Who’s Winning on Ukraine’s Battlefields in 2024 w@historylegends

Who’s Winning on Ukraine’s Battlefields in 2024 w@historylegends

would you say this marks a major shift in the war in favor of Russia what the Russians did was that they built these trenches in plain sight but these ones were fake defensive positions they use some masarova Ukraine will now be getting the F-16 fighter jets do you think Ukraine is equipped to maybe launch another major offensive the ukrainians might be launching a pretty big Counterattack in har oblast it’s not about the land held but about how long you can sustain the fight the Russian army needs to get the dbass if they want to claim some sort of [Music] Victory the ukrainians lost the initiative the Russians started attacking all over the front let’s imagine for a moment that the best American Brigade and the best Russian Brigade face off in Ukraine the US has the double population as Russia they can send one battalion after another and they can replace the casualties at will do you feel that we’re rapidly heading towards uh World War I when you unlock World War III then the the odds change and then it becomes chaos [Music] [Applause] let’s face it most of us are clueless about the real situation on the battlefield in Ukraine largely because we all live in our own information bubbles if you follow Pro Ukraine sources you might hear that the Russian army is nearing collaps due to heavy casualties conversely pro-russian sources often claim the Ukrainian military is the one suffering severe defeats that’s why my interview with Alex from the history Legends YouTube channel was so enlightening he analyzes the war using sources from both sides and to break out of these bubbles I’ve also started using ground news a unique tool that offers more objective datadriven news consumption ground news Aggregates Global and local news from over 50,000 sources updating hundreds of stories daily with visuals that highlight the media ownership and bias a news outlet might have take for example the story about Ukraine using us supplied missiles to strike a beach in Crimea when we look at this story on ground news we can see it’s covered by over 130 sources and thanks to ground news I can also easily compare the different headlines see right here some emphasize civilian casualties and call the attack barbaric While others downplay it by mixing it with stories of Russian strikes on Ukrainian cities ground news also features an interest page where you can track specific topics like Russia or the war in Ukraine offering top news stories in one place it’s one of my personal favorites I’m telling you this tool is a great starting point for spotting Trends among numerous headlines if you’re looking for a balanced and unbiased way to read the news check them out at ground. newsreal reporter and use my link to save 40% on the Vantage plan might use for in limited access Alex uh I I got to tell you you were one of the few YouTube channels that offer really detailed you know in-depth reports on the Ukraine war complete with maps geolocations and real war footage and I I I really appreciate how balanced your approach is whether it’s you know pointing out when the Russian military faces setbacks or when the Ukrainian forces don’t meet expectations so to speak Pro Ukrainian reports claimed that the Russian offensive has been completely halted and stomped whereas Pro Russian ones are claiming it’s still in full swing I’ll present you with the facts and you’ll make up your own mind you know um I have a question what sparked your interest in covering this conflict so thoroughly in the first place especially since you don’t live in Russia or uh Ukraine well at first I didn’t really want to cover the war because let’s be honest everybody thought it would be over very quick but in the first few weeks it became a big thing breaking news this morning it’s war and then I saw that whatever was said in the media always went into One Direction the Russians don’t have the forces it was just described that many of them will take years to to replenish I started digging and digging and I found different articles different perspectives which the mainstream media never talked about and I was like hold on a second there’s something to look into and this is also when telegram became a huge thing because then there were numerous channels that came out and talked about events that nobody talked about this is when I decided you know what let’s cover the battlefield as it is no matter who’s winning and the latest battlefield reports are extremely uncomfortable for the mainstream media here from the BBC a summit Frau with danger for Ukraine as Russia strengthen no I wonder why you mentioned telegram um and I wanted to ask you just u in general how you gather information for your videos cuz I mean you obviously sift through a lot of details before recording like uh troop positions uh attack directions and linking footage to uh specific locations on the map to paint a clearer picture of the front line which is actually super cool cuz it now you started now the war starts to make uh make sense a little Flash update from the luhansk front Ukraine did the right thing and quickly counterattacked the Russian Bridge head over the jeret river by retaking the village of noiva so and and you mentioned that telegram is uh is a big deal for you and it’s actually super popular in Russia and quite used in Ukraine too um I I I’m just curious how popular is Telegram in the west and how did you come to use it as a tool for collecting detail s about this conflict nobody uses Telegram in the west it’s unheard of when you speak about telegram to your friends or family they have no idea what it is now in terms of information gathering there are so many channels you you can literally get flooded with too much information so at the beginning of the war there was a problem of not having enough information now we have too much information and you have to filter through what is true what is right for example in my last video I spoke about a Ukrainian journalist who said he saw dozens of Russian bodies we saw 1213 so 1213 became dozens and then people keep multiplying everything or when it was said that Russian soldiers were en circled in a factory in vens 500 soldiers then became ODS only maybe 30 my friends the cope is real so there’s this multiplication of information and everybody’s trying to talk top the other at first I thought that there could be not more than 100 soldiers but actually there are 400 soldiers and this is one of the big problems I think of many people that try to cover the war there’s one information that comes out they make a video Western tanks are tough and highly survivable the first capability is Advanced thermal sites they don’t really care if it’s true or not they’re going to monetize that information to the end and tomorrow they’re going to say the opposite but it doesn’t matter tomorrow is another day that’s basically what we sent to Ukraine a 1990s era gaming PC so we didn’t send our best that’s why I prefer to take my time when doing my reports I don’t like to do daily updates because you inevitably fall into um fake news it’s been exactly a year since Ukraine launched its big counter offensive last summer and now it looks like Russia is pushing back not just in one area but across multiple fronts Moscow pushing ahead with a round offensive in the northeastern part of Ukraine a site not seen for a while a Russian flag going up over Ukraine Ukrainian president vladim zinsky growing desperate now with would you say this marks a major shift in the war in favor of Russia or is this just uh the usual back and forth we see an an prolonged conflict I do think that the summer offensive launch by Ukraine was a turning point in the war [Music] the the summer offensive by Ukraine was really some sort of last chance to get the initiative back for Ukraine now it failed the fact that they announced it in the media was not brilliant I read on telegram days before it happened saying the offensive will start on that day and it did if people on telegram knew about the date imagine higher up in the Russian everybody knew in the Russian military where and when it would take [Music] place the fact that Ukraine publicized the battle so much just increased the repercussions in the media of the defeat [Music] the ukrainians also said yeah we will go to Crimea we will do this and that they hyped up their own offensive and when it failed a lot of people were disappointed the ukrainians lost the initiative the Russians started attacking all over the front and now it’s very complicated for the Ukraine military now it’s interesting to note that the Russians tricked the ukrainians during the summer so they used some maskirovka let me [Music] explain the Russians knew that the ukrainians would attack in that axis zapari but they really wanted to deal a decisive defeat on the enemy so they kind of used their history books and looked at the Battle of ksk they wanted the enemy to attack their fortified position but to do so they had to convince the enemy that the Russian lines of Defense were weak so what happened is that the Russian army managed to hide its forces in plain sight they built entire lines of trenches and fortifications along the zaparo line multiple lines of trenches not one line of defense but over 50 km they built one trench line after another now they had dragon teeth they had barb wire trenches minefields everything in the book thing is using satellite imagery you can see all these fortifications and they knew that now when NATO officials or intelligence agents officers saw these pictures they said oh the Russians built trenches but these trenches are empty that’s why our troops will be able to punch through and within 5 days it’s going to be over what the Russians did was that they built these trenches in plain sight but these ones were fake defensive positions and the real ones were 100 meters behind in tree lines and this is what satellite imagery could not see the ukrainians then during their offensive bombarded these fake positions and they launched the attack and that’s when they got surprised that their positions they bomb Ed were empty because the real troops were behind and they had not suffered from any artillery barrage that was a disaster they were flooded with confidence they said well the Russian army is going to run their soldiers are demoralized and look they don’t even have enough troops to protect the front and they got a nasty surprise with the latest eight package from the us including f-16s do you think Ukraine is equipped to maybe launch another major offensive like uh last year’s maybe not this year but in 2025 the ukrainians might be launching a pretty big Counterattack in harif O blast they plan on doing this offensive to push back Russian forces back to the border now it makes sense from a military perspective that way they can secure the northern border and bring back all these elite units because they really have gathered some of their Elite reserves and they’re going to launch them at the to attack the Russian troops that did not have time to really dig in Now is it going to work it’s hard to say now to to get back to your answer I don’t think that uh to get back to your question I don’t think that equipment really changes the the outcome of the war how can I say it in the the most simple way even in June 2022 a lot of most of the artillery and a big chunk of the armored vehicles Ukraine had had been destroyed that’s why there was the first aid package that’s what we forget and today I’m pleased to announce another major new round of US security assistance one of the reasons Ukraine is still fighting is definitely because of Western support and now the f-16s if we interpret it the same way we did for the previous Aid packages it just means that Ukraine barely has any Aviation left let’s say of its original Air Force they need these f-16s just to continue the war H interesting I’ve never thought about it this way so you’re saying that eight those eight packages they are um compensating for what um has been lost uh rather than rather than adding something extra why didn’t they provide uh the sufficient amount amount of equipment necessary to to outow Russia since the first day of the war well that’s what the the ukrainians are complaining about since day W they they want a lot of equipment at once and the West only gives them a little bit every time the US sent 30 M11 Abram tanks why just 30 they have hundreds in storage in the US and out of these 30 10 already confirmed as destroyed so Ukraine needs more vehicles and they’re not being delivered so that’s the big question as to why would you agree that the conflict is at a strategic stale made or do you think we can still see a major breakthrough and you know a a big Arrow offensive I think the big problem is that and this is in a way related to World War I is that we have new technology and we don’t know how to get past this new technology this new technology is drawn in the hyper surveillance of the front this means you cannot gather huge amount of troops at one point like it was taught in Cold War Doctrine for the Soviets and native forces you cannot gather entire battalions of armored vehicles into one section and just Ram them into the front because they will be detected by Satellites by drones we are learning more about how Ukraine managed to fend off repeated Russian attempts to advance on ke in the early days of course of the war that’s why most of their offensive in 2022 failed because every time they were trying to do an encircling maneuver the SAT ites detected these Maneuvers and the Ukraine is could counter preemptively you know you asked why is there no encirclement because you know what the enemy is going to do days in advance and this is exactly what happened to Ukraine during the summer offensive the Ukrainian armed columns were detected kilometers before even reaching the first Russian lines and that’s when they got targeted by drones by drones that cost a few thousands of dollars one L little fpv drone can immobilize a tank that is worth multiple millions of dollars but that also means since you reduce this the scale of the attack well it moves much slower so for example in instead of having 1,000 soldiers attack on an axis nowadays you will have 50 soldiers at most if you have smaller units they can camouflage they can creep in the trenches hide in the tree lines hide in the buildings it’s much slower but it says lives but then how a war can be won like we used to think that one side should just you know break through enemies lines and circle a a giant chunk of the enemy troops and uh you know force him to surrender but it it seems like that it’s impossible uh for both for Russia and for Ukraine at this point both sides have learned and both sides have increased the the entrenchments that they’re using the fact that there’s so many fortifications and trench lines everywhere makes every move very difficult there’s minefields too Western forces don’t really know how to deal with minefields they not mindfields that are well defended let’s [Music] say I think that a lot of NATO forces think of the Gulf War as the perfect scenario but that’s when you have a hyper top tier one armed force in the world fighting against a third world Army and they thought the Russians would act like the Iraqis in zapari they thought they they would just break through and the Russians would run [Music] away Daniel from the wild Siberian YouTube channel who you guys might remember from uh previous features on my channel well he has a theory about the war in Ukraine well he thinks it’ll end after a few major battles those you know big uh showdowns where both sides commit a lot of re resources like we’ve seen in bahmut or during Ukraine’s uh 2023 offensive or an F Diva um he argues that it’s not about the land held but about how long you can sustain the fight that’s why I never use time frames I use battles because the Carnage will make the enemy surrender and since Ukraine is smaller and smaller than Russia and has a smaller Manpower pool he believes they will run out of resources sooner so what what’s your uh take on that well you know I talked to Danielle about it uh in private too and we have uh different opinions we did see big battles but now I think the the goal for the Russians is as we see is that they’re launching many smaller scale battles [Music] so instead of having let’s say one bahmut you have Ukraine has to deal with four five bahmut a little bit smaller but you have of Chans you have chesar you have kka you have otin then further south you have NOOA so the the Russians are creating many small battles for Ukraine but now Ukraine has to separate all its forces across the front line and it’s becoming comp licated and this is true War of Attrition making sure the one on the defense never get back the initiative and is always one step [Music] behind now I do think for the Russians territorial gains are important because the political objective we cannot forget that war has always a political objective so for the Russians in my opinion it’s the dbass the Russian army needs to get the dbass if they want to claim some sort of Victory because how can the Russian government sell a victory to the public by saying yeah we didn’t really conquer all of dbass and even Ukraine can claim victory by saying look we we still hold on BAS [Music] of course after big battles the Ukrainian Army could collapse but I was as we see now it’s not happening maybe in a few months I don’t know but now it’s a grinding battle Yeah and Ukraine also has launched another mobilization campaign exactly most severe to date now conscription officers have a fearsome reputation for dragging people off buses and taking them to conscription centers so this probably helped them to shore up their forces too I think the the real problem of the Ukrainian Army is uh a problem deep down in the [Music] structure we learned from Western sources like the BBC and so on that 1 million Ukrainian men between 18 and 55 have left the country 1 million so these people cannot be conscripted so that’s a big problem you have a lot of the upper class that are technicians that could have helped the front that are gone now you have the people that are wealthy but that decided to stay in Ukraine and that just bribe their way out of the conscription they give I don’t know how many euros dollars whatever and they’re off and they’re good so that’s why you have people in ke or in leiv or in certain cities in Ukraine living normal life and it’s only the poor the poorest class of Ukraine that get drafted and that’s the tragedy as the war drags on ukrainians on the front lines are older they are now fighting well into their 50s and even then in the military there’s ways to avoid being sent to the front from contacts I talked to he uh he told me in some random Village in Ukraine kilometers from the front you had a checkpoint with 20 30 Ukrainian soldiers on rotation think of how many soldiers are just rotating Villages where there’s no nothing going on or you can be guarding a Ammunition Depot you can be guarding some tanks at rear some Factory there’s even a second problem that nobody talks [Music] about when a soldier gets wounded in Ukraine you’re sent to a hospital so you have your paper saying yeah you have an injury you’re a soldier but then you can go home so if you have these military commissars the recruitment people that arrest you they show the papers and it’s okay now many soldiers do return to their units but it’s because they don’t want to betray their friends their comrades and it’s normal but many decide to to leave and that’s from Ukrainian sources they said there that are at least 100,000 deserters or men that went to the rear for some reason and never returned to their units what happens is that on paper Ukraine has what 800 900,000 soldiers but then you have infantry battalions that are that are at 30% % so that means sometimes the ukrainians they they don’t really know the strength of their units they do attacks and they fail just because there’s 30% so it’s a big mess then people will criticize by saying oh what about the Russians well the Russians have a much bigger population so even if they face a similar phenomenon it’s going to impact them much less so yes Russians are leaving the country but in a way it’s not bad for the Russian government because the ones leaving are also the ones that could cause trouble then they also don’t conscript forcefully apart from 2022 they pay a salary a pretty high salary from what I heard so that entices people to go on their own so it’s a different [Music] system I I’ve received many comments on my channel suggesting that if the American Army were to enter the war in Ukraine Russia would suffer greatly let’s imagine for a moment that the best American Brigade and the best Russian Brigade face off in Ukraine it’s fair to say I guess that the Americans would have the a technological advantage but the Russians would bring real Combat experience so when push comes to shove which do you think will be more important first of all let’s say that in this scenario will be entering World War III and we don’t know where this can lead I think it would be similar as to the um us intervention in World War I on the Western Front because ukrainians have combat experience but they lack the Manpower at the front whereas the Americans would bring the Manpower but they have zero experience so what ended up happening on the Western Front when the US Army attacked is extremely high casualties they might win because Russian troops are also you know not at 100% capacity some troops are tired and all this the US has the double population as Russia they can send one battalion after another and they can replace the casualties at will almost in the American Doctrine they always compare the the Russians to the Soviets and they always talk about hordes human waves the reason why I say this is because in the US Doctrine it’s actually uh a bulldozer strategy that the US have been using since the US Civil War so it’s not so much about maneuvering it’s about taking in the casualties no matter what and the US is doing that strategy as well even during World War II when you think at the Americans they had no real maneuvering it was frontal attack inflict as many casualties on the Germans as possible until they collapse so the US AR of war is really frontal attack no maneuver you just go ahead but then you have Replacements coming in all the time it’s an industrial War the American Art of War is an industrial War you know it’s always tricky to predict the course of this war but based on how things have unfolded over the last two years when do you think it might end I mean I hear people say that a change like Trump getting reelected in 2024 could shift US policy and maybe lead to peace talks I will have that War settled between Putin and zalinski or do you see this dragging on with all parties Russia Ukraine NATO ramping things up uh even more Even parties that are more let’s say friendly to Russia and Europe or rather non hostile to Russia and Europe political parties they still support Ukraine okay in the US I think the Deep state is doing everything they can to still be able to provide help to Ukraine even if Trump gets elected and then do you think he’ll stop there do you think he’ll stop when he if he if he takes Ukraine what do you think happens to Poland what do you think borus what do you think happens to those NATO countries so I think um there’s not much that uh it will change every time we’re like oh after this one it’s over and this is the big Wars like World War I World War II we don’t know really how and when it will end do you feel that we’re rapidly heading towards uh World War II because you know the global atmosphere seems reminiscent of the late 1930s when tensions were escalating you know we’re seeing intense Regional conflicts not just between Russia and Ukraine but also across the Middle East with uh major Powers ramping up military capabilities European nations considering the rain statement of conscription that Russia’s Reviving Cold War alliances Russia is also sending nuclear capable vessels uh towards uh American Shores uh for the first time uh in decades so do you think we’ve already passed the point of no return we have these moves that go toward that go towards This World War III phenomenon at the same time like I said earlier it seems most Europeans and most Americans don’t want to [Music] fight people don’t really want to fight in Ukraine especially in Europe they don’t see it as their own fight so that’s an important aspect and let’s not forget that most people in the world are materialists they want to keep their material comfort and all this so would they abandon their lifestyle to go fight it’s not the same type of people from the 1930s just look at M hle in France he said yeah we’re going to send troops and all this the French people were [Music] outraged he took this decision alone even European countries were outraged the French people definitely did not want to fight in Ukraine because they don’t feel that it’s their fight so to to really get World War III you you need to have a lot of people fighting now it depends if let’s say China attacks Taiwan is the US going to help or not so it all depends on stuff that is out of Russia’s control I would say because the Russians don’t want World War III let’s be honest sending vessels to Cub it’s all part of provocation and diplomatics and and all this but I I don’t I don’t see for the Russians the benefit of starting a World War they want to keep the war between them and Ukraine because when you unlock World War III then the the odds change and then it becomes chaos and then nukes could be flying and everybody gets destroyed if everybody loses in this scenario there’s no winner that’s the the big problem so um every country is aware of this too so that’s why they prefer proxy wars and try to avoid escalation as much as they can this may be sound uh corny but let’s hope that cool hat prevailed yeah that’s hope so

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The video you’re about to watch contains war-related footage that is crucial in understanding the military aspect of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Our objective is not to shock, provoke or glorify war, but to provide a factual and unbiased narrative of these events to inform and educate our viewers. In this video, we have taken the utmost care to supplement the military footage with ample context and supporting information. Our aim is to provide a comprehensive view of the events, highlighting the where and when of each scene. We encourage thoughtful and respectful discussion in the comments section. Please remember to be respectful to others, even when opinions differ.

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  1. So, you try to make an objective statement on the war and invite the biggest goof who makes content (yes, contrary to covering news)?
    Yeah, that worked about how i expected (it didn't).

  2. An American army has ideology, and that alone can't win a war with an equal oponent. Do you imagine, they can't attack because the ratio of women to men in the storm troopers is not met?

  3. Haha, nevermind the number of population, let me see how many able bodied men the US can convince and make ready to go die in a war over some country they can't find on a map. Not to mention they'd be blasted to kingdom come the second russia saw them coming. Come on, the mere discussion on this topic is absolutely ridiculous.

  4. Do not forget since day one Putin had been swinging his nuclear saber to create scare tactics for the west not to help Ukraine.

  5. The problem is the US doesn't have the heavy industry to produce weapons like in WW2. The US outsourced everything to China. Right now Russia is outproducing all NATO Countries by 3 to 1! Also, if China sided with Russia the US would lose.

  6. Personally, If I was RU commander, I would have never attacked UA with only 190K troops. During WW2, four fronts were liberating Ukraine from Nazis. That's about 1.5-2 million of the Soviet soldiers.

  7. the way Mcbeth hypes things up

    U would assume he's a shareholder at lockheed martin or at least payed by them but no

    He's a washed up peter griffin of the internet

  8. О я тоже подписан на него давно. Интересный Канадец. Очень тщательно подходит к своей работе

  9. The history guy gave up playing stupid dress up finally… how can a guy that is a known propagandist with only video game experience provide any useful input into this conflict?
    This guy is fucking laughable

  10. lol – 21:38 people w/o military experience discuss military strategy. The real war is battle of logistics – good,bad or otherwise in the long term, quantity beats quality.

  11. Most of us is clueless and so is history legend I like him he does great YouTube and blogging that’s it one thing about any war you don’t know exactly what’s going on unless your in it one things for sure if there’s any type of war between Russia and the US really NATO most of will only be around for a few hours to witness it this idea of tanks and men running across a battlefield is hilarious

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