Reform UK under pressure to prove all its candidates were real people

Reform UK under pressure to prove all its candidates were real people

by qwerty_1965

  1. Well it’s been building for a while and the dam has burst.

    Could “short money” be part of the Reform strategy? If you get a certain % you receive money from the state.

  2. ‘Some of the seemingly invisible candidates won several thousand votes.’

    Is pretty fucking crazy. People will just vote with so little thought.

  3. If true, obviously it’s electoral fraud.

    What would be the actual punishment for this though? Would this be the first of it’s kind in the UK? I can’t find any other reported instances .

  4. The AI created face in the picture with 2 different colour eyes had a website that was created under a Canadian IP address. The website was deleted after the election.

    Many Reform supporters on X have African IP addresses with a X history of selling crypto from guess where? Eastern Europe.

  5. If some of their candidates weren’t real, what were they planning on doing if they won? Setting up a bank account in their name to pocket the wages? Sending someone in heavy disguise to vote in their name?

  6. “To all those people on Reddit wondering if I’m real or if Reform has fake candidates ?
    Keep smoking the crack pipe and wondering what sexuality you are.
    How do you think anyone could be nominated if you don’t exist ?
    Do you people know anything about anything?’

    He posted this on twitter.

  7. It’s well dodgy I feel.
    Simply plastering candidates all over the country with zero concern if they actually mean anything to those voting for them and with no info on who the hell people are voting for just seems like the sort of thing that shouldn’t really be permitted.
    Reform are banging on about them getting a huge number of the public votes nationally and that PR would have netted them way more seats; but if the whole premise for getting those votes is based on deception is that not something that needs investigating or calling out?
    If by some chance they actually won the election the country would be utterly fucked as half the “candidates” were just placeholders.

  8. What happens in the places where they won more votes than the win margin for the winning candidate?

  9. Well that would explain why none of the reform leaflets I’ve seen had photos of the candidates

  10. I did think it was really weird how they managed to find so many candidates so quickly. If this turns out to be true then wouldn’t the voters in those places where fake candidates stood have been defrauded of their votes?

  11. Say a bunch of them are proven to be fake…. how exactly would that effect voting in constituencies where the reform vote shar was big enough that it could change who was elected if the party wasnt running?

    Say a seat with 20k labour votes, 16k tory votes, and 10k reform party votes but the reform ghost was a fake and not real? Just as a off the wall number.

    Like, if I had lost an election in 1 of those seats, I would be demanding a do-over and honestly I wouldnt be able to blame any candidate that did demand a do-over, even though I am very happy labour won so well.

  12. I mean, say what you will about Reform…

    But if it’s the case that they were using ‘fake people’ in some areas, it says a lot about the way our system works if you can just conjure up some random nobody and have them run as MP with seemingly no verification at all.

  13. If they’ve found to have done this then that’s fraud and their votes need to be recounted.

  14. Well Farago will obviously fail at that test…..he hasn’t been a real person since about 1972.

  15. FPTP isn’t a perfect system and it obviously skews the seat share away from the national vote, but one unintended positive is that it tends to filter out protest votes and prevents absolute chancers like this lot from storming to power on the back of a few flimsy slogans and with no political infrastructure to back it up. You can collect a few million votes from suggestible people that are likely to back fringe parties, but if you want to win your constituency and take seats at scale you need to actually campaign, be visible and be a credible party.

  16. That does not look like an AI photo. It looks like a regular photo that’s been airbrushed more than the Kardashians do theirs, or it’s been put through one of those AI upscalers. I think the latter.

    I’m not fucking sure why they would do that though.

  17. Shouldn’t there be videos of all of them standing in the stage when the results were announced? And don’t you have to provide at least some ID or proof of identity when you sign up to be a candidate? I mean, you need an ID to vote so surely you need one to be voted for.  

     I get that a lot of these candidates must have no background in politics and (based on their typical demographic of “long retired solicitor”) may not have any social media presence at all, but honestly it would absolutely amaze me if any of them was actually made up. 

  18. Remember when they insisted we needed photo ID to prove we are who we say we are when voting because reasons…

    Well well well.

  19. The best bit about this, is that as a Ltd company. The directors would probably be liable for any criminal act. Whereas a normal political party is structured differently legally.

  20. I’d have felt sorry for the guy if it turned up to be a real photo, and he just had such a weird face that everyone assumed it must be AI.

  21. Farage structured Reform as a company so that he has total control. The buck stops with him alone.

    Except when the shit hits the fan and it’s somebody else’s fault and responsibility.

    Schrödinger’s CEO.

  22. “While there is no evidence any of the candidates are fake”

    Please keep your pitchforks on standby until substantial evidence is actually brought forward…

    Mass hysteria isn’t what this country needs right now, however much you may hate Reform.

    A reddit witchhunt always goes so well… right?

  23. There was a thread on a Scottish sub last week.

    A lot of the Reform candidates had the same second name and where all from South Derbyshire. Nobody can find much information on these people. Also one of them had an Agent listed, the Agent was also standing in the Election.

    I’m not wasting my time doing it, but I’d love to know if these candidates where actually at the counts to hear the results? I’m sure the answer is no, because Reform admit that these candidates were only on the ballot to harvest popular votes for Farage. Good chance the simply don’t exist.

  24. Old McFarage led reform

    AI AI Oh

    And in reform there were some bots

    AI AI Oh

    With an AI bot here and an AI bot there – here AI bot there AI bot everywhere AI bot.

  25. So after seeing this, and taking a look at things because I couldn’t sleep, I think I have an idea of what they were doing.

    Reform may be sketchy, but they tend to bend the law, not break it. So with these candidates they simply had people who live elsewhere in the country register in area they knew they’d never win, but might be able to still get votes, just to pad their numbers.

    So if we take Mark Matlock as an example, there is likely a real person behind him, but they don’t live in the Clapham and Brixton Hill area. They simply had someone create a candidate to represent them there, hoping to get some votes. It will be the same with the 100 odd other paper candidates they ran.

    Now the real question in this, is is Mark Matlock actually the name of the person behind this candidate, or just a name they took to put on the form?

  26. I wasn’t quite buying that “conspiracy”, seems more likely they just had people who didn’t want to be public figures at all for the purpose of filling in spots they had no chance of winning at

    seems needless risk to generate complete fake people where you could just get willing people to put their names down in the areas

  27. Odds are they’re all real people, the campaign material is just bullshit.

    I have a hard time imagining Tice/Nigel would open themselves up to this much legal trouble..

  28. I wonder if they just went through their mailing list of supporters and just phoned at random and the first person to say “yeah” to “are you happy to stand as an MP” got put down?

    Probably a few people agreed when drunk or as a joke…

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