Wiederholter russischer Angriff auf Kiew beschädigt Entbindungsklinik, 4 Tote

Wiederholter russischer Angriff auf Kiew beschädigt Entbindungsklinik, 4 Tote


  1. Please consider donation for my country’s army – [https://u24.gov.ua/](https://u24.gov.ua/) You see what atrocities those animals commit. We literally fight for our survival. Any amount will do. Thank you.

  2. *literally only hits hospitals instead of ammunition depots or supllyinfrastructure*

    *war isn’t going great*

    Surprised pikachu face.

  3. For anyone who might be confused: That’s a different hospital from the children’s hospital that was widely reported previously.
    At least two hospitals were struck by Russia in one day.

  4. Time for Europe to start hitting the russia. Passively observing a crime when you are capable of hindering it makes you a part of the crime.

  5. What do you guys think the consequences would be of Ukraine not only striking Russian targets inside Russia, but also attacking civilian infrastructure such as bridges and major roads inside Russia? I think we need to crank up the pressure on Russian civilians who will then put pressure on Putin.

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