⚡️ The United Nations Security Council will convene an emergency meeting on July 9. The meeting will be devoted to the russian missile strike on the Okhmatdyt children’s hospital in Kyiv and other cities of Ukraine.

⚡️ The United Nations Security Council will convene an emergency meeting on July 9.

The meeting will be devoted to the russian missile strike on the Okhmatdyt children’s hospital in Kyiv and other cities of Ukraine.


by Orcasystems99

  1. I wonder if this will be enough for the Americans to grow a set of balls… and take the range restrictions off of the weapon systems.

  2. Remember, Russia still is a permanent member of the UNSC and still has veto rights, so they can discuss it, but no resolution can be passed as Russia will just block it.

    On the other hand, the discussion itself is still important and individual countries can take independent action based on this heinous act.

    Its also always funny to see Russia’s representative try and shift the blame or pretend it didn’t happen.

  3. If they aren’t going to lift the dumb restrictions imposed on hitting Russian military targets and providing more air defenses, this will be a waste of time

  4. United Nations is about to angrily wag their finger at russia again. Maybe a stern letter.

  5. They are about to throw down the strongest-worded letter since the last strongly-worded letter.

  6. Razzia will just tell it is Ukrainian missile or this is made up by the west / nato or it was used by the Ukrainan army and there were no children there and the children that are found have been planted there. Something like this……..

  7. Just as a reminder, Russia took over the presidency of the United Nations Security Council this month.

  8. Can the missiles etc from the UK and other countries etc which have no range restrictions on them as I understand it blast the Russians in russia to bits while the yankees who are holding them back in this war, can their weapons not be used in the rear lines?

  9. UN Secretary will say that both sides need to stop with the hostilities. And then send a wink towards russian representatives.

  10. I’m sure they will have some very stern words. Stern words! Maybe some finger wagging, and they may even shake their heads in disappointment. Take that Russia.

  11. The UN doing something but nothing at the same time. Useless Nincompoops

  12. Are we starting to think a little ? Just saying that without this Putler will destroy whatever he wants, including other countries, he’s an imperialist that nothing stops except death !

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