Putin has ordered a retreat! US army finally taken action against Russia at Northern border!

Putin has ordered a retreat! US army finally taken action against Russia at Northern border!

[Music] [Music] welcome to PPR Global in the baltics in the Scandinavian region the fierce rivalry between NATO and Russia continues where it left off Russia is trying to create an environment of military pressure against nato in the baltics in order to carry out its invasion of Ukraine in a comfortable way but NATO is cautious and prepared one of the reasons for the international military alliance’s preparedness is the accession of Finland and Sweden with the support of these two powers to Nato Russia has suffered a serious loss of power in the baltics and Scandinavian territories in addition the Russian military losses in Ukraine have also weakened the kremlin’s power and authority in the baltics the most striking example of this is the Russian military activity in the military bases along the Finnish border the Russian army has almost completely evacuated its bases along the Finnish border as they began to face shortages of both personnel and military hardware which proved to be not so easy to achieve in only one of the many military bases near Finland according to satellite images only Russian military trucks can be seen today probably these are eural 400 type Vehicles the airport is empty there are no traces of military aircraft any anywhere around also according to the information collected all Russian bases in Finland have been evacuated up to 80% so there is a small remnant of any significant Russian forces in Finland capable of both attacking and defending positions all Heavy Equipment in Finland has been moved towards Ukraine there is actually a big dilemma for Russia in making this decision the Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin had warned that there would be serious consequences if Finland joined the alliance Russian politicians have also stated that they have started to modernize their bases near Finland however based on the images and information shared as of now there are almost no capable Russian forces near Finland Russian troops stationed near Finland were supposed to complete their mission but now about 80% of them have rushed to Ukraine this included trained Personnel who have been in the Russian army for several years so Russia is Shifting its experienced troops from The Finnish border Direct direct L to Ukraine all of this opens up huge gaps therefore what Russia says about Finland is likely to turn out to be wrong as always there will be no serious consequences given Russia’s loss of power in the baltics Finland is cooperating more and more with the United States to make Vladimir Putin completely ineffective in the Nordic region most recently the Helsinki government allowed Washington to use military bases in Finland The Finnish Parliament recently dramatically ratified IED a defense cooperation agreement signed with the US in December 2023 the agreement makes 15 Finnish military facilities available for potential us use this remarkable ratification of the agreement between the US and Finland has deeply shocked Russia in a statement the Russian foreign Ministry spokesperson suggested that Russia would respond to finland’s decision to Grant the us access to its military bases Deputy spokesman Andre nastasen said that the Russian Federation would not leave the NATO military buildup on its borders unanswered Russia will take the necessary measures including military technical ones to counter the aggressive decisions of Finland and its NATO allies Andre nasin added despite Russia’s constant criticism of finland’s active role in the NATO alliance there is a clear and visible fact Russian President Vladimir Putin is indeed starting to lose a lot of power against nato in the Baltic and Scandinavian areas not only Finland but also Sweden is doing its best to weaken Putin the Kremlin leader is trying to make a deep effort in the region to prevent Sweden from supporting NATO the most striking example of these efforts was the violation of Swedish airspace by a Russian Sue 24 aircraft east of the southern tip of gotland this was the first official airspace violation since Sweden joined NATO according to the Swedish Armed Forces during this violation the Russian aircraft did not change its course despite radio warnings from the Swedish air combat command in response to this violation a Jas 39 grip and jet from the Swedish Air Force quickly took off and escorted the Russian aircraft that violated the airspace without authorization this demonstrated how quickly and effectively Sweden can respond to airspace violations Swedish Air Force Commander Jonas wman described Russia’s action as unacceptable criticized the disrespect for swed ‘s territorial integrity and stated that they were carefully monitoring the incident according to information published by the Swedish Air Force the aircraft that violated the airspace is a sue 24m a specialized reconnaissance aircraft usually used for military intelligence gathering missions this model is equipped with Advanced sensors such as Sid looking weather radar and electromagnetic intelligence gathering systems it is also equipped with highresolution infrared and Optical cameras used to identify targets these features make the Sue 24m highly capable of mapping and surveillance of large areas this is reportedly the same aircraft encountered during an air policing Mission supported by the German air force Euro Fighters operating from NATO’s leard Airbase in lvia after the plane was identified Russia’s violation despite the effective deterrent potential of the Swedish Air Force was seen as a sign that Putin was trying to overstep his boundaries Swedish foreign minister Tobias bilstrom strongly condemned the incident calling Russia’s behavior unacceptable billstrom told Swedish State television SVT that Sweden will summon the Russian ambassador to the foreign Ministry to Lodge a formal protest he also said that Sweden is closely assessing the incident and is in constant communication with its allies and partners in the region there are two potential explanations for this violation the first is the possibility of a pilot error but the second scenario which seems more likely is that this move was a deliberate provocation such strategic moves are usually aimed at creating intimidation in the Target country and or used to test its military response capacity since the Cold War similar airspace violations have been frequent between Russia and its NATO allies to test each other’s air defense systems and reaction times such Maneuvers are often conducted to gather valuable Intelligence on the enemy’s defense capab abilities and identify potential vulnerabilities testing the Readiness of the Swedish Air Force’s rapid reaction warning system for such violations is likely one of the Strategic considerations behind Russia’s action but Sweden demonstrated the effectiveness of its air defense systems and protocols by quickly scrambling its grip and fighter jets this response demonstrated Sweden’s determination and capacity to protect its airspace in the international Arena on the other hand this latest incident is not the first violation over gotland on March 2nd 2022 before Sweden became a NATO member a similar incident took place on that day two Russian su27 and two Sue 24 fighter jets entered Swedish airspace over gutland Island without authorization these planes were seen as an escalation of military tensions in the region the Swedish Armed Forces quickly responded to this incident and directed Jass 39 grippin fighter jet to the area the grien Jets followed the Russian planes and forced them to leave Swedish airspace following the incident the Swedish Air Force shared with the public some remarkable footage of the intruding Russian aircraft these images helped to identify the Russian aircraft and give the incident wider International attention such violations pose not only a military threat to Sweden and NATO but also an important signal for regional security policies Russia’s actions have attracted more attention especially after Sweden’s accession to Nato this highlights how critical Sweden’s air defense capacity and Rapid reaction capability are encountering potential threats what we have described so far is among the clearest and most hard-hitting evidence of how Sweden and Finland are fighting back against Russia on NATO’s behalf but beyond these countries other Regional powers are also on high alert against Russia’s use of its Air Force to harass the baltics Norway Poland eston IA lvia Estonia lvia and Lithuania have decided to launch a drone wall project against Russia along their Border Lines Finland and Sweden are also said to support this decision in a meeting with her colleagues Lithuanian interior Minister AG Botti reported that the Baltic states Norway Finland and Poland are planning to create a drone wall on the border with Russia the interior Ministers of the six countries involved in the Drone wall project met in the Latvian Capital re this historic decision on the Drone wall has already been taken at the meeting Finnish interior Minister Mari ranan said that the plan to create a drone wall will cover 1,340 km of the Russian border and will develop over time Lithuanian interior Minister AG Botti said that each Country Must fulfill its responsibility in this regard so that the Drone wall will expand over time NATO’s drone wall Construction has had a profound impact on the agenda as a completely different plan of action against Russia in the baltics it was reported that the UAV wall will be built over time on a route through Norway Finland Estonia Latvia Lithuania and onto Poland considering that the UAV wall to be built on the route will be built against the threats posed by Russia and Belarus it is useful to First emphasize the 167 km borderline of Norway and Russia in in addition as we mentioned it is also necessary to calculate Russia’s 1 340 km border with Finland 294 km with Estonia and 282 km with ltia on the other hand the possibility of the Baltic states expanding the UAV wall against belus should be emphasized belus is also seen as one of the threatening actors with the capacity to carry out threatening activities through Russia therefore first of all lithuania’s 600 80 km border with Belarus is one of the areas where the Iha wall is likely to expand in addition Poland’s 418 km border with bellarus is seen as another strategic route along which this Iha wall will extend in other words when we calculate the entire Border Lines of the Baltic countries with both Russia and bellarus the Planned UAV wall project is expected to dominate a total area of 3,181 KM and serve as a common NATO force deterrent structure to eliminate all threats in this huge area the purpose of this long route is to use drones and other Technologies to protect the borders of the Baltic states against Russia it will not only use physical infrastructure and surveillance systems but also drones and other Technologies to protect against provocations from unfriendly countries and prevent smuggling under the Drone wall program States will use high-tech drones for Border surveillance as well as protection Against drones from hostile States interior Minister agna botate notes that Lithuania is already planning to strengthen border security using drones according to agna Botti the state border service has created a special unit using drones however the Lithuanian Minister did not give a clear date when the idea of a drone wall on the borders of NATO countries will be implemented given the possibility that the Drone wall will be financed with EU funds the critical step in the implementation of the plan will probably be in the hands of the EU however if the Baltic states come together with common Solutions and apply for EU funds the progress of the Drone wall project is expected to accelerate by identifying an urgent need the Baltic states have a chance to secure funding for the project from the European commission at the meeting in Ria it was also discussed that this is how the financing for the construction of the Drone wall should be done the Baltic states also discussed security threats as well as non-military tactics such as instrumentalized migration referring to the Past examples of Russia or bellarus sending large numbers of undocumented Asylum Seekers from Africa and the Middle East across their borders were discussed the phenomenon of instrumentalized migration at the eu’s external borders is a common problem for the baltics Finland also aims to find Solutions at EU level to combat this phenomenon while the Helsinki government continues to search for Solutions military analysts and warfare experts believe that the Drone wall that the Baltic states have decided to build will help to thwart Russia’s migration crisis objectives against Finland earlier Russia had published proposals to unilaterally expand its Maritime borders with Lithuania and Finland but the plan was later scrapped a day later Russian border guards removed 25 buoys marking the Border from Estonian Waters sparking outrage and reports of support for talin from NATO and some states it remains to be seen how Russia will react to NATO’s plans to build a drone wall if the Kremlin pursues a policy similar to its decision to unilaterally abolish Maritime borders with Lithuania and Finland and tries to dissuade the Baltic States from doing so there could be disagreements between the countries involved in building the Drone wall the Kremlin could also try to dissuade the Baltic States from building the Drone wall by asserting some of its leverage this could even include threats of aggression against the countries participating in the program however this option seems unlikely as it would put Russia in direct confrontation with NATO Russia could also play the bellarus card without risking this danger neighboring Poland to the West Lithuania to the Northwest Latvia to the north and Ukraine to the South Belarus has the capacity to carry out sabotage activities on beh behalf of Russia in these countries experts believe that the presence of Russian nuclear weapons in bellarus increases its power and deterrence potential against NATO but it is unclear whether the Minsk leadership is willing to put itself on the line for Russia Belarusian leader Alexander lucashenko dependence on Russian President Vladimir Putin during his term in power may affect the Minsk leadership strategic policies on this issue nevertheless it is unlikely that the Belarusian people people will allow the Minsk Administration to commit such a Folly especially in this critical period Russia’s occupation policies in Ukraine have caused serious negative consequences and the Kremlin is losing allies day by day even as Russia continues to weaken the West argues that measures should be taken at all times and the Kremlin should be reigned in with harsh restraint policies in this regard Germany has been drawing a lot of attention in recent days most recently German foreign minister analina barbach stated that NATO should continue to support Ukraine analina barbach also added that Russia will be the biggest threat to the world in the future according to barbach special responsibility for this lies with Germany which thanks to its policy towards Russia has regained lost trust the minister argues that they should not risk this during the budget negotiations over the ongoing disagreement in the German Coalition over the 2025 budget Germany has supported Ukraine since the beginning of the war and has provided much needed military aid to Ukraine this includes leopard two tanks Patriot anti-aircraft systems P2000 self-propelled guns and much more there is a third Patriot system being transferred to Ukraine which will help Ukrainian forces to counter ballistic missiles used by Russia on the other hand German defense minister Boris Pistorius announced that they will also send 100 Patriot air defense missiles to Ukraine it is expected that Germany’s support for Ukraine and its tough policies against Russia will continue in the future on the other hand Germany’s attitude towards Russia inspires other countries one of these countries is Latvia in July lvia is preparing to deliver an additional group of drones to Ukraine in this regard the Latvian Ministry of Defense announced that more than 2,500 combat drones of various types and capabilities will be provided to Ukraine at a cost of of €4 million EUR the first batch of 300 drones will be delivered in the coming days with this stunning Aid package the Drone Coalition is gaining momentum the next batch will include more than 2,500 drones manufactured by seven Latvian companies Latvian defense minister andr spuds stressed that together with the members of the Drone Coalition they are constantly working to supply Ukraine with combat drones of various capacities following the current needs and testing requirements of the Ukrainian military this year the Latvian Ministry of Defense has set2 million EUR for the Drone Coalition with over 10 million EUR earmarked specifically for the purchase of drones from the lvan defense sector currently the international drone Coalition includes 14 countries these countries include Latvia Ukraine Australia Canada Denmark Estonia Germany Italy France Lithuania the Netherlands Poland Sweden Switzerland the United Kingdom and the United States so in response to Russian aggression countries around the world are joining forces to help Ukraine one of the most important steps in this direction was the creation of a drone Coalition this initiative aims to purchase drones for the Ukrainian Army Ukrainian Deputy defense minister Katarina chono horenko says that Ukraine is building strong Partnerships with its allies by sharing important data from testing drones in real Combat conditions the Russians have sought allies in the baltics and Scandinavia as well as in Ukraine and other European countries in order to reduce the pressure against them most recently if you remember Russia had a Repro with North Korea Russia wanted to use military technical cooperation with North Korea as a threat against the West to deter further support for Ukraine as part of this meeting a delegation of Russian ministers arrived in pongyang and signed an agreement with Kim but as of the date of this publication neither Russian nor North Korean authorities have released the official text of this agreement Putin and Kim spoke about the agreement and claimed that it broadly covers the goals and guidelines for deepening Russian North Korean long-term relations in the political economic trade cultural humanitarian and security spheres Putin noted that the Strategic partnership agreement also provides for Mutual assistance in case of aggression against Russia or North Korea and immediately criticize talk in the west of allowing Ukraine to attack areas in Russia with Western supplied longrange weapons Putin’s criticism was probably aimed at long range weapons and F-16 Jets the Kremlin leader later concluded that in this context Russia had not ruled out the development of military technical cooperation with North Korea Putin probably intended to signal that Russia would deepen its cooperation with North Korea in the field of military Technologies if the United States lifted restrictions on Ukraine’s use of us supplied aacms to attack Russian territory or lifted other restrictions on the use of f-16s for the same purposes as the debate over allowing Ukraine to use Western supplied weapons to strike military Targets on Russian territory continues Putin and other Kremlin officials will continue to use this threat and may extend it to other issues that the Kremlin has historically framed as escalatory moreover Russia will likely continue to deepen its cooperation with North Korea despite self-imposed restrictions on Western military aid Provisions to Ukraine and policies that limit Ukraine’s longrange strikes against Russian sanctuaries as Russia has done throughout its fullscale invasion of Ukraine the Russian and North Korean governments have largely framed the agreement as evidence of their Mutual support as part of a joint struggle against the West signaling that Russia and North Korea share the goal of challenging the west and the existing world order but there is one important detail that both Russia and North Korea the countries Putin trusts the most have overlooked and it is enough to change the overall course the US and the West have forged a strong bond in the baltics in Europe and in all the areas that threatening Partnerships like the Russia North Korea China Alliance seek to blockade this bond is protecting all these areas against this Alliance while at the same time supporting Ukraine and preventing Russia’s strengthening in the baltics and scandinav territories thank you for following us

Putin has ordered a retreat! US army finally taken action against Russia at Northern border!

  1. PUTIN fears Biden & Hilary ? ..according to you.

    O.k..ok..alright, …relax , cool..:

    Look..both countries rivals, agreed But Running, fearful??? Of each others ?. U r wrong. Not ground reality.

  2. Really? And it is nowhere a headline? What unique sources do you have? Or is your big thump the place where you suck it from?

  3. For over twenty years the bastion of chaos and destruction around the world the US and its allies were fighting the Taliban people who were riding donkeys and wearing flip flops and finally after twenty years the bastion of chaos and destruction around the world had to run like a mad scary dog with its tail between its legs and leaving everything behind. So what do you think would happen if they have to confront Russia which is not the Taliban, but much more powerful and disciplined.

  4. Russia won the war two years ago. They are just playing with NATO. NATO is not the good guy, defending the Nazi Zelenski. Davai Russia! A French veteran of NATO.

  5. It's funny how Russian losing bla-bla. All are lied. Ukrainian is winning but keep losing land on the hand of Russian. Army. What kind of winnings is that? Us army enter the war. Like seriously. Are they not? You guys do worst propaganda…

  6. Russsia Soviet is running for decades little child and they remain running they believe in god almighty not in iam special or holy hahahaha worship almighty not ideas of grandpas

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