Modi tells Putin: War cannot solve Ukraine crisis, death of children “painful”

Modi tells Putin: War cannot solve Ukraine crisis, death of children “painful”

ब कल आपने मुझे अपने निवास स्थान पर बुलाया और एक सच्चे दोस्त के रूप में कल शाम हमने करीब चार पाच घंटे तक साथ रहे अनेक विषयों पर हमने बातें की और मुझे खुशी हुई यूक्रेन के विषय में हम दोनों अपने अपने विचार खुले मन से विस्तार से हम उसकी चर्चा कर पाए और बड़े आदर के साथ एक दूसरे के विचारों को हमने सुनने समझने का प्रयास किया एक्ससी युद्ध हो संघर्ष हो आतंकवादी हमले हो मानवता में विश्वास करने वाला हर व्यक्ति जब जान हानी होती है तो बहुत पीड़ित होता है लेकिन उसमें भी जब मासूम बच्चों की कतल होती है मासूम बच्चों को मरते हुए देखते हैं तब हृदय छलनी हो जाता है और वह दर्द बहुत भयानक होता है और इस विषय में भी आपसे विस्तार से चर्चा हुई एक् मित्र के नाते मैंने हमेशा कहा है कि हमारी भावी पीढ़ी के उज्जवल भविष्य के लिए शांति सर्वाधिक आवश्यक है लेकिन मैं यह भी जानता हूं कि युद्ध के मैदान में समाधान संभव नहीं होते बम बंदूक और गोलियों के बीच समाधान और शांति वार्ताएं सफल नहीं होती है और हमने वार्ता के माध्यम से ही शांति के रास्ते अपनाने होंगे

During the second day of visiting President Vladimir Putin in Moscow, Russia, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi spoke about efforts to find a peaceful solution to the war in Ukraine.

He told Putin that a solution “cannot be found on the battlefield … we have to find peace through talks.”

He also said that the death of innocent children in war “shatters your heart and that pain is extremely horrific.”

The comment comes a day after a Russian missile struck a children’s hospital.

Russia rained missiles on Kyiv and other cities across Ukraine in broad daylight on Monday killing at least 44 civilians in the deadliest wave of air strikes for months.

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  1. If only NATO would let warlord Zelenskyy sign the peace deal, then allow him to release his political opponents from prison and hold free elections.

  2. Putin seems to be looking for a way to end the war with a perceived win. He has recently said he'd look forward to working with Trump, and now Modi says these things in Moscow, after spending days with Putin. I doubt that anyone in that room was surprised by Modi's words.

  3. All wars are crimes against humanity- including those started and perpetuated by western powers.
    Peace can only be achieved through talks/negotiations/diplomacy and NOT with more weapons and escalation. In Ukraine, the ones refusing to talk peace are the NATO backers of a captive (and now unelected) government led by the Z man.
    So conclude for yourself: what was Modi’s real message here?

  4. World War 2 was not a negotiated peace. Neither was the Vietnam war. Alot of people simple don't know thee atomic bombs dropped on Japan were created and intended for Germany.

  5. Modi teaching Russia how to solve Ukraine crisis but India itself kept massing troops and arms against it's BRICS member China. India was prepared to go to war and should leave BRICS.

  6. No Ukrainian child died in the Kyiv hospital, only two adults. In Sevastopol, three Russian children were killed by a rocket strike. Either Modi was talking about Russian children or is this a lying propaganda channel

  7. Putz-in probably realizes Modi's comments about children dying in the Ukraine war were directly aimed at Putz-in for Russian missiles targeting civilians and children's hospitals!
    Putz-in looked pissed at the end of the video! Too bad so sad Putzy!

    my opinion 🦂

  8. I watched closely… Modi is a master of strategic ambiguity because that serves the interests of India. But in the end, he reinforces Putin’s position that peace can only be achieved through talks. And who opposes talks of any kind and keeps promoting more weapons- more war? Let’s see…..

  9. This is the greatest meeting yet!! A true friend is not afraid to say the truth. It is amazing to see this PM step up and give some grown-up advice about peace and basically give it up already on the war in Ukraine. It is has ruined any kind of respect that the world may have had in the past for Putin. He’s just making things worse now and the big man that the PM is, stood up and let the world know that he is not happy about that terror going on in Ukraine. End the war!!Peace be with all!!

  10. Meanwhile India buys half of Russia’s oil that is shipped by sea. Hmmm, I wonder what Putin does with all those profits from oil sold to India??

  11. Wait! Don't stop the meeting! We still have to send over Trudeau with his special socks and many millions in Carbon tax payers money to put on a face mask and do some sort of weird bye bye dance!

  12. He didn't mention the thousands of Ukrainian children that have been forcibly moved to Russia, and the very reason Putin is an international war criminal and will never step foot outside the League of Backward Nations.

  13. Russian missile? Are you sure it was not "self-inflicted"? And are you sure it was really a children's hospital and not an organ-harvesting op or perhaps a child-trafficking op? I hope when this is finished we'll have such secrets revealed in full detail. I suppose the west is desperate to cover it all up, so they're willing to do anything.

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