Doesn’t it make more sense if these two became one country? Why didn’t they ever think of that?

Doesn’t it make more sense if these two became one country? Why didn’t they ever think of that?

by Cubelock

  1. Bro no, I live in Austria – it’s much better here. Keep your collapsing German pension system to yourself, thank you

  2. I woulnd’t mind Benelux joining Germany as the first part of an european fédération.

  3. Bro you need a good old beating or what? You just won against turkey now get off the high horse and enjoy the fruits of your labor and chill smh

  4. we’re still struggling with the leaches of the last addition to our nation.

  5. There you go… 1 – 2 times a week, the usual “Germany should be like this or like that” map. German humour is quite repetitive.

  6. Oh, my.

    I think Austria I nice enough without us. Actually, I like Europe the way it is. Shall we just leave it at that?

    I mean it never was and never will be funny when people want to change a map.

  7. Can Germans understand if someone is Austrian or German Swiss from the accent?

  8. What’s funny to me is that if it weren’t for their last attempt they may well be united by now. Up to WW1 AH was still seen as a (fading) European great power, and a lot of the rationale behind forbidding Anschluss at Versailles was due to the assumption Austria had always been 80% of the core and would be at least somewhat comparable in potential military and political power to its whole empire.  Especially with Vienna being one of the top two European cultural and scientific hubs and all.

    But turned out it was much smaller in that sense after all (Hungarians and Slavs underestimated again), part of why people cared a bit less by the time it happened the first time. But if the very idea of Anschluss hadn’t been tied to Hitler, the Nazis, Eichmann, SS guards, etc., and Anschluss had come up as a possibility between two European democracies everyone got along with, no-one would care. No one informed has a problem with the idea Austrians are ‘Germans’ historically, and most of both countries wanted it back in the day. But the very idea of Anschluss has been tarnished and covered in shit, just like other reasonable things like the toothbrush moustache, the name Adolf, the pseudo-Roman salute and the swastika (in the West). 

  9. ![gif](giphy|vyTnNTrs3wqQ0UIvwE|downsized)

    Not again. We had this one before. Paris was fun but after that… Oh boy

  10. Well, I just brought a failed austrian artist to Germany so he could build a new life there. Not a painter though.

  11. It’s always funny to me how many of the Austrians I’ve met in person have been ultra proud and a bit nationalistic (not in a bad way) of being Austrian, but over time all admitted to me that it really makes no sense that Austria is a separate state and that we should be one country 😂

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