the war with Russia to accelerate peace talks adding that he wanted to sign a big cooperation agreement with Ukraine known as Russian President Vladimir Putin’s closest EU Ally Orban is known for being a Vo critic of Western military aid to Ukraine I asked president vadir zinski to think about whether we could reverse the order and speed up peace talks with making a ceasefire first a ceasefire connected to a deadline would give a chance to speed up peace talks I explode this possibility with the president and I am grateful for his honest answers and negotiation president vadir zi says it is important for Europe to maintain military support for Ukraine as the Army struggles to hold back determined Russian attacks across the front line to all of us in Europe it is crucial that the European support of Ukraine remains at a sufficient level including our defense from Russian Terror is important that the relationship between all Neighbors in Europe becomes more deep and effective now five people were killed and 34 others injured in a Russian drone and missile barrage on the central Ukrainian city of Dino the regional Governor said Russian forces have been targeting the industrial city and the surrounding region persistently since their Invasion two years ago it’s a a 14-year-old girl is among those wounded in the attack Ukrainian media published amateur footage of the attack showing a huge plume of black smoke rising over the city and drivers speeding from the scene the Air Force said its air defense systems shot down six drones and five of the seven missiles targeting the nepro the head of the nepro Regional Council described the barage as a massive and postered images showing buildings ripped open by the attack and shatter glass and strewn across the ground nepro had a pre-war population of around 1 million people and Li about 100 km from the nearest point along the southern front line more than 40 people were killed in a Russian strike on dipro in January 2023 in one of the single worst aial bombardments by Russian forces meanwhile Russia claimed it destroyed two Ukrainian Naval drones advancing on its Black Sea port overnight Ukrainian Naval drones have sunk several Russian ships in the Black Sea but strikes as far east are rare the major port city lies on Russia’s Southern Southeastern Coast 100 kilm East of the Crimean Peninsula that Russia annexed in 2014 the defense Ministry published footage of what it said was the naval drones being destroyed it showed several bright rounds being fired into the sea at night from multiple directions several hitting the waters next to a small craft before an explosion and fire broke out ke has heavily targeted Crimea since Russia launched its fullscale military offensive in 2022 including multiple attacks and attempted strikes on the ker Bridge a vital Road and rail route linking the peninsula to Russia The Winds of War are shifting in Ukraine and is now bringing a chilling concern for the fate of the incoming F-16 fighter jets Russia’s brutal campaign to [ __ ] Ukrainian air power has resulted in a series of devastating strikes on air bases which are the potential future homes for these American f-16s the this Fierce Onslaught has thrown up a critical question can Ukraine Shield these Advanced Jets from the Russian aggression the Russian Ministry of Defense recent claim of destroying five su27 Fighters and damaging two others in Precision strikes on Ukrainian military airports sends a chilling message the aggressive targeting of air assets and infrastructure is likely a Prelude to a broader strategy one that is aimed at neutralizing Ukraine’s improved air capabilities with f-16’s squarey and moscow’s crosshairs these attacks underscore the formidable obstacles KF faces in its attempt to rejuvenate its depleted Air Force by inducting the US designed f-16s the first of these fighter jets are expected to arrive this month the outgoing Dutch government says the Netherlands will soon Supply Ukraine with the first of 24 promised F-16 fighter jets the necessary permits to deliver the Jets to Ukraine were granted after months of Coalition building following an election last year however Netherlands declined to specify just how many planes will be delivered in the first batch and when they will arrive in Ukraine well Ukraine hopes they that the f-16s will strengthen its defenses against the ongoing Russian Onslaught along the front lines these lines are currently subjected to devastating Russian Glide bomb attacks that the f-16s could potentially disrupt and th in addition to the aerial threats Ukraine’s ground situation is increasingly precarious Ukrainian military sources report their troops have withdrawn from parts of chasar in the Eastern dunet region this move follows Russia’s claimed that its forces had secured a district within the Strategic town the enemy has a big advantage in the air if we could intercept at least half of what they have super cams orans it would have been much harder for the enemy much harder but since our airspace is not protected there’s nothing we can do jar holds significant tactical significance as it sits on elevated terrain should Russian forces fully capture the town it could serve as crucial staging ground for further advances towards key Ukrainian cities like katos and Sloans the intensified focus on Ukrainian air bases combined with ground losses like those in chasar reflect the mounting challenges K faces the anticipated arrival of f-16s while offering a potential boost also comes with significant risks as Russia remains determined to neutralize these assets all right let’s get you some updates from the Russia Ukraine conflict as Ukraine awaits the arrival of f-16s from the Netherlands Russia is targeting airfields in Western Ukraine which is home to an important air base and it is a frequent Target of Moscow strikes Ukrainian officials have not revealed where the f-16s will be based but Moscow said that the strike targeted airfields that believe would house them meanwhile a Ukrainian Air Force spokesperson said that the strikes presented certain difficulties but would not undermine the delivery of f-16s or their use in the battle the first batch of planes are expected to arrive this month and Ukraine hopes that it will boost forces struggling to repel a Russian Onslaught along the front line meanwhile the United States of America has announced that it will soon announce more than $2.3 billion in new security assistance for Ukraine on the Diplomatic front Hungarian prime minister Victor auan has urged Ukrainian president vadir zilinsky to consider a ceasefire to end the war with Russia auan who is an outspoken critic of Western military a to Ukraine held talks with zilinski during his first trip to Kev in more than a decade more details on this in our next report in his surprise visit to keev on Tuesday Hungarian prime minister Victor Auburn gave a clear message on how to end Russia’s war in Ukraine I asked the president to think about whether we could reverse the order and speed up peace talks by making a ceasefire first a ceasefire connected to a deadline would give a chance to speed up peace talks I explored this possibility with the president and I am grateful for his honest answers and negotiation Orban has the warmest relations of any EU leader with Russian President Vladimir Putin the outspoken critic of Western military aid to Ukraine held talks with President Vladimir zalinski during his first trip to keev in more than a decade we would like to make the relationship between the two countries better we would like to make a broad bilateral agreement with Ukraine similar to the ones we already have made with our neighbors we would be happy to take part in the modernization of Ukraine’s economy we would like an ordered framework for this he also said he valued ke’s push to promote zelinsky’s vision of peace at an international Summit in June the Ukrainian president who spoke before Orin did not respond to those comments ties between the neighbors came under heavy strain after Russia launched its fullscale invasion of Ukraine on February 24th 20122 pest has often opposed the European Union efforts to support Kev earlier this year it took EU leaders weeks to break orban’s veto to extend over 50 billion EUR in US to the wtor country under Orbin Hungary has repeatedly accused Ukraine of curbing the rights of roughly 150,000 ethnic hungarians living in the far west of Ukraine Ukraine denies this and says it is open to addressing any concerns keev is Keen to support hungary’s backing as it relies heavily on financial and Military Support from the 27 member EU where unanimity is needed for many decisions NATO all have agreed on a $43 billion military pledge for Ukraine however a big question mark looms over Ukraine’s NATO membership and has effer to safeguard Ukraine from any further Invasion Ukrainian president vmir zensi is pushing towards NATO membership after the end of this war but the challenge is multifold membership talks cannot progress until the former Soviet state cleans up in a major blow to Ukraine’s goal a senior official in the US state department said that the lines will request additional steps from KF before it considers a timeline for Ukraine’s membership the official signal that Ukraine will be told that at the at the moment the country is too corrupt to join NATO this position of the Western Alliance will be signed during the annual Summit on the 9th of July as per reports the United States is blocking any UK and European efforts to ride in irreversible path towards Ukraine’s NATO membership in his recent interview with the Time Magazine this year US President Joe Biden raised significant corruption in Ukraine’s defense units he further ruled out supporting the NATO natation of Ukraine Ukraine has suffered from corruption particularly in its Armed Forces since the dissolution of the Soviet Union as a part of curbing corruption the Ukrainian president sacked military Chiefs amid growing Rift between Cave’s government and Military staff this year zelski sacked his bodyguard after foiled assassination plot European nations remain supportive of Ukraine as it struggles to hold off Russia’s forces on the Eastern Front however the countries country are divided on how to end the war a survey released by the European Council on Foreign Relations say that most countries are skeptical about Ukraine winning this war the polling data shows a majority of European countries including Italy Greece Spain are against increasing the def defense spending in Russia Ukraine war in fact when we look at Italy pole data states that 80% of the population is against sending any troops to Ukraine a large number of respondents believe that the war between Russia and Ukraine will end in negotiations China’s president Shin ping told members of the Shanghai cooperation organization that includes Russia and its latest members belus that they must work together to resist external interference and firmly support one another and one address each other’s concerns addressing the 24th SEO Summit in aana shunping stressed on the need for member nations to firmly control the future and Destiny of their countries and ensure Regional peace and development since its Inception in Shanghai in 2001 the Shanghai cooperation organization has expanded from a regional organization with six members into a trans Regional block with 10 full members Belarus the latest country to officially join the block on Thursday on the sidelines of the Shanghai cooperation organization also known as the SEO Russian President Vladimir Putin met with Chinese president SRI Jinping and hailed their country’s partnership both Putin and Sh commended the group’s expanding membership it has been stated more than once and with good reason that Russian Chinese relations of comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction are experiencing the best period in their history they are built on the principles of equality Mutual benefit and respect for each other’s sovereignty our cooperation is not aimed against anyone we do not create any blocks or alliances we simply act in the interests of our people the Chinese president in turn referred to the turbulent International situation and external environment in the face of a far from simple International situation and external environment we need to maintain a commitment to Eternal friendship work hard for the well-being of the people enhance the unique values of China Russian relations cultivate new drivers of cooperation and make tyus efforts to protect our legitimate rights and interest as well as fundamental Norms of international relations this is sh and Putin’s second meeting in two months and the two countries are facing the heat of West over their Regional policies China for what US calls it’s increasingly assertive action in the Asia Pacific region and its policy towards thawan Russia for its ongoing invasion of Ukraine besides she Putin also met kazak president and the Turkish leader rajb T eduan now eduan offered to help end Russia Ukraine war as a mediator she also held a meeting with the kazak president and the Chinese President also met with aeran counterpart the block was founded by China and Russia as a Counterpoint to Western might and this this year’s SEO meeting is particularly important for China as the country is going to get the presidency of the block after seven long years now to get us the latest our correspondent anas Malik is joining us live from aana anas we are getting some news as we speak that Russia’s Vladimir Putin has thanked SEO members for the proposal for UK ukine peace settlement what can you tell us about it certainly so the Russian president has indeed thanked all of the member states for uh uh weighing in on the Ukraine peace proposal uh the Chinese president president she while addressing has said that in the face of the real risk of small yards with high fences we must Safeguard the right development this is what president shei has said he’s also said and I quote the block the block must resolve internal difference within with peace seek common ground and resolve cooperation difficulties uh that is what president shei has said but additionally while the SE heads of States meeting uh is over and the aana declaration has been signed and while I talked to you uh the SEO plus format meeting is currently ongoing the UN Secretary General Antonio GES has made quite a statement uh before the grouping in the plus format and he he has chosen to speak on uh a the while with regard to ceasefire in Gaza he’s also called uh for the unconditional release of all the hostages he’s also said that we need and I quote we need peace in Ukraine based on the charter of un and international law he’s also said we need peace from Sudan to sahil from the Democratic Republic of Congo to Somalia from Myanmar to Haiti then the then the uh un Secretary General while addressing the SEO plus grouping has gone on to say that we need peace in Afghanistan and an inclusive government that respects human rights rights and is integrated into the International Community quite some statements there uh on onto the SEO plus format meeting the SEO heads of States has concluded the Asana declaration has been signed while the SEO uh heads of States chair has been handed over to China that takes over the presidency of after seven long years uh as we speak the SEO plus format meeting is currently ongoing Ana all right anas thank you for getting us all those live updates from Asana at least four people are reported to being killed and over two dozen others have been injured in a Russian drone and missile Barat in the central Ukrainian city of dpro the regional Governor has said that the Russian forces have been targeting the industrial city in the surrounding areas persistently since the invasion about 2 years ago he said that a 14-year-old girl is among those who have been wounded in this attack Ukrainian media has published some amateur footage of the attack showing a huge plume of black smoke rising over the city and drivers speeding away from the scene the Ukrainian Air Force further said that its air defense systems managed to shoot down at least about six drones and five of the seven missiles that targeted the city of Deno the head of denpro petrit a Regional Council described the barrage as massive and posted images showing buildings being ripped open by the attack and shattered glass stwn across the ground dinpro had a pre-war population of over a million people and it lies about 100 km from the nearest point along the southern front line more than 40 people are said being killed in a Russian strike on Dio in January 2023 in one of the single worst aial bombardments by the Russian forces meanwhile Russia claims to destroyed two Ukrainian Naval drones advancing on its Black Sea port of novaris oite the Ukrainian Naval drones have sunk several Russian ships in the Black Sea but strikes as far east as noasis are pretty rare the major port city lies on Russia’s Southeastern Coast almost about 100 km east of the Crimean peninsula that Russia annexed from Ukraine in 2014 the defense Ministry published footage of what it said was the naval drones being destroyed it also showed several bright rounds being fired into the sea at night from multiple directions several of them hitting the waters next to a small craft before an explosion and a far breakout the KV was heavily targeted K is heavily targeted crimeia since Russia launched its fullscale military offensive in February 2022 including multiple attacks and attempted strikes in the kers bridge which is a whle road and a rail route linking the peninsula to Russia The Winds of War are shifting in Ukraine and is now bringing a chilling concern for the fate of the incoming F16 fighter jets the Russia’s campaign to [ __ ] the Ukrainian air power has resulted in a series of devastating strikes on Ukrainian air bases which are the potential future homes of the American f-16s now this Onslaught has thrown up this critical question can Ukraine even if it is in possession of the F-16 F Jets actually Shield them from the Russian Onslaught the Russian Ministry of Defense recent claim of destroying five su27 Fighters and damaging two others in Precision strikes on Ukrainian military airports has sent a pretty straightforward message to Ukraine now the aggressive targeting of air assets and infrastructure is likely a prute to the broader strategy one that is aimed at neutralizing Ukraine’s improved air capabilities with the f-16s squarely in moscow’s crosshairs now these attacks also underscore the formidable obstacle that KF faces in its attempt to rejuvenate its depleted Air Force by inducting the American manufactured f-16s the first of these fighter jets are expected to arrive sometime this month the outgoing Dutch government has said that the Netherlands will soon Supply Ukraine with its first of the 24 promised F-16 F gen the necessary permits to deliver the Jets to Ukraine were granted after months of Coalition building following an election last year however the Netherlands is declined to specify as to how many of the F-16 fire jets will be delivered in the first bat and when precisely they would arrive in Ukraine Ukraine hopes that they’ll bolster its air defenses against the ongoing Russian Onslaught along the front lines and these lines are currently subject to devastating Russian Glide bombs that the F-16 potentially could Stave off now in addition to the aial threats Ukraine’s ground situation is increasingly precarious the Ukrainian military sources have reported that troops have withdrawn from parts of chavar in eastern donit region and this move follows Russia’s claim that its forces had secured a district within the Strategic town the enemy has a big advantage in the air if we could intercept at least half of what they have super cams ORS it would have been much harder for the enemy much harder but since our airspace is not protected there’s nothing we can do the of holds significant tactical significance as it sits on elevated terrain should Russian forces fully capture the town it could also serve as a crucial staging ground for further advances towards key Ukrainian cities like kator and Sloans the t f focus on Ukrainian air bases combined with ground losses like those in chavar reflects the mounting challenges that KIA faces the anticipated arrival of the f-16s while offering a potential boost also comes with a significant risk as Russia remains pretty determin to neutralize these new American scent assets to Ukraine as Russia continues to fire Glide bombs at Ukraine president vadir zalinsky has raised concerns he claims There’s no practical way to defend against the russan Russian Glide bombs and America’s Patriots or the himer are not a viable solution to the Soviet ear ammunitions Moscow has fired over 800 Glide bombs at ke only in the last week in simple terms a Glide bomb is a standoff weapon with flight controls which allow it to use a gliding flight path onto a Target at a greater distance these weapons allow Russia to supplement a an inadequate inventory of Tactical Air launched missiles they also help Russia avoid using Free Fall bombs that expose Pilots to a greater risk of being shot down Russia is using Glide bombs along with direct attack Munitions in volume two overwhelm Ukrainian air defense in the given circumstances zalinsky has underscored the need for a permanent solution the Ukrainian president has called for long range attacks on Russian air bases moreover zalinsky has requested for necessary means to destroy the carriers of these bombs ke maintains that the provision of F-16 will allow them to take on Russian fight Jets while they are in the air destroying the bombs before they are released meanwhile Netherlands has assured that it will deliver the first of 24 promised F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine very soon the necessary permit to deliver the Jets to Ukraine have been granted Netherlands defense minister said in a letter to Parliament that Netherlands Belgium Denmark and Norway have together committed to provide K with over 85 us made F-16 fighter jets by 2028 meanwhile in a rare visit to Ukraine since the beginning of Russia’s full scale Invasion Hungarian prime minister Victor Obin arged Ukrainian counterpart V zelanski to consider CI the war with Russia to accelerate peace talks adding that he wanted to sign a big cooperation agreement with Ukraine known as Russian President Vladimir Putin’s closest EU Ally Orban is known for being a vocal critic of Western military aid to Ukraine I asked president vadir zinski to think about whether we could reverse the order and speed up peace talks with making a ceasefire first a ceasefire connected to a deadline would give a chance to speed up peace talks I exploded this possibility with the president and I am grateful for his honest answers and negotiation president vadir zi says it is important for you Europe to maintain military support for Ukraine as the Army struggles to hold back determined Russian attacks across the front line to all of us in Europe it is crucial that the European support of Ukraine remains at a sufficient level including our defense from Russian Terror it is important that the relationship between all Neighbors in Europe becomes more deep and effective now five people work killed and 34 others injured in a Russian drone and missile barrage on the central Ukrainian city of Dino the regional Governor said russan forces have been targeting the industrial city and the surrounding region persistently since their Invasion two years ago it a a 14-year-old girl is among those wounded in the attack Ukrainian media published amateur footage of the attack showing a huge plume of black smoke rising over the city and drivers speeding from the scene the Air Force said its air defense systems shot down six drones and five of the seven missiles targeting the nepro the head of the nepro Regional Council described the barage as a massive and posted images showing buildings ripped open by the attack and shattered glass and strewn across the ground nepro had a pre-war population of around 1 million people and eyes about 100 km from the nearest point along the southern front line more than 4 people were killed in a Russian strike on dipro in January 2023 in one of the single worst aial bombardments by Russian forces meanwhile Russia claimed it destroyed two Ukrainian Naval drones advancing on its Black Sea port overnight Ukrainian Naval drones have sunk several Russian ships in the Black Sea but strikes as far east are rare the major port city lies on Russia’s Southern Southeastern Co poast 100 km east of the Crimean Peninsula that Russia annexed in 2014 the defense Ministry published footage of what it said was the naval drones being destroyed it showed several bright rounds being fired into the sea at night from multiple directions several hitting the waters next to a small craft before an explosion and fire broke out cave has heavily targeted Crimea since Russia launched its full scale military offensive in 2022 including multiple attacks and attempted strikes on the ker Bridge a vital Road and rail route linking the peninsula to Russia The Winds of War are shifting in Ukraine and is now bringing a chilling concern for the fate of the incoming F-16 fighter jets Russia’s brutal campaign to [ __ ] Ukrainian air power has resulted in a series of devastating strikes on air bases which are the potential future homes for these American f-16s the this Fierce Onslaught has thrown up a critical question can Ukraine Shield these Advanced Jets from the Russian aggression the Russian Ministry of Defense recent claim of destroying five su27 Fighters and damaging two others in Precision strikes on Ukrainian military airports sends a chilling message the aggressive targeting of air assets and infrastructure is likely a Prelude to a broader strategy one that is aimed at neutralizing Ukraine’s improved air capabilities with f-16’s squal and moscow’s crosshairs these attacks underscore the formidable obstacles KF faces in its attempt to rejuvenate its depleted Air Force by inducting the US designed f-16s the first of these fighter jets are expected to arrive this month the outgoing Dutch government says the Netherlands will soon Supply Ukraine with the first of 24 promised F-16 fighter jets the necessary permit to deliver the Jets to Ukraine were granted after months of Coalition building following an election last year however Netherlands declined to specify just how many planes will be delivered in the first bch and when they will arrive in Ukraine well Ukraine hopes they that the f-16s will strengthen its defenses against the ongoing Russian Onslaught along the front lines these lines are currently subjected to devastating Russian Glide bomb attacks that the f-16s could protect eventually disrupt and th in addition to the aerial threats Ukraine’s ground situation is increasingly precarious Ukrainian military sources report their troops have withdrawn from parts of chasar in the Eastern dunet region this move follows Russia claimed that its forces had secured a district within the Strategic town the enemy has a big advantage in the air if we could intercept at least half of what they have super cams Orland it would have been much harder for the enemy much harder but since our airspace is not protected there’s nothing we can do Joseph holds significant tactical significance as it sits on elevated terrain should Russian forces fully capture the town it could serve as a crucial staging ground for further advances towards key Ukrainian cities like katos and Sloans the intensified focus on Ukrainian air bases combined with ground losses like those in shivar reflect the mounting challenges KF faces the anticipated arrival of f-16s while offering a potential boost also comes with significant risks as Russia remains determined to neutralize these assets all right let’s get you some updates from the Russia Ukraine conflict as Ukraine awaits the arrival of f-16s on the Netherlands Russia is targeting airfields in Western Ukraine which is home to an important air base and it is a frequent Target of Moscow strikes Ukrainian officials have not revealed where the f-16s will be based but Moscow said that the strike targeted airfields that believe would house them meanwhile a Ukrainian Air Force spokesperson said that the strikes presented certain difficulties but would not undermine the delivery of f-16s or their use in the battle the first batch of planes are expected to arrive this month and Ukraine hopes that it will boost forces struggling to repel a Russian Onslaught along the front line meanwhile the United States of America has announced that it will soon announce more than $2.3 billion in new security assistance for Ukraine on the Diplomatic front Hungarian prime minister Victor auan has urged Ukrainian president vadir zilinski to consider a ceasefire to end the war with Russia auan who is an outspoken critic of Western military aid to Ukraine held talks with zinski during his first trip to Kev in more than a decade more details on this in our next report in his surprise visit to keev on Tuesday Hungarian prime minister Victor Auburn gave a clear message on how to end Russia’s war in Ukraine I asked the president to think about whether we could reverse the order and speed up peace talks by making a ceasefire first a ceasefire connected to a deadline would give a chance to speed up peace talks I explored this possibility with the president and I am grateful for his honest answers and negotiation Orban has the warmest relations of any EU leader with Russian President Vladimir Putin the outspoken critic of Western military aid to Ukraine held talks with President Vladimir zalinski during his first trip to keev in more than a decade we would like to make the relationship between the two countries better we would like to make a broad bilateral agreement with Ukraine similar to the ones we already have made with our neighbors we would be happy to take part in the modernization of Ukraine’s economy we would like an ordered framework for this he also said he valued ke’s push to promote zelinsky’s vision of Peace at an international Summit in June the Ukrainian president who spoke before Orin did not respond to those comments ties between the neighbors came under heavy strain after Russia launched its fullscale invasion of Ukraine on February 24th 2022 pest has often opposed the European Union efforts to support Kev earlier this year it took EU leaders weeks to break orban’s veto to extend over 50 billion EUR in new Aid to the war torn country under Orbin Hungary has repeatedly accused Ukraine of curbing the rights of roughly 150,000 ethnic hungarians living in the far west of Ukraine Ukraine denies this and says it is open to addressing any concerns keev is Keen to support hungary’s backing as it relies heavily on financial and Military Support from the 27 member EU where unanimity is needed for many decisions NATO allies have agreed on a 43 billion doll military pledge for Ukraine however a big question mark looms over Ukraine’s n membership and has AER to safeguard Ukraine from any further Invasion Ukrainian president V zensi is pushing towards NATO membership after the end of this war but the challenge is multifold membership talks cannot progress until the former Soviet state cleans up in a major blow to Ukraine’s goal a senior official in the US state department said that the alliance will request additional steps from KF before it considers a timeline for Ukraine’s membership the official signal that Ukraine will be told that at the at the moment the country is too corrupt to join NATO this position of the Western Alliance will be signed during the annual Summit on the 9th of July as for reports the United States is blocking any UK and European efforts to ride an irreversible path towards Ukraine’s NATO membership in his recent interview with the Time Magazine this year US President Joe Biden raised significant corruption in Ukraine’s defense units he further ruled out supporting the NATO is natation of Ukraine Ukraine has suffered from corruption particularly in its Armed Forces since the dissolution of the Soviet Union as a part of curbing corruption the Ukrainian president sacked military Chiefs amid growing Rift between Cave’s government and Military staff this year zensi sacked his bodyguard after foiled assassination plot European nations remain supportive of Ukraine as it struggles to hold off Russia’s forces on the Eastern Front however the countries country are divided on how to end the war a survey released by the European Council on Foreign Relations say that most countries are skeptical about Ukraine winning this war the polling data shows a majority of European countries including Italy Greece Spain are against increasing the def defense spending in Russia Ukraine war in fact when we look at Italy poll data states that 80% of the population is against sending any troops to Ukraine a large number of respondents believe that the war between Russia and Ukraine will end in negotiations China’s president Shin ping told members of the Shanghai cooperation organization that includes Russia and its latest members bellus that they must work together to resist external interference and firmly support one another and one address each other’s concern concerns addressing the 24th SEO Summit in aana shunping stressed on the need for member nations to firmly control the future and Destiny of their countries and ensure Regional peace and development since its Inception in Shanghai in 2001 the shangai cooperation organization has expanded from a regional organization with six members into a trans Regional block with 10 full members Belarus is the latest country to officially join the block on Thursday on the sidelines of the Shanghai cooperation organization also known as the SEO Russian President Vladimir Putin met the Chinese president Shri Jinping and hailed their country’s partnership both Putin and she commended the group’s expanding membership it has been stated more than once and with good reason that Russian Chinese relations of comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction are experiencing the best period in their history they are built on the principles of equality Mutual benefit and respect for each other’s sovereignty our cooperation is not aimed against anyone we do not create any blocks or alliances we simply act in the interests of our people the Chinese president in turn referred to the turbulent International situation and external environment in the face of a far from simple International situation and external environment we need to maintain a commitment to Eternal friendship work hard for the well-being of the people enhance the unique values of China Russian relations cultivate new drivers of cooperation and make tyus efforts to protect our legitimate rights and interests as well as fundamental Norms of intern relations this is sh and Putin’s second meeting in two months and the two countries are facing the heat of West over their Regional policies China for what US calls its increasingly assertive action in the Asia Pacific region and its policy towards Taiwan Russia for its ongoing invasion of Ukraine besides she Putin also met kazak president and the Turkish leader rajb T eduan now eduan offered to help end Russia Ukraine war as a mediator she also held a meeting with the kazak president and the Chinese President also met with azer bani counterpart the block was founded by China and Russia as a Counterpoint to Western might and this year’s SEO meeting is particularly important for China as the country is going to get the presidency of the block after seven long years now to get us the latest our correspondent anas Malik is joining us live from aana anas we are getting some news as we speak that Russia’s Vladimir Putin has thanked SEO members for their proposal for Ukraine peace settlement what can you tell us about it certainly so uh the Russian president has indeed thanked all of the member states for uh uh weighing in on the Ukraine peace proposal uh the Chinese president president she while addressing has said that in the face of the real risk of small yards with high fences we must Safeguard the right to development this is what president shei has said he’s also said and I quote the block the block must resolve internal difference within with peace seek common ground and resolve cooperation difficulties uh that is what president shei has said but additionally while the SE HS of States meeting uh is over and the aana declaration has been signed and while I talked to you uh the SEO plus format meeting is currently ongoing the UN Secretary General Antonio goes has made quite a statement uh before the grouping in the SEO plus format and he he has uh chosen to speak on uh a the with regards to ceasefire in Gaza he’s also called uh for the unconditional release of all the hostages he’s also said that we need and I quote we need peace in Ukraine based on the charter of un and international law he’s also said we need peace from Sudan to sahil from the Democratic Republic of Congo to Somalia from Myanmar to Haiti then the then the uh un Secretary General while addressing the SE plus grouping has gone on to say that we need peace in Afghanistan and an inclusive government that respects human rights rights and is integrated into the International Community s some statements there uh on onto the SEO plus format meeting the SEO heads of States has concluded the Asana declaration has been signed while the SEO uh heads of States chair has been handed over to China that takes over the presidency after seven long years uh as we speak the SEO plus format meeting is currently ongoing Ana all right anas thank you for getting us all those live updates from Asana at least four people are reported to being killed and over two dozen others have been injured in a Russian drone and missile Barat in the central Ukrainian city of dpro the regional Governor has said that the Russian forces have been targeting the industrial city in the surrounding areas persistently since the invasion about 2 years ago he said that a 14-year-old girl is among those who’ve been wounded in this attack Ukrainian media has published some amateur footage of the attack showing a huge plume of black smoke rising over the city and drivers speeding away from the scene the Ukrainian Air Force further said that its air defense systems managed to shoot down at least about six drones and five of the seven missiles that targeted the city of Deno the head of Deno petrit a Regional Council described The Barrage as massive and posted images showing buildings being ripped open by the attack and shattered glass stwn across the ground dinpro had a pre-war population of over a million people and it lies about 100 km from the nearest point along the southern front line more than 40 people are said being killed in a Russian strike on deno in January 2023 in one of the single worst aial bombardments by the Russian forces meanwhile Russia claims to destroyed two Ukrainian Naval drones advancing on its Black Sea port of novaris oite the Ukrainian Naval drones have sunk several Russian ships in the Black Sea but strikes as far east as novaris are pretty rare the major port city lies on Russia’s Southeastern Coast almost about 100 km east of the Crimean Peninsula that Russia Annex from Ukraine in 2014 the defense Ministry published footage of what it said was the naval drones being destroyed it also short several bright rounds being fired into the sea at night from multiple directions several of them hitting the waters next to a small craft before an explosion and a far breakout the KV was heavily targeted K is heavily targeted crimeia since Russia launched its full-scale military offensive in February 2022 including multiple attacks and attempted strikes in the kers bridge which is a vle road and a rail route linking the peninsul to Russia The Winds of War are shifting in Ukraine and is now bringing a chilling concern for the fate of the incoming F-16 fighter jets the Russia’s campaign to [ __ ] the Ukrainian air power has resulted in a series of devastating strikes on Ukrainian air bases which are the potential future homes of the American f-16s now this F Onslaught has thrown up this critical question can Ukraine even if it is in possession of the F-16 F Jets actually Shield them from the Russian Onslaught the Russian Ministry of Defense recent claim of destroying five su27 Fighters and damaging two others in Precision strikes on Ukrainian military airports has sent a pretty straightforward message to Ukraine now the aggressive targeting of air assets and infrastructure is likely a prute to the broader strategy one that is aimed at neutralizing Ukraine’s improved air capabilities with the f-16s squarely in moscow’s Crosshair now these attacks also underscore the formidable obstacle that KF faces in its attempt to rejuvenate its depleted Air Force by inducting the American manufactured f-16s the first of these figh jets are expected to arrive sometime this month the outgoing Dutch government has said that the Netherlands will soon Supply Ukraine with its first of the 24 promised F-16 figh Jets the necessary permits to deliver the Jets to Ukraine were granted after months of Coalition building following an election last year however the Netherlands is declined to specify as to how many of the F-16 fire jets will be delivered in the first bat and when precisely they would arrive in Ukraine Ukraine hopes that they’ll bolster its air defenses against the ongoing Russian Onslaught along the front lines and these lines are currently subject to devastating Russian Glide bombs that the f-16s potentially could stay off now in addition to the aial threats Ukraine’s ground situation is increasingly PR arous the Ukrainian military sources have reported that troops have withdrawn from parts of chavar in eastern donit region and this move follows Russia’s claim that its forces had secured a district within the Strategic town the enemy has a big advantage in the air if we could intercept at least half of what they have super cams ORS it would have been much harder for the enemy much harder but since our air space is not protected there’s nothing we can do the holds significant tactical significance as it sits on elevated terrain should Russian forces fully capture the town it could also serve as a crucial staging ground for further advances towards key Ukrainian cities like kator and Sloans the intensi focus on Ukrainian air bases combined with ground losses like those in charvard reflects the mounting challenges that K faces the anticipated arrival of the f-16s while offering a potential boost also comes with a significant risk as Russia remains pretty dimin to neutralize these new American scent assets to Ukraine as Russia continues to fire Glide bombs at Ukraine president vadir zelinski has raised concerns he claims There’s no practical way to defend against the Russian Glide bombs and America’s Patriots or the himas are not a viable solution to the Soviet ear ammunitions Moscow has fired over 8 00 Glide bombs at ke only in the last week in simple terms a Glide bomb is a standoff weapon with flight controls which allow it to use a gliding flight path onto a Target at a greater distance these weapons allow Russia to supplement air an inadequate inventory of Tactical Air launched missiles they also help Russia avoid using Free Fall bombs that expose Pilots to a greater risk of being shot down Russia is using Glide bombs along with direct attack Munitions in volume two overwhelm Ukrainian air defense in the given circumstances zalinsky has underscored the need for a permanent solution the Ukrainian president has called for long range attacks on Russian air bases moreover zalinsky has requested for necessary means to destroy the carriers of these boms ke maintains that the provision of F-16 will allow them to take on Russian fighter jets while they are in the air destroying the bombs before they are released meanwhile Netherlands has assured that it will deliver the first of 24 promised F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine very soon the necessary permits to deliver the Jets to Ukraine have been granted Netherlands defense minister said in a letter to Parliament that Netherlands Belgium Denmark and Norway have together committed to provide K with over 85 us made F-16 fighter jets by 2028 meanwhile in a rare visit to Ukraine since the beginning of Russia’s full scale Invasion Hungarian prime minister Victor Oban arged Ukrainian counterpart vadir zelinsky to consider CI in the war with Russia to accelerate peace talks adding that he wanted to sign a big cooperation agreement with Ukraine known as Russian President Vladimir Putin’s closest EU Ally Orban is known for being a vocal critic of Western military aid to Ukraine I asked president vadir zinski to think about whether we could reverse the order and speed up peace talks with making a ceasefire first a ceasefire connected to a deadline would give a chance to speed up peace talks I explored this possibility with the president and I am grateful for his honest answers and negotiation President vadir zilinski says it is important for Europe to maintain military support for Ukraine as the Army struggles to hold back determined Russian attacks across the front line to all of us in Europe it is crucial that the European support of Ukraine remains at a sufficient level including our defense from Russian Terror it is important that the relationship between all Neighbors in Europe becomes more deep and effective now five people were killed and 34 others injured in a Russian drone and missile barrage on the central Ukrainian city of Dino the regional Governor say branch and forces have been targeting the industrial city and the surrounding region persistently since their Invasion 2 years ago it’s a a 14-year-old girl is among those wounded in the attack Ukrainian media published amateur footage of the attack showing a huge plume of black smoke rising over the city and drivers speeding from the scene the Air Force said its air defense systems shot down six drones and five of the seven missiles targeting the nepro the head of the nepro Regional Council described the barage as a massive and posted images showing buildings ripped open by the attack and shattered glass and strewn across the ground nepro had a pre-war population of around 1 million people and I about 100 km from the nearest point along the southern front line more than 40 people were killed in a Russian strike on thepro in January 2023 in one of the single worst AAL bombardment by Russian forces meanwhile Russia claimed it destroyed two Ukrainian Naval drones advancing on its Black Sea port overnight Ukrainian Naval drones have sunk several Russian ships in the Black Sea but strikes as far east are rare the major port city lies on Russia’s Southern Southeastern Coast 100 km east of the Crimean Peninsula that Russia annexed in 2014 the defense Ministry published of what it said was the naval drones being destroyed it showed several bright rounds being fired into the sea at night from multiple Direction several hitting the waters next to a small craft before an explosion and fire broke out keave has heavily targeted Crimea since Russia launched its full scale military offensive in 2022 including multiple attacks and attempted strikes on the ker Bridge a vital Road and rail r out linking the peninsula to Russia The Winds of War are shifting in Ukraine and is now bringing a chilling concern for the fate of the incoming F-16 fighter jets Russia’s brutal campaign to [ __ ] Ukrainian air power has resulted in a series of devastating strikes on air bases which are the potential future homes for these American f-16s the this Fierce Onslaught has thrown up a critical question can Ukraine Shield these Advanced Jets from the Russian aggression the Russian Ministry of Defense recent claim of destroying five su27 Fighters and damaging two others in Precision strikes on Ukrainian military airports sends a chilling message the aggressive targeting of air assets and infrastructure is likely a Prelude to a broader strategy one that is aimed at neutralizing Ukraine’s improved air capabilities with the f-16’s squal and moscow’s cros heads these attacks underscore the formidable obstacles KF faces in its attempt to rejuvenate its depleted Air Force by inducting the US designed f-16s the first of these fighter jets are expected to arrive this month the outgoing Dutch government says the Netherlands will soon Supply Ukraine with the first of 24 promised F-16 fighter jets the necessary permits to deliver the Jets to Ukraine were granted after months of Coalition building following an election last year however Netherlands declined to specify spe ify just how many planes will be delivered in the first batch and when they will arrive in Ukraine well Ukraine hopes they that the f-16s will strengthen its defenses against the ongoing Russian Onslaught along the front lines these lines are currently subjected to devastating Russian Glide bomb attacks that the f-16s could potentially disrupt and thwart in addition to the aerial threats Ukraine’s ground situation is increasingly precarious ukra Ian military sources report their troops have withdrawn from parts of chasar in the Eastern dunet region this move follows Russia’s claimed that its forces had secured a district within the Strategic town the enemy has a big advantage in the air if we could intercept at least half of what they have super cams Orland it would have been much harder for the enemy much harder but since our airspace is not protect there’s nothing we can do jph holds significant tactical significance as it sits on elevated terrain should Russian forces fully capture the town it could serve as a crucial staging ground for further advances towards key Ukrainian cities like katos and Sloans the intensified focus on Ukrainian air bases combined with ground losses like those in chasar reflect the Moun challenges key faces the anticipated arrival of f-16s while offering a potential boost also comes with significant risks as Russia remains determined to neutralize these assets all right let’s get you some updates from the Russia Ukraine conflict as Ukraine awaits the arrival of f-16s from the Netherlands Russia is targeting airfields in Western Ukraine which is home to an important air base and it is a frequent Target of strikes Ukrainian officials have not revealed where the f-16s will be based but Moscow said that the strike targeted airfields that believe would house them meanwhile a Ukrainian Air Force spokesperson said that the strikes presented certain difficulties but would not undermine the delivery of f-16s or their use in the battle the first batch of planes are expected to arrive this month and Ukraine hopes that it will boost forces struggling to repel a Russian Onslaught along the front line meanwhile the United States of America has announced that it will soon announce more than $2.3 billion in new security assistance for Ukraine on the Diplomatic front Hungarian prime minister Victor auan has urged Ukrainian president vadir zilinski to consider a ceasefire to end the war with Russia auan who is an outspoken critic of Western military aid to Ukraine held talks with zinski during his first trip to Kev in more than a decade more details on this in our next report in his surprise visit to keev on Tuesday Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban gave a clear message on how to end Russia’s war in Ukraine I asked the president to think about whether we could reverse the order and speed up peace talks by making a ceasefire first a ceasefire connected to a deadline would give a chance to speed up peace talks I explored this possibility with the president and I am grateful for his honest answers and negotiation Orban has the warmest relations of any EU leader with Russian President Vladimir Putin the outspoken critic of Western military aid to Ukraine held talks with President Vladimir zalinski during his first trip to keev in more than a decade we would like to make the relationship between the two countries better we would like to make a broad bilateral agreement with Ukraine similar to the ones we already have made with our neighbors we would be happy to take part in the modernization of Ukraine’s economy we would like an ordered framework for this he also said he valued ke’s push to promote zelinsky’s vision of Peace at an international Summit in June the Ukrainian president who spoke before Oran did not respond to those comments ties between the neighbors came under heavy strain after Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24th 2022 pest has often opposed the European Union efforts to support keev earlier this year it took EU leaders weeks to break orban’s veto to extend over 50 billion EUR in new Aid to the W on Country under Orin Hungary has repeatedly accused Ukraine of curbing the rights of roughly 150,000 ethnic hungarians living in the far west of Ukraine Ukraine denies this and says it is open to addressing any concerns keev is Keen to support hungary’s backing as it relies heavily on financial and Military Support from the 27 member EU where unanimity is needed for many decisions NATO allies have agreed on a 43 billion military pledge for Ukraine however a big question mark looms over Ukraine’s NATO membership and has referred to safeguard Ukraine from any further Invasion Ukrainian president vmir zenski is pushing towards NATO membership after the end of this war but the challenge is multifold membership talks cannot progress until the former Soviet state cleans up in a major blow to Ukraine’s goal a senior official in the US state department said that the alliance will request additional steps from KF before it considers a timeline for Ukraine’s membership the official signal that Ukraine will be told that at the at the moment the country is too corrupt to join NATO this position of the Western Alliance will be signed during the annual Summit on the 9th of July as per reports United States is blocking any UK and European efforts to ride an irreversible path towards Ukraine’s NATO membership in his recent interview with the Time Magazine this year US President Joe Biden raised significant corruption in Ukraine’s defense units he further ruled out supporting the NATO I natation of Ukraine Ukraine has suffered from corruption particular ly in its Armed Forces since the dissolution of the Soviet Union as a part of curbing corruption the Ukrainian president sacked military Chiefs amid growing Rift between Cave’s government and Military staff this year zensi sacked his bodyguard after foiled assassination plot European nations remain supportive of Ukraine as it struggles to hold off Russia’s forces on the Eastern Front however the countries country are divided on how to end the war a survey released by the Europe European Council on Foreign Relations say that most countries are skeptical about Ukraine winning this war the polling data shows a majority of European countries including Italy Greece Spain are against increasing the def defense spending in Russia Ukraine war in fact when we look at Italy pole data states that 80% of the population is against sending any troops to Ukraine a large number of respondents believe that the war between Russia and Ukraine will end in negotiations China’s president Shan ping told members of the Shanghai cooperation organization that includes Russia and its latest members bellus that they must work together to resist external interference and firmly support one another and one address each other’s concerns addressing the 24th SEO Summit in aana shunping stressed on the need for member nations to firmly control the future and Destiny of their countries and ensure Regional peace and development since its Inception in Shanghai in 2001 the Shanghai cooperation organization has expanded from a regional organization with six members into a trans Regional block with 10 full members Belarus is the latest country to officially join the block on Thursday on the sidelines of the Shanghai cooperation organization also known as the SEO Russian president Wladimir Putin met with Chinese president sh Jinping and hailed their country’s partnership both Putin and she commended the group’s expanding membership it has been stated more than once and with good reason that Russian Chinese relations of comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction are experiencing the best period in their history they are built on the principles of equality Mutual benefit and respect for each other’s sovereignty our cooperation is not aimed against anyone we do not create any blocks or alliances we simply act in the interests of our people the Chinese president in turn referred to the turbulent International situation and external environment in the face of a far from simple International situation and external environment we need to maintain a commitment to Eternal friendship work hard for the well-being of the people enhance the unique values of China Russian relations cultivate new drivers of cooperation and make tiess efforts to protect our legitimate rights and interests as well as fundamental Norms of international relations this is sh and Putin’s second meeting in two months and the two countries are facing the heat of West over their Regional policies China for what US calls its increasingly assertive action in the Asia Pacific region and its policy towards Taiwan Russia for its ongoing invasion of Ukraine besides she Putin also met kazak president and the Turkish leader rup tup Edan now

Russia launched an overnight drone attack across Ukraine on Saturday, hitting an energy facility in the Sumy region in the northeast of the country, officials said.

#russia #putin #nuclear

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