Ukraine beruft UN-Sicherheitstreffen nach massivem russischen Angriff im ganzen Land ein

Ukraine beruft UN-Sicherheitstreffen nach massivem russischen Angriff im ganzen Land ein

  1. “Ukraine called for the meeting after Russia took over the presidency of the UN Security Council on July 1.

    Vasily Nebenzya, Russia’s envoy to the U.N., said earlier that Ukraine is not on the agenda for this month.”

    Doesn’t sound like a good lead-in to talks…

  2. Strip Russia of the Soviet Union’s Security Council seat and veto. The terrorist organization known as Russia needs to be shown how truly illegitimate it is.

  3. Can we go to war with Russia please please please. They can’t keep on killing childrens and hospitals.

  4. Sadly nothing will be done, I guarantee it, if I had a million dollars I would bet all of it.

  5. Having Russia hold the presidency of the U.N Security Council is like having Harold Shipman as the head of the W.H.O

  6. We need to strike the russia now. And hard. Push all that russian scum back into the russia. A russia free Europe.

  7. I thought Russia was classed as a terrorist state now..and they are still in the UN??

  8. Oh yes the UN security, which technically has zero power and authority over anything.

    I feel for Ukraine but UN can’t and won’t do shit as russia and China can veto anything.

  9. *Stop, or we will ask you to stop again!*


    *I’m going to write a letter… this time with BOLD letters!*


  10. Unfortunately, the UN security council is absolutely useless. Especially as long as Russia is a member of it. It‘s like allowing ISIS to be a permanent member.

  11. Russia is trying to annex Ukraine! Many people don’t realize how it is different from the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. What Russia is doing to Ukraine is basically what the Nazi Germany and imperial Japan did in WW2, conquering countries.

    One of the main reasons for the security council, established after WW2, is to avoid something exactly like this, and Russia is the chair of it? What a joke. It is going to encourage more countries to resolve “threats” and national interests by conquering other countries, basically destroying the norms after WW2 that gave us peace between major countries for decades.

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