Green MP opposes 100-mile corridor of wind farm pylons in his Suffolk constituency

Green MP opposes 100-mile corridor of wind farm pylons in his Suffolk constituency

by am-345

  1. The Green Party in this country are, and always have been, a joke.

    Opposed to nuclear power, this sort of thing. 4 seats too many for them this election.

  2. Oh that will be why the Waveney Valley went that way then.

    Eh, I’m leaning toward scrapping Town and Counties and just allowing the government to push infrastructure projects like this through. Pylons are one of the few human constructions I look at and go “huh, neat”.

  3. >The Norwich to Tilbury pylon plan has been the subject of controversy in the local area, with campaigners saying the proposals for 110 miles of cabling using 50m high pylons will “destroy our historic landscapes and will require huge loss of trees”.

    I thought there was a climate emergency.

    Sounds like you just downgraded it to a “climate not quite as important as property value emergency.”

  4. The Greens have an issue that will only become more contested the more successful they become, which is that it’s a party that encompasses two completely different views of what ‘green’ politics means.

    There’s the one group that is progressive and wants to build lots in order to tackle climate change. And there’s the other group that is conservative in the most literal sense, their priority is conserving the existing natural environment.

    And these two things are often in direct opposition. And when push comes to shove it seems to generally be the latter group who win out in the Green Party.

  5. The fact that green party was so popular with young women baffles me. Literally 2 weeks before their manifesto came out their stance was to say that giving birth wasn’t a medical event and remove the option for c sections.

    They are a surplus to requirements party, every other major party agrees we need time go green anyway. And here is an example of how they are pushing back on green initiatives. We can make artificial forests already we have plenty of examples of them, we need to be energy secure and doing that with wind turbines makes a lot of sense.

  6. Pushing HS2 underground caused massive budgetary increases, so they scrapped it.

    Apologies if I remain unconvinced by this “just bury the cables” argument, but grid connections are one of the main obstacles to the UK’s transition, and burying them underground is more expensive and takes longer.

  7. I can say of the Loony Party that they’re self aware , I cant say the same for the Greens.

  8. Name 1 thing the Green Party have contributed that’s had a positive impact on the country…or the environment for that matter. I struggle to think of anything.

    It’s like they don’t want this country to transition to clean energy. They’re petulant children who have a completely unrealistic approach to politics.

  9. 412 vs 4

    Sounds to me like it’s time to flex those parliamentary muscles. King Miliband, it’s over to you to deal with this…

  10. I feel like such an idiot right now.

    For years I always thought the colour “green” in the Green party was a reference to “green energy”, I just realised it’s only because Blue, Red and Yellow were taken.

  11. >A spokesman for the Green Party said that the Government had “tried to force through one option” and Mr Ramsay was “focused on securing a proper options assessment to ensure that the alternatives are properly considered, including an offshore grid”.
    Campaigners including Mr Ramsay have called for an offshore grid, which they argue could save money.

    Asking for more options to be considered before going on with an environmentally destructive option seems… reasonable? I’d certainly ask if Ramsay would object to onshore building if the assessment determined that it was still the best option (and then you can call him unserious) but if the offshore option is better, it’d be unnecessarily wasteful to not go for it.

  12. Such a shame that these clowns are our supposed environmentally conscious party.

  13. A lot of MP’s who have taken seats from Tories on the back of national issues are now going to find themselves with a distinctly NIMBY local population who are going to make them miserable for the next 5 years, and then vote them out.

  14. Thats laughable, not on my back yard, thought the green party were all up for this?

  15. Proof positive that the Green Party is just the tories for people too trendy to vote tory. 

  16. Well what tosser put them in the sea instead of next to the place that needs power? 

  17. Green Party: We want to reach net zero ten years before Labour wants to

    Also Green Party: Euuuhh not that way!

    This is the literal definition of NIMBYism, they want wind farms but not in a way that would lower home values in their constituencies, sad.

  18. Can cables bot run underground? I hardly ever see pilons anymore, I thought they had moved the majority below ground.

  19. So what have the Telegraph decided to exclude from this telling of a story intended to enrage us and set us against one of their party’s opposition?

  20. This is NOT NEW for the green party. They have blocked building green infrastructure multiple times in multiple counties.

    We need an alternative green party

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