Russia launches massive air strikes across Ukraine | DW News

Russia launches massive air strikes across Ukraine | DW News

we begin with breaking news from Ukraine where Russia has launched a major daytime Air Assault killing at least 20 people and injuring dozens President zalinski says 40 missiles targeted cities Across the Nation we’re now uh hoping to look at live images there they are from outside a children’s hospital in the capol keave which has been damaged in the strikes Rescuers are now searching for people trapped under the trouble we can see under the rubble we can see them there the city’s mayor says it’s one of the worst attacks since Russia’s fullscale invasion of Ukraine well let’s crawl straight over to our correspondent Nick Conley who is in ke Nick what else do we know about these strikes So currently authorities here talking of eight casualties Al those although those numbers set to rise that’s the expectation here more than 20 injured pretty extraordinary pictures of huge numbers of people civilians as well as professionals trying to go through the rubble of that Children’s Hospital also energy infrastructure attacked residential buildings industrial sites this was pretty big it was midm morning here in Kiev and normally this is the place in Ukraine that is best protected and suddenly you had bang after bang after bang lots of those interceptors even here in downtown where I am now and uh it really caught people off guard who in the last few months had got used to to a bit of a more stable situation at least here in Kiev and uh a reminder that nowhere really in this country is fully safe what does this attack tell us about the state of Ukraine’s air defenses Nick I think it tells us two things on the one hand it is an indication of the strength and the success of these Western supplied air defense systems that Ukraine has that Russia is resorting to fewer but bigger attacks basically the tactic that it used at the beginning of the war sending in a few ballistic missiles won’t work because Ukraine can shoot them all down so what it has to do is send lots of different things in at the same time drones cruise missiles ballistic missiles to try and overwhelm the system lots of these missiles are also on very uh unusual kind of curvy trajectory so they look like they’re attacking one city and then they swerve and move towards Kia for instance so trying to keep uh the system here constantly under strain but the fact that Ukraine has to shoot down these kinds of missiles over the downtown of its capital is also a sign of that Ukraine doesn’t have enough systems to shoot down these missiles somewhere out in the countryside before they get to Kev and we’ve seen that a lot of the damage done today has been from falling debris so it’s not just a question of missiles attacking and destroying building but also the debris then falling and costing Liv What impact are these attacks having on the morale of the people in Ukraine Nick well certainly it is you know something that sets everyone’s pulse racing you know people having there coffees in the coffeee shops downtown K of a normal workday morning and then suddenly this you can’t realistically go down to the Shel every time sometimes you’ll have 7 hours a day on Air Aid alert so people do go about their lives I think the interesting thing is that it seems to shock people ukrainians who’ve spent time outside the country who maybe fled at the beginning of this war and then come back and haven’t been here for the whole time they seem to uh react most nervously to this shock them the most also lots of family plans you know this is a country of divided families where lots of women and children are in Europe and the fathers uh grandfathers the families hoping to see their grandkids over the summer for the holidays and you hear stories of lots of people canceling those trips saying I can’t reasonably bring my child out of safety from Germany say to Ukraine because this risk is just you know not something you can avoid anywh Nick thank you very much that was our correspondent Nick connley in the Ukrainian Capital key

In breaking news from Ukraine, Russia has launched a major daytime air assault, killing at least 20 people and injuring dozens. President Zelenskyy says 40 missiles targeted cities across the country.
A children’s hospital in the capital Kyiv was damaged in the strikes. Rescuers are searching for people trapped under the rubble. The city’s mayor says it’s one of the worst attacks since Russia began its full-scale invasion.


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  1. Why Ukraine why?? After Soviet Union there wasn’t any problem, why you show interest to admit NATO? And loosing life this is embarrassing every hour some one dies my god, human life is valueless when we talk about power

  2. I hope to God that most of the comments here were written by bots or trolls living in their basements, because there isnt anyway that a human being can conciously write and fully believe some of the things that the pro-russians are saying here.

  3. you are modestly silent about the cluster bomb on the beach of Sevastopol, launched from NATO weapons. Germans, Americans, your goods have returned to Ukraine.

  4. Lies, sanctions are taking it's toll, Russian economy is in tatters and Russians have run out of missiles, they are stealing chips from washing machines and using shovels to fight the war.

  5. It could be an American missile dropped on the hospital. Or Ukraine hiding American missiles in the Hospital and using hospital as a human shield. Or NATO secret base is under the Hospital. Russia has the right to self-defence.

  6. In 2008 the then US Ambassador to Moscow William J. Burns wrote an open memo to the then US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice stating, "Ukrainian entry into NATO is the brightest of all red lines for the Russian elite (not just Putin). In more than two and a half years of conversations with key Russian players, from knuckle-draggers in the dark recesses of the Kremlin to Putin’s sharpest liberal critics, I have yet to find anyone who views Ukraine in NATO as anything other than a direct challenge to Russian interests.” Burns added that it was “hard to overstate the strategic consequences” of offering Ukraine NATO membership. So the US knew exactly what they were doing when goading the far-right nutters of Ukraine to go full bore into Donbas to ethnically cleanse the land of the Russian speaking ethnically Russian Ukrainians (some 40% of the Ukraine population). They brought this upon themselves.

  7. Why should we believe zelensky he's utterly corrupt, Ukraine has been putting millitary equipment next to schools, hospitals and public residential blocks since they provoked this escalation in 2022

  8. It is impossible. We were told that Kiev was super protected by patriots and that old russian technology could not beat them..we were also told that russians were running out of weapons..

  9. Wow. What a remarkably st_pid conclusion concerning the air defense…. What you dont seem to understand is that Russia could flatted Kiev in one night if it wanted. Luckily for all of us they have not decided to take that route yet. Optimism is one thing – lack of understanding is an other.

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