Ousted SNP MP: ‘No apology needed from Nicola Sturgeon and party mudslinging is unhelpful’

Hannah Bardell doesn’t agree with Joanna Cherry that sturgeon should say sorry

by __glasg

  1. Sturgeon caused all this, and is absolutely and totally to blame but the SNP will get nowhere if they start infighting.

    Instead they need to pull together, drop the indepednence push and focus on doing the day job as best as they can for the next 2 years and see if they can turn the corner.

    Mostly the people being critical have lost their jobs so they’ve got little to lose unless they think they can squeeze onto the Holyrood lists

  2. Always quite liked Hannah tbh. Can’t say the same about Cherry. She and her ilk are the reason I stopped supporting the SNP, not Sturgeon.

  3. Of course she doesn’t. “They have learnt nothing, and forgotten nothing” as Talleyrand said of the Bourbons.

    And it will carry on like this until what’s left of the membership re-assert themselves on the NEC and kick out all the incumbents, including Swinney and Murray Foote formerly of Better Together infamy. (The very fact of that appointment was proof of what a piss-take the party had become.)

  4. The fundamental issue for the SNP is obviously the fact that someone or a few people are alleged to have embezzled party funds. Whoever ultimately ends up responsible for that (criminally and organisationally) will be responsible for the downfall of the SNP and possibly the entire independence movement. Everything else is a contributory but minor problem by comparison.

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