Children’s hospital hit by Russian missile attack as 29 killed across Ukraine

Children’s hospital hit by Russian missile attack as 29 killed across Ukraine

doctors nurses Porters administrators one minute you’re working inside the hospital next you’re outside clearing the rubble in case one of your patients or your colleagues is buried underneath everyone’s working together United by desperation and fury the Russians regularly hit medical facilities but today’s missile attack on Ukraine’s biggest Children’s Hospital was amongst the most devastating of the war children and their parents were in shock we got here 5 minutes earlier we managed to get to the Pediatric Ward I don’t know it’s a nightmare I don’t even know if it was a missile or the fragments of a missile ambulances rush to collect the injured and take them to other hospitals these are Russian tactics that we’ve seen not only elsewhere in Ukraine but also in cheter in Syria they target hospitals and other civilian infrastructure to make the civilian population Despair and lose morale so far it hasn’t worked my wife drove here then it started and my son began crying so she didn’t go to the hospital but ran to the bomb shelter then there was an explosion the car has been destroyed but we’re okay there wasn’t even enough time for the baby to be scared but you can see what’s happening no words even swear words can describe it all that matters is that they’re alive never mind the car we’ll buy a better one we’ll be [Music] okay the wreckage inside the hospital made a point more eloquently than any document could at tomorrow’s NATO Summit in Washington Ukraine needs better air defenses and help repairing and protecting its infrastructure president lski was meeting his polish counterpart in Warsaw today first of all I expect very concrete answers and steps from our partners at the NATO Summit we’ll have a meeting dedicated to reinforcing Ukraine’s air defenses to our civilian infrastructure water supplies and the energy grid I expect concrete steps we’re discussing beforehand the number of different kinds of air defense systems that our partners NATO member states can provide to reinforce Ukraine but one NATO member leader Victor Orban of Hungary may have other ideas he was in China today meeting President Xi Jinping discussing a potential ceasefire on Russia’s terms Orban holds the rotating EU presidency that made the trip without EU or NATO agreement last week he was in Moscow to see President Putin both men well aware that their friend the former US president Donald Trump May soon be back in office Keen to stop helping Ukraine and impose a settlement to Russia’s benefit the mayor of ke Vitali Klitschko visited the hospital and other sites hit today it was he said one of the worst days the Ukrainian Capital has seen 30 of the 38 missiles fired in broad daylight today were shot down by Ukrainian air defense es but the eight that got through were deadly bodies were pulled out of at least one residential building each missile carried a message Russia plans to continue to wreak Devastation on Ukraine in the hope that other NATO countries including the new government in France will side with Hungary and Advocate leaving the ukrainians to fight back unsupported and alone well I’ve been speaking to the mayor of key Vitali Klitschko and started by asking him what he had witnessed at the hospital we don’t know exactly numbers of killed people because we try to Sav people from the rubbles of the buildings because we listen the voices and the people under the rubble when you see an attack on a children’s hospital and you saw the children down there how did you feel how I feel I feel uh listen it’s Russians try to explain and try to make excuses by the way the war have a some rules never touch children all people womans and the horrible images from buer p uh two years ago shocked whole world and right now the again the whole world was shocked it’s not the war it’s not a special operation it’s genocide of Ukrainian population why do you think Russia has done this now this is the week of the NATO Summit there is a new government in London there is a new government being formed in France do do you think these things are linked uh I guess uh I guess Russians uh Russians understand just the power a strong position that why we Ukrainian have to be strong and uh I guess it’s some signal but uh I think this signal just United people because every normal people around the world understand uh this war is stands less war it’s uh Putin want to rebuild Russian Empire and uh he looking Ukraine as part of Russian Empire and we are ukrainians right now fighting for our Democratic future we see our homeland as part of European family we are done want to be back to USSR and what do you want from NATO this week listen it’s many expert around the world give to us couple of days maybe couple of weeks we are uh already third year defend successfully defend our homeland against one of the biggest and strongest army in the world Russian army and we are very good motivated and uh we need support with uh with modern weapons because with defensive weapons defensive because we defend our homeland can I ask you um in this country in France and in America there are politicians On The Rise who are skeptical about helping Ukraine and they think that Europe in some way provoked the Russian invasion what is your message to those politicians please never ever underestimate the Russians we listen the voices from Moscow about Baltic countries Putin told the Baltic countries was part of Soviet Empire we listen exactly the same voice about the Poland Poland was a part of Russian Empire and I spent big time of my life in Germany I tell to Germans please never underestimate the Russians because in Putin siik Vision the part of Germany also the part of Russian Empire where Putin spent years long long as KGB agent and that why it’s challenge it’s uh it’s War not just against Ukraine it’s uh it’s war against International War we need support and um you support not just Ukraine we defending right now every one of you because Russians go so far as far we allow them to go Mr Klitschko thank you very much thank you thank you for support please stay with Ukraine is very important for us life important we very appreciate for that

Matt Frei: The war in Ukraine has featured heavily in the French elections and although the once pro Russian nationalist right of Marine Le Pen has been kept out of power, President Macron’s position as one of Ukraine’s staunchest allies has been weakened.


This comes a day before the Nato summit in Washington and it provides the backdrop for one of Russia’s most brutal attacks this year. It struck Ukraine with some 40 missiles in a rare daytime aerial attack, killing at least 36 people and badly damaging the country’s largest children’s medical facility.

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  1. Quite a lot of Ukrainian bots write angry comments, but no one believes them either, Ukraine is a corruption and a criminal country. It fires at itself and kills its own residents. It's time for Zelensky to give up and stop the genocide of the Ukrainian people that the Kiev authorities staged.

  2. It should be noted that even bloggers supporting Zelensky are forced to admit that the relatively small damage caused by the missile confirms the version of the Russian side that the Ukrainian anti-missile hit the building.

    “Look at the damage. It’s not a direct hit. I hate to say it, but I think it’s a anti-missile strike. If a missile hit the children’s hospital, there would be nothing left of the building”,- writes the blogger AMK Mapping, who acts on the side of Zelensky.

    "By the nature of the damage to the facade of the hospital building, it is obvious that they were caused by shrapnel from the air defense. Pieces of the same shrapnel are now found by Ukrainians near the hospital and post photos on social media. Ukrainian propagandists admit that the air defense system worked. Clearly, if the hospital had been hit by a missile, the damage would have been much worse. There would literally be nothing left of the building. While now it got rid of defects of the facade with characteristic traces of shrapnel and broken glass, and Ukrainian propagandists, as usual, give out damage from their air defense for a targeted attack of Russia," says the Ukrainian news publication "The Politics of the Country".

  3. I read on the Internet in Ukrainian sources – during the collapse of this hospital two people died (died), once again, Karl – TWO KILLED! Now a question for the “democratic Europeans” – How many children died during IDF strikes on the area with civilian objects ??

  4. GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT! A Ukrainian air defence missile (from a patriot battery) hit the hospital. You can plainly see the Russian cruise missiles hit a military facility and in the same part of the video the Patriot missile (which looks totally different) hits the hospital. Stop spreading lies!

  5. The missile that hit "children's hospital" in Kiev, Ukraine as is obvious from the videos was a) slim b. with narrow tip. The x-101 Russian missile / kh 47m2 is TWICE as thick, bull nose, plus it has VERY LONG (abt 9 ft/3meters) WINGS. Everyone can see the videos of both missiles and the impact they make on youtube they are very much so available!!! The Russian missile x-101 would have destroyed the entire building, not just damage the wall plus create a huge crate several levels down under ground. Therefore the one that hit the "children's hospital" could only be air defence types : 1)The Phased Array Tracking to Intercept of Target (PATRIOT) Advanced Capability-Three (PAC-3) ,or 2) NASAMS AIM-120
    It is an American problem because you know, those are US defence systems US MIM104 patriot, Iris, etc. and they clearly do not work as they should. They do not intercept the incoming missiles high in the air and neutralize those there. They divert and hit buildings. So the US is totally defenseless in case of an attack, say from Iran. Also it means that for at least 30 years the US defense budget has been stolen with 0 performance.
    Ps: Obvious from the videos also that back in the day on 9|11 the Twin Towers were hit by the missiles disguised as Boeing airplanes.

  6. Since when do the Russians use the AIM-120 AMRAAM for air strikes? And if I remember its an anti-aircraft missile. Anyway, another Dnipro, The Ukrainian Air Defense arguing who was the idiot who fired "that missile" and everyone blaming the Russians.

  7. All of you sick minded jaded people need to stop with the Palestine comments.

    You have no shame, and at this point, I can't take your arguments to heart.

  8. the nazis build military bases in the middle of the city around hospitals. Then pack in air "defence" systems that are useless.

    Russia just wiped out another whole bunch of F16 piots and nato officers and weapon factories. And a shoddy Norwegian NASAM took out the hospital. We would say patriot system but Russia has already destroyed all of them.
    Sooooo many soldiers inside a childrens hospital. Fancy that eh?

  9. Propaganda. Zelensky and the Ukrainian Neo Nazi terrorists did this before just in time for the NATO Nazi summit in Washington DC. Zelensky is a war criminal. Look how it works Zelensky got more funding from the US and NATO countries. The UN Security Council has the proof from Russia as it was Ukraine. No more money for Ukrainian Neo Nazis and Zelensky needs to be arrested

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