Russia-Ukraine War | Russia denies hitting children’s hospital in Kyiv

Russia-Ukraine War | Russia denies hitting children’s hospital in Kyiv

a barrage of air strikes on Ukraine including its capital city Monday killed at least 36 people while injuring 140 including two at the omad Children’s Hospital where large parts of the Pediatric complex was destroyed but Russia says not us pointing the finger back at Ukraine we have often stated that Russia does not strike civilian Targets in Ukraine and if you speak speaking of strikes of the Russian Air Force which were conducted against uh military Targets in Ukraine and the air bases of Ukraine one of these targets is the factory of art term one of the largest uh Enterprises of the Ukrainian defense industry this is one of the main producers of Aviation missiles weapons and ammunition and this target according to data based on objective evaluation and based on testimony of people of Kev themselves was hit since the factory is about two kilometers from the oet Children’s Hospital it there’s every opportunity to assume that the air defense missile was meant to intercept the Russian missile which was meant to hit the factory in statement Monday the Secretary General condemned the missile attacks by the Russian Federation calling the strike on the Children’s Hospital particularly shocking Antonio gues further warned that attacks against civilians and civilian objects was prohibited under international law calling the attacks unacceptable and for them to stop immediately pressed Tuesday on Russia’s denial his spokesperson said they stood by their earlier statement by the UN acting emergency relief coordinator mind this Council that hospitals have special protection under International humanitarian law intentionally directing attacks against a protected hospital is a war crime and perpetrators must be held to account the council members vented their frustration with Russia the air strike against the hospital turned a large part of what was once a place of sanctuary and healing for so many children into Rubble destroying its toxicology and oncology Wards and many other units we condemn these attacks in the strongest possible terms stressing that the most vulnerable of civilians children were among the hapless victims 23rd of February 2022 in repeated attacks on Ukraine Russia has killed Ukrainian children Russia has maimed and injured Ukrainian children Russia has abducted Ukrainian children and yesterday Russia came back for wounded and sick children in O matit hospital this is cowardly depravity and this must stop this brutal attack is hardly a standalone incident in March 2022 Russian a air strikes damaged a maternity and Children’s Hospital in marap pole in December 2023 a Russian missile plunged into a medical facility in nepro and I could go on but the fact is that across the country hundreds of children have been killed thousands have been wounded and millions have been displaced from their homes as Russia continues its Campaign Of Terror in Ukraine to thank all of you for his part Ukraine’s Envoy unloaded a barrage of insults at his Russian counterpart Who currently chairs the security Council for the month of July recognize the representative of the terrorist Putin’s regime in the chair’s seat it has become a tradition for Russia to Mark its presidency in the council with heinous war crimes and genocidal Endeavors this time is no exception and the chair’s seat is already soaked with blood yesterday Russia deliberately targeted perhaps the most vulnerable and defenseless group in any society children with cancer and other lifethreatening illnesses several members including China mosambique and Algeria called for a resumption in dialogue between the Waring parties towards a negotiated settlement to the war Sherin ricep sabc News New York

Russia has denied that it hit a children’s hospital in Ukraine’s capital Kyiv on Monday – the country’s largest pediatrics facility – in a missile attack that killed two people. The attack on the Ohmatdyt Children’s Hospital was condemned by the United Nations Secretary General as the Security Council met earlier Tuesday in an emergency session where Russia was blamed for the attack by several council members.

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  1. Remember Russian Soldiers Raped 3-4 million GERMAN Girls and Woman IN WW2 – this Country and their society is uncivilized national and has low morals and corruption

  2. WHO DO YOU THINK WENT UNDER THE RADAR WHEN 911 TOWERS WERE BOMBED -911 was ORCHASTRATED BY PUTIN KGB working with ISIS using Muslim extremists cells KGB was able to bomb USA

  3. There's video footage , the missile shape is clearly not Russia.

    It looks like an NASAMS AIM-120.

    The residents of Kiev them self capture it in video.

    And it came in from the west. Their own video debunked their own story.

    It's not hard to find how Russian missiles look like and how AIM-120 looks like, and compare it with what you see in video!

  4. Arrest pooten now
    Why Russia shoot missile In the capital where there are no military activity there ?
    This un just talk every time Russia do same thing big then quite until he does another attack knowing he can deny and UNSC not do nothing about it just talk 👎👎👎

  5. Russia did not violate the UN Charter by protecting the new republics of the DPR, LPR, Crimea from the anti-constitutional Kyiv regime, which criminally calls itself Ukraine.
    📄On February 22, 2014, the President of Ukraine Yanukovych was removed from office illegally, unconstitutionally, criminally ignoring the entire Section V of the Constitution of Ukraine, which clearly specifies the legal norms of the president's tenure in office, and this is already a coup d'état.
    📄Zelensky and Poroshenko cannot be considered presidents of Ukraine!
    1 🔹Initiation of extraordinary presidential elections in 2014, without ensuring the electoral process in Donetsk, Luhansk regions and Crimea, is a violation of the Constitution of Ukraine Articles 69, 71, 92 p. 20 and the Law "On Presidential Elections of Ukraine" Chapter XI.
    2🔹 Initiating regular presidential elections in 2019, without ensuring the electoral process in Donetsk, Luhansk regions and Crimea, is a violation of the Constitution of Ukraine Articles 69, 71, 92, paragraph 20 and the Law "On Presidential Elections of Ukraine" Chapter I.
    📜The false legitimization of the Zelenskyi and Poroshenko regimes as the successors of the state of Ukraine (1991-2014), led to the violation of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, Article 6 genocide, paragraph c); Article 7 Crimes against humanity paragraph 2. a).

  6. I don't get it when the United States and the Coalition went into Iraq under false pretenses and killed thousands of people and nobody seemed to be concerned about that I don't really get it

  7. These commentators did not show the main thing. At a meeting of the UN Security Council on June 18, 2024, a representative of Russia showed a QR code with a link to proof that a Ukrainian air defense missile had hit the hospital. Read it carefully.

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