Carol Vorderman calls for Laura Kuenssberg to be ‘dropped’ by BBC after ‘disgraceful’ remark

Carol Vorderman calls for Laura Kuenssberg to be ‘dropped’ by BBC after ‘disgraceful’ remark

by SubstantialSnow7114

  1. Laura said “Ed Davey, congratulations, I suppose, on your more than 70 seats.”

    Does that really warrant calling for someone to be sacked nowadays?

  2. >”Maybe it was the bungee jumping, or maybe given that the Liberal Democrats want to change the voting system, ironically perhaps they just learned how to play it better by ruthlessly targeting seats where the Conservatives had held them.” 

    As if the Conservatives do not make such considerations. This is politics. She’s clearly very bitter about the election result.

    Dropped over one incident? No. Pulled up on it by bosses for being rude, unprofessional and displaying significant bias? Sure.

  3. She must or at the very least should know her phrasing of that response was at the very least disingenuous and at worst biased and insulting.

    Should she be sacked … No.

    Watch her double down and then loose her job blaming it on wokeism.

  4. i long for a time where both sides are not constantly trying to one up the other and actually focus on the matters at hand, improving the lives of the British people

  5. They should get rid of her just for being a Tory shill on what is meant to be a non-biased platform. No other reasoning required.

  6. This isn’t the worst thing she’s done, but she’s absolutely not impartial.

    She should have been sacked in 2019 for her postal vote comments.

  7. google = Laura Kuenssberg complaints history

    They have recieved a lot of complaints over the years. Plenty of grounds for workplace misconduct if it wasn’t for her bosses being conservative plants.

  8. That’s the least of my problems with Laura Kuenssberg’s stint as a political pundit, but OTOH I agree with Carol she should be dropped

  9. With the context of what she said before regarding the results, it made sense.

    They got fewer votes than in 2019, but won 6x more seats under the current system

    They played the system well, rather than winning over the general public.

  10. She’s not getting dropped for this. The same woman openly discussed voting counts from island constituencies a few Elections back whilst voting was still open and is still there FFS.

  11. she should have been dropped after the 2019 election for breaking election law by revealing results before the returning officer but she was so far up Boris’s ass she was untouchable.

  12. Speaking as someone on the centre left, and who voted Lib Dem this time, this is a ludicrous complaint. Just makes Carol Vorderman look a bit silly.

    The Laura Kuenssberg hate is also massively over the top. I think she does a pretty good job overall.

  13. Kuenssberg is a terrible journalist and interviewer, regardless of whether she is biased or not. BBC needs to listen to people’s feedback, we are paying her wages thru the license fee.

  14. Kuenssberg remains the only chief political correspondent at the BBC ever to be found guilty of breaking impartiality guidelines – and faced essentially no consequences.

  15. Kuenssberg was unprofessional the whole night from the ext poll. She moped around, was clearly upset and outright rude to guests. She excused Tory poor performance, suggested it wasn’t a good result for Labour or Lib Dems with every result and made so many comments like this. Considering she was pulled for breaking reporting rules on election day at the last two elections (both favouring the tories), she has previous

  16. Laura “Spitlickle” Kuennsberg has been clear in her disdain for everyone not a right wing loon. She has to go

  17. I suppose and ruthless, if that is cause for sacking now we are lost. And I imagine Ed Davey has thicker skin than to offended by it.

    The BBC is attacked by the left, by the right, anything close to opinion is demonised. It’s hopeless.

  18. It’s like watching two mangy street cats fighting over a piece of fried chicken.

  19. I am old enough to remember when she indulged in some voter manipulation by saying that Labour were ahead on the postal votes while the polls were open.

  20. Of all the hills we could have picked for that Liz Truss looking Tory fangirl’s career to die on, we chose her being salty over the Lib Dem’s success and not her breaking electoral law and leaking the postal vote result early in the last General Election…

    Sorry Carol, but there are way bigger reasons to loathe Laura Kuenssberg and call for her to be ceremoniously sacked from the BBC than that.

  21. Not only is Laura a Tory, she’s clearly obsessed with political drama and has absolutely been loving all of the internal on goings in the Tory party. She’d be much better off writing for the daily mail or working on GB news, she’s not a journalist. She spent the whole election onward trying to downplay every none Tory and heavily focused on the Tory leadership race which hasn’t even started yet

  22. I swear her tits get bigger every year. Has she had a bunch of boob jobs?

  23. Kuenssberg’s probably in an awkward situation. She is HEAVILY reliant on Conservative Party sources when it comes to leaks and interviews and what not. It’s clear she doesn’t have anything of the sort in the Labour Party. She’s going to struggle.

  24. I’ve given up on the BBC for news, partly due to LKs comments, but also that it’s so bias it’s joke news now.

  25. BBC claims to be impartial but has quite possibly the most bitter correspondent with a Tory diddlydoo up her arse covering politics. Vorderman has a point.

  26. I’m surprised Kuenssberg didn’t wear a black mourning dress emblazoned with Bring Back Boris while doing her show and election coverage.

  27. Her reporting is usually the equivalent of a Tory press conference. Don’t think I’d sack her over this one incident, but wouldn’t mind seeing her go over the myriad previous incidents plus this.

  28. She is a conservative through and through, she needs to be sacked as she’s the opposite of impartial (which the BBC supposedly is).

    Not sure whose decision it is but get it done.

  29. Laura K is a Tory stooge set up in the BBC to give them as much positive air as possible

    She shouldn’t be on the BBC at all… relegate her to Talk TV or GB News where she belongs

  30. Running her mouth off again, I dont know why she gets so much air time, why do we care what she thinks, so entitled. “LISTEN TO ME BECAUSE I AM IMPORTANT” oh do please fuck off !

  31. I don’t understand this sub’s obsession with what Carol Vorderman thinks

  32. Yeah and cancel culture doesnt exist too. Mutton dressed as Lamb, go shit on yourself Carole.

  33. I watched the election coverage with my dad between BBC C4 and sky. Now my boomer dad wanted the BBC coverage as he’s such a traditionalist but even he admitted that the C4 and Sky coverage was way more balanced. We ended up on Sky.

  34. I am not a fan of Kuenssberg, but this is the most nothing of nothing burgers. Are we seriously requesting somebody lose their job because they chose to use the phrase ‘I suppose’ when congratulating a party leader?

    Now that I’ve said that, I’d like Kuenssberg gone because she is a nasty Tory plant whose main interest is rubbing shoulders with right wing weirdos. Frankly she belongs behind bars after the Corbyn shit.

  35. Yet many Tories that I have seen posting on forums (primarily in ARRSE) hate her as an ‘anti-Tory lefty’. I think Carol Vorderman just wants a compliant media and everyone to kiss her outspoken arse.

  36. Knowing she’s just another part of Tufton st. Sitting in a BBC gig because the Tories utterly gerrymandered the BBC while they could, has been more than an open secret for years. Is any other context needed beyond “Your Masters are gone love, your services are no longer required” ?

    She could fuck off to America and chase some of that Truss-lapdancing money then.

  37. They’d need to sack Fiona Bruce off Question Time first if they were at all concerned about bias or self-insertion in their presenters.

  38. Bullshit. I listen to her a lot.

    Everyone says she’s biased one way or another – it’s just that people can’t make up their minds which way!

    How about moaning about the British Press corrupted by billionaires rather than a journalist who tries to inform and says it as she sees it.

  39. ” given that the Liberal Democrats want to change the voting system, ironically perhaps they just learned how to play it better by ruthlessly targeting seats where the Conservatives had held them”

    Strange that they are playing by the rules of the game, rather than the fairer ones they wish it had :/

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