Call for ban on energy drinks in Ireland after two men suffered cardiac arrest due to excessive consumption

Call for ban on energy drinks in Ireland after two men suffered cardiac arrest due to excessive consumption

by gig1922

  1. Yes. 

    We should definitely ban energy drinks so men weighing 140kg are slightly less likely to have a heart attack.

  2. I genuinely thought Red Bull was some alcohol adjacent drink when I was a kid. I was always warned these drinks are absolutely terrible for you.

    Seeing kids drinking 500ml cans of Monster is fucking insane 

  3. Strange they would blame the sugar content, I would have thought it’s the caffeine that’s the issue.

    I love energy drinks, they are way more consistent with me than coffee, although I do try burn them off with some exercise and I only have small cans. The kids slugging the big ones are probably alright without.

  4. I think the product itself is less of a problem. It’s the marketing that they should focus on. Modern companies can market any kind of crap to kids, they are easy marks. Create enough talk about a product with the right group of people and teenagers will be like lambs to the slaughter.

    Modern advertising has gone beyond simple informational promotion. It’s full blown brainwashing on a grand scale. I’d put big restrictions on what they can say and do and I’d expand that to most product too. I think advertising is detrimental to peoples health these days it’s so pervasive and emotional.

  5. This was on the radio this morning, one of the guys who died had drank 10 CANS of *insert brand name* energy drink in a short time frame along with 1 LITRE of “another caffeinated beverage” presumably coffee. And now people want to ban energy drinks? How about we ban absolute morons from making any kind of personal decision. Or we ban anything that anyone can potentially harm themselves with. Maybe it was the litre of coffee that pushed him over the edge and not the TEN FUCKING CANS of energy drinks, should we ban coffee too? Absolutely ridiculous.

  6. Think the problem is people’s ignorance towards the dangers of excessive caffeine intake.

    I know a guy who nearly ended up in the looney bin from drinking 6 or 7 cups of coffee a day along with 4 or 5 cans of monster for months. He ended up on anti depressants with severe anxiety.

    Met another 21 year old who’d had a heart attack from drinking too much captain morgans and coke, both drinks are fulla caffeine.

  7. In other News “Call for ban on water in Ireland after two gobshites drank too much water”

    why can’t we just have a ban on gobshites

  8. Doesn’t help that there are moronic “influencers” on social platforms posting videos of taking upwards of **A GRAM** of caffeine. To put that in perspective, the max RDI is 400mg. Considering must of these people’s audience are teens, I can see how these issues come about.

  9. Don’t see any kind of calls for bans of alcohol or smoking despite all the deaths that causes

  10. Why ban something when you can clearly point to an example of someone being a fucking idiot?

    Wtf is wrong with people who see people doing dumb fucking shit with something and immediately think “we need to ban it.”

  11. >Prof Galvin said **one of the men had drunk between eight to 10 cans of an energy drink** and a litre of a fizzy drink.

    **Drinking 8-10 Cans is fucking insane and not normal.***

    I can fully understand why they want to ban them for under 16’s, but it feels kinda disingenuous using this as an example for banning them because two guys drank way too much.

    Would they be looking to ban coffee if some other guy in his 20’s drank like 30-40 cups in a single day? Too much of anything can kill you.

    IMO, ban sales to under 15’s or 16’s, and require labelling similar to alcohol units with regarding caffeine content and an average safe daily intake.

    [Warning] Maths Below:

    >*If we assumed that they were drinking regular 250ml cans of Red Bull (77.4mg/can), **that’s at least 620mg of caffeine @ 8 Cans.**

    >If it was the larger 473Ml cans (about 147mg each) it would be 1172mg for 8 cans or 1465mg for 10.


    >~~If it was Monster energy (84.6mg/500ml can), 8 cans would be 676.8mg, and 10 would be 846mg.~~

    >***Edit: Google failed me here, Monster is 160mg/500ml Can, so 8 cans would be 1280mg, and 10 cans would 1600 mg. Thanks to*** u/ShiftyButtonz **for pointing that out**

    **The consensus on a safe caffeine intake seems to be up to 400mg a day.**

    >**That’s already between at least 1.5X – 2X potentially up to** **~~3.6x~~** ***4X*** **the recommended caffiene intake even before considering the Litre of Fizzy Drink, or the sugar content.**

  12. Almost anything consumed in massive excess is going to be bad for you.
    Banning them seems over the top and frankly it would be a waste of government resources to implement it, even for certain age groups.
    Maybe we as a country and in particular in schools need to do a better job on education around nutrition and health.

  13. Says they drank 8-10 cans of an energy drink and a litre of ‘fizzy drink’ which I assume had sugar in it.

    A ban is ridiculous based on this alone I know those drinks aren’t the best but they aren’t unhealthy either a little bit of sugar or caffeine is ok you aren’t meant to drink 8 big cans of coke a day either sounds like these lads just developed a small addiction to it.

    Those Prime drinks are a worry because they have zero sugar but way more caffeine and also have no sodium. Glucose is actually a great sugar for energy as it helps your body function we all need sugar to survive incase anyone didn’t know but caffeine on its own in such a large quantity is ridiculous and bound to cause heart problems my god 8-10 in a day 😱😱

  14. What about personal responsibility? Does the state have to legislate every time some muppet does something stupid?

  15. I have something of a caffeine intolerance (if I drink it past a certain time of the day I’m awake half the night) so I only drink caffeine when I absolutely need to like an early morning or a Friday afternoon when I need to focus.

    I cannot imagine just swigging on a can of Monster Energy like it was a can of coke or fanta! They were introduced here in like 2011/2012, was in TY at the time, and it turned us into goblins. Can’t imagine what it’s doing to this generation of teens

  16. Typical Irish solution to a problem. Ban or raise taxes.
    Has worker a charm with smoking and drugs tbf

  17. How many people die from alcohol related illnesses every year? Somewhere in the 2000 range.

    Children shouldn’t drink them, and there should be a warning label. Like vapes, they’re marketed at kids.

  18. I still think Monster has to be the worst offender. The absolute size of those cans and then on top of it the advertising. Give energy drinks the smoking treatment – make them inform the genuine risks of having too much, etc.

    This is coming from someone who used to inhale Red Bull as a teen.

  19. All these teenagers who self diagnose ADD while chugging Monster cans from the moment they wake up. How is it even legal to sell that shit to minors.

  20. Should we ban fast food too because some people can’t control themselves and eat in moderation?

    The article refers to “EXCESSIVE CONSUMPTION”, it people can’t control themselves and enjoy things in moderation, well then let natural selection take its course.

  21. They’ve been talking about banning/putting restrictions on energy drinks every year for the last 20+ years. [This article]( is literally from 20 years ago talking about a review on drinks like Red Bull and potential restrictions for U16’s…20 years later and we’re in the exact same place. As far as I’m concerned they can “call for bans” as much as they want but it’s just meaningless words until they actually do something.

  22. Jesus christ, can people not just make a decision for themselves. Stick a lable on it and let adults choose.

  23. our culture that produces people with such poor self discipline that we have to seriously consider shit like this

  24. It’s their fault for excessively consuming. Cigarettes, pints and coffee will kill you if you use them too much. You can’t ban everything that people get themselves killed with by their own stupidity.

  25. I’m not against this.

    The legal age to purchase energy drinks should be raised to 18.

    I remember when I was 16-17 I used to be ID’d everytime I bought a can of monster, now I see 7 year olds in shops buying cans of prime with no questions asked.

  26. Can’t we leave anything to common sense anymore?

    Fucking hell, any time there is any sort of incident, someone is out to ban something. Not everybody is an idiot.

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