How Labour did it: key moments from the UK 2024 general election night

How Labour did it: key moments from the UK 2024 general election night

the labor party has won this general election I’ve called sakir starma to congratulate him on his victory change begins now and it feels good I have to be honest you’ve seen the pictures of cars coming in and people running in with boxes huge sense of anticipation feverish activity they’re counting the votes the exit pole is predicting a labor Landslide oh my God these numbers are astonishing I think we should get the party started they have chosen labor and they have Chen the leadership of Kama is it’s not so much that labor won this election but rather that the conservatives have lost it there’s no dressing this up that this has been this is a massacre I’m fed up of performance art politics I’ve had enough of it reform here as well look absolutely thrilled a stoning win for Nigel FR we’re coming for labor be in no doubt about that a Green’s biggest moment of the night I am feeling over the moon and so grateful for all of the support we’ve received from voters in Bristol Central well what’s happening in Scotland is the end of a decade of SNP dominance we are going to be beat in Scotland and we going to be beat well they’re falling thick and fast now shaps gone chalk gone Morant gone Keegan gone Hart gone Fraser gone merer gone and there’s still more to come potentially so from the words of the losing prime minister leaving his count there labor has won this general election and with rishy sunak giving the verdict that it will be sir kir starmer who will walk into Downing Street tomorrow as only the seventh labor prime minister in history

Keir Starmer has said the ‘sunlight of hope’ is bathing Britain again after Labour won a landslide UK election victory to bring a crushing end to 14 years of Conservative rule. Here’s how his victorious night unfolded
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#labour #starmer #keirstarmer #ukelection #generalelection

  1. I wonder if the FPTP will be challenged again, it was scrutinised not long back by Corbyn's labour I believe. Now I wonder if the other parties might voice their opinions with the system

  2. The UK is a conservative country, and the fact that a Labour win is almost always exception and rare is proof of that. Conservatives lost this election. They will be back. Congratulations to all Labour supporters for an impressive win.

  3. The UK is a conservative country, and the fact that a Labour win is ordinarily exceptional and rare is proof of that. Conservatives lost this election. They will be back. Congratulations to Labour for another extraordinary win.

  4. Comments in a nutshell:
    Right wing victory: "finally Europe is waking up"
    "Left" (centrist liberals actually) wing victory: "won't last lol!"

    I wonder where these comments come from since the election results seems to say otherwise.

  5. why are so many stuck up and posh Tories in the comments? oh no you earn 70k annually in your combined income, and your taxes will be increased! what are you gonna do now!!

  6. How Labour did what – got the lowest mandate of all time? How many individual votes have they taken from the Tories? This isn't a win, rather Labour are the beneficiaries of Tory failure.

  7. Tories with lowest funding ever, labour siphoning all the big tory donors, and yet they increase their vote share by less than 2% from 2019. XD

    Starmer's 'landslide' barely improves upon Jeremy Corbyn's campaign in 2019. And that was handicapped by Brexit and the 2nd referendum issue Starmer himself pushed for. If it weren't for Reform this time around, they'd have lost. It also falls far short of JC's stunning performance in 2017.

    Maybe it's time to reflect on whether suppressing the membership and left voices is the correct course of action?

    Voters, not donors, win elections.

  8. Labour did not win it the evil tories did it by not giving a dam about the poor people of this country. So if you are a farmer you should turn away from these people as they only want you so thay they can hunt across your land with impunity. You may be should be voting green??

  9. Interesting facts:
    1. Only 60% of eligible UK voters bothered to vote.
    2. Of those that bothered, Labour took one third of the votes.

  10. With just 33.9% of the vote, but wining 64% of the seats, they did it with the help of our corrupt FPTP electoral system. Making this the most disproportionate election victory ever. Absolute farce. Electoral reform now!

  11. Labour don’t have a mandate from the British people.

    2 in 3 voted against Labour.

    Restore democracy, change the electoral system now to ensure the make up of parliament reflects the votes cast by the people.

  12. Apart from Farage nutters, Everyone`s had enough of Corporate Control & all the wealth going to billionaires : (
    Great day for all those without private health insurance, i.e. the UK majority ! : )

  13. It was a great landslide win for the Labour Party and the nation. Joy abides in England for at last a party that can make changes for the better is now in charge. Congrats Labour Party.

  14. When the comments section of the Guardian is 99% anti-Labour Party you know the majority of people have not been fooled – and we are doomed.

  15. labour did it because reform got no coverage from main stream media, well nothing positive anyway. most labour voters thought it was only a 2 horse race. now things will get at lot worse under labour, much worse than the conservatives

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