Ukrainian President Zelenskyy stated that Ukraine is initiating the convening of an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council due to today’s massive Russian missile attacks.

Ukrainian President Zelenskyy stated that Ukraine is initiating the convening of an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council due to today’s massive Russian missile attacks.

by PieceAffectionate460

  1. Would that it will do any good. But as the saying goes – hope springs eternal.

  2. What’s the point of that? Russia will just say “it wasn’t us” and that’s it.
    Russia in its current form must collapse or there will never be a chance for peace again. They ignite so many conflicts all over the world, and then just VETO all decisions, laughing while doing so…

  3. If there ever was a time to grant Ukraine the assistance (meaning weapon systems) they have been requesting – now is as good as any.

  4. I haven’t seen a response by any leader that is worthy. They all said that Russia must be held accountable, but that is just the same rethoric again. Man we are a joke.

    I hope a leader will step up.

  5. United Nations PLEASE kick Russia out, they do not deserve to have a seat ……

  6. I’m starting to see Ukraine being left to fight Russia is an act of heinous cowardice from NATO, EU,democratic nations of our world. It is spectacularly unfair, despite gifts of weapons and munitions, for Ukraine to take the full force of scum Ruzzia……why aren’t we all joining forces to put that bastard Putrid on trial and for his forces have their sorry asses kicked back inside Ruzzia??

  7. Ah the Useless Nations. Maybe they will think about eventually offering thoughts and prayers and strongly condemn the attack.

  8. Loss of life will continue until ALL of russia and EVERY nation that supports them is 100% cut off from rest of the world.

  9. Why? He just needs to send a message to all of them saying “fuck your restrictions i’m hitting everything inside Russia in a 300km radius, bye”

  10. Nato should give rockets for 1000/km. Should enough to create the kreml into big hole. This murder there will not stop as long as the feel same pain.

  11. I’m totally on the Ukrainians side here but zelensky is naive if he thinks going to the UN is going to do a damn thing when the member with unlimited veto power is the same member attacking and occupying ukraine

  12. “funny” thing is that russia can block any vote, because they have veto power

  13. What a fucking joke we have become.
    We have setup all kind of war councils and alliances with the specific and strict objective to protect other countries from being attacked and to fight against terrorism and 2 and a hald years later we all allow it yo happen.
    In plain fucking sight. And it seems so normal that hundreds are dying, tens of thousands are suffering, kids being abducted, women being raped.
    Everything we have stood for is gone. 
    The system has no credibility. US has lost is face and credibility.
    If you want to be safe, build nuclear weapon faster. Else, you’ll be at the merci of mindless and spineless leaders who don’t understand much of the world we live in, military discipline and mindset and, most importantly, they don’t respect their commitments.

    Poland should build Nukes ASAP. Potentially with the help of the rest of eastern countries.
    We need a nuclear bastion here

  14. But what will this actually do? There’s been plenty of meetings and summits and nothing has been done, even when countless crimes have been committed and foreign nations joining Russia in Ukraine. I guess it’s because Putin is so unhinged and would send nukes at the cost of his entire country.

  15. Good move.

    This madman in the Kremlin has to be called to account. The civilized world has to take a stand.

  16. World leaders will come together, and finally after days of talks we will see the results:

    ‘We condemn Russia’s actions, our prayers are with Ukraine’ – Twitter

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