Mindestens 20 Tote nach „massivem“ russischen Raketenangriff auf ukrainische Städte

Mindestens 20 Tote nach „massivem“ russischen Raketenangriff auf ukrainische Städte


  1. Looking from outside, the main conclusion is to send more ammo to Ukraine and reduce restrictions how to use it.

  2. russian pilots should suffer hard. if god existed every russian pilot would have cancer, such as cancer that has kids in that hospital that russians hit. just sick

  3. After browsing more news on r/ukraine , it almost looks like RU diplomatic note on visit of new UK def minister on UA.

    In clasic terror atack on soft civilian targets in “heroic” RU style …

    They hit children hospital specialized on cancer pacients as well, pics with all these kids evacuated outside of hospital, without hairs, all on IV, are very sad, not speaking about who knows how many can be under debris.

  4. Russia targeted children’s hospital. Russian tg channels post that it has to be targeted second time with a photo of mothers holding their sick children outside of ruined hospital.



  5. And yet so far the US has only gifted ONE damn Patriot system, while Germany and the Netherlands have already donated 3 (or 4 even?). The US has absolutely no enemy whatsoever stupid enough to attack them with missiles. Only now have 7 more systems been pledged at least. Let’s hope they arrive fast. Ukraine is Losing the war of attrition big time at the moment, with big hits vs. critical structures every day…GIB missile defenses!

  6. Come on South Korea, where are those MRBMs? Time to put new craters on RU airfields.

  7. And coincidentally, Orban was on his peace mission in Moscow just a day ago. If he has even indirectly anything to do with this, he must be in The Hague with his friend Putin.

  8. Children with cancer is literally the saddest thing on earth. It’s emotional that children go through that. And now Russians are targeting missiles on them and killing them? What the fuck is this?

  9. People are like donate more ; guys they’re posting Rolls Royces in Monaco – do you really think the money makes it there? There are millions of Ukrainians overseas making more money than you – which is being used to by property overseas!

  10. Hmm.. massive missile attack leaves 20 dead.

    During WWII a massive bombing attack would kill ten thousand people.

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