Just found my old collection of Roald Dahl audiobooks from the Mirror from around 2006ish. Listened to them every night for about a decade.

Just found my old collection of Roald Dahl audiobooks from the Mirror from around 2006ish. Listened to them every night for about a decade.

by draymorgan

  1. Currently listening to these on Spotify with my son before he goes to bed, Charlie and the chocolate factory last week, this week BFG. There timeless.

  2. I need to have something playing in the background to be able to get to sleep, and I’m certain it’s because I got so used to falling asleep listening to audio books when I was kid. I’ve got most of these burned into my memory.

  3. My lad has a toniebox with some of the Roald Dahl books, he takes it wherever he’s sleeping, whether at home or camping

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