‘I want Russians to feel it on their own skin’: Shock, fury at the site of children’s hospital attack

‘I want Russians to feel it on their own skin’: Shock, fury at the site of children’s hospital attack

by KI_official

  1. Now would be a great time to give Ukraine some Tomahawk cruise missiles for use as they see fit.

  2. I’ve heard it’s cold in **Crime**lin these times of year, maybe send them some heat?

    I can’t wait for EU/UN to write a sternly worded letter where they once again condemn these actions.

  3. I’m so fucking angry. Send more godamn weapons already. Can we not send napalm bombs? The orcs need to burn for this.

  4. Find me a Russian that isn’t out trying to actively stop Putin and I’ll show you someone who is complicit.

    Everyone in Russia that just goes along with this is at fault and deserves the hatred and fury of the grieving families.

  5. The thing is russians don’t care if their kids or other russians die, they know they are replaceable and their mothers can just pop out more units.

    The way to hurt them is to block the exports of western brands to russia: no more iphones and designer bags crossing that border, not a single luxury car entering that shithole. Also, no more russians entering civilised countries, no more holidays in the Amalfi Coast and honeymoons in Paris. They can spend their vacations crying in Samara.

  6. Ukraine won’t stoop to their level by bombing Russian hospitals, but I hope to see many more refineries blown up in the coming days. Hit them where it hurts, go after their income.

  7. If this doesn’t create outrage among Ukraines military age men to line up at the recruitment office, I don’t know what will.

  8. While retaliation can go too far, in this absurd war the Putinist elite can continue to support atrocities like this, because they fear no retaliation at all. The Putin regime willfully abuses the restraints put on Ukraine. The Russians don’t fear the consequences of their terrorism, because they know that they don’t have to fear the unexpected. In this war, the lack of retaliation has become yet another tool to allow for the continued terrorism of the Putin regime.

    The whole decrepit Russian empire rests on the foundation that the Moscow and St Petersburg elites are untouchable. Yet it is these elites that form the top level of support for the Putin regime. More pressure should be put on them specifically. While terror bombing is not the way, there are plenty of legitimate, dual-use targets in Moscow. [Based on the Kosovo war](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NATO_bombing_of_Yugoslavia), military headquarters, TV and radio stations, bridges etc. can be considered legitimate targets in order to pressure the capital elites of a hostile regime to submit.

    Currently, there is no connection between the terror attacks against Ukraine and the lives of the Moscow elites. Maybe they too should run to bomb shelters every time they have watched their regime commit a terror attack against Ukraine. Maybe then they would find ways to put pressure on their regime, when they are worried enough about the continuation of their cushy lives in their Moscow mansions.

  9. Don’t sink to that level of low, please; and by that I mean attack hospitals, churches or schools etc.

  10. meanwhile a reminder that Ukraine can’t use any American weapons to strike into Russia for more than 100km

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