Five things you (probably) didn’t know about Keir Starmer #news #politics #shorts

Five things you (probably) didn’t know about Keir Starmer #news #politics #shorts

you probably know that Kier starmer’s dad he was a tool maker yeah but here are five things that you probably didn’t know about our new prime minister he and his wife Victoria had a slightly Rocky first meeting in his biography it mentions how Siria when he was working as a barrister questioned his future wife over the accuracy of certain documents to which she said who the does he think he is his biography also mentions an incident when he was beaten up as a teenager in a nightclub after defending a gay friend to the director of public prosecutor we know about his CPS work but you know that he worked on the M liel case giving free legal support in the fight against McDonald’s that could have been the moment for me to have said I love you this is the PM talking about his father he’s been open about the fact that he regrets not having told him how he felt before he passed away rumor has it that the new PM inspired the character of Mark Darcy in Bridget Jones’s Diary cleancut Barrister the image of self-control but sadly for Siria this is where the comparisons end as this rumor has been put to bed by the book’s author Helen Fielding

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  1. To all 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿PATRIOTS🇬🇧

    Luke 10:19
    Behold, I give unto you power to tread on 🐍serpents and 🦂scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

    Jesus Christ is King 🗡📖✝️🛡👑

  2. Now he supports genocide, will privatise the NHS and continue austerity measures, including the two child cap for a great way to keep struggling families with children in poverty

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