A Russian soldier flies several meters after his vehicle drives over a mine, Donetsk region

A Russian soldier flies several meters after his vehicle drives over a mine, Donetsk region

by CupCharacter853

  1. I’ll give him a 9/10, good air time loved the double back summersault followed by rotational twist, but he didn’t stick the landing.

  2. I didn’t know the Russian Cosmonaut program was operating in Ukraine.

  3. He accidentally pulled the ejection handle on his seat, it could happen to anyone.

  4. This maneuver needs to be a FATAL1TY in Mortal Kombat. Skill unlocked, blyat!

  5. I’m genuinely astonished by how far he flew! Insane hang time, if I saw that in a movie I’d laugh at how ridiculous and comical it looks.

  6. He shall be called ‘Orville’

    I wish I could fly right up the sky, but I can’t…

    You can! 💥

  7. Dang, he did a six and a half hoganflagle before the sticky landing.

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