NATO Divided: Ukraine War, Trump’s Possible Return Cast Shadow at Summit | Vantage with Palki Sharma

NATO Divided: Ukraine War, Trump’s Possible Return Cast Shadow at Summit | Vantage with Palki Sharma

[Music] for the past two days we’ve been focusing on Russia where prime minister Narendra Modi was visiting tonight let’s start from the other end of the world where Russia’s enemies are meeting the NATO countries their Summit kicked off in Washington DC today NATO stands for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization it’s basically a military Alliance from the Cold War era the cold war is long over but NATO still lives on and it’s growing bigger this Summit was supposed to be a celebration marking 75 years of NATO’s existence with two new members Finland and Sweden the group started with 12 members now it has a total of 32 so this was meant to be a birthday party of sorts but that’s not how it turned out when the leaders met they were confronted with challenges differences misaligned priorities and the prospect of Donald Trump returning as president so at 75 NATO has more to worry about and less to celebrate their biggest challenge is the war in Ukraine despite all military and monetary assistance it isn’t going their way Russia is making gains so NATO has to decide what it does NE next how much support should it give Kiev and where should it draw the line unfortunately and unsurprisingly they cannot decide the Allies are divided and leading them is their host and US President Joe Biden he has announced Fresh Military Support to Kiev Putin’s war of aggression against Ukraine continues and Putin wants nothing less nothing less than Ukraine’s total subjugation today I’m announcing historic donation of air defense equipment for Ukraine historic donation he says it’s in response to this week’s attacks Ukraine suffered a wave of air strikes from Russia on the eve of the NATO Summit the attacks killed at least 38 people this was Russia’s bloody message to Nato in response NATO is readying a new Aid package Military Support worth $43 billion that’s what’s on the table but even that may not be enough the NATO Secretary General is asking for more that’s Jen stoltenberg the outgoing leader of this group he says member countries must make multi-year commitments to Ukraine the specifics are still being discussed meanwhile Ukraine has laid out its expectations it wants more weapons more military support and a free hand to strike deep inside Russia imagine how much we can achieve when all limitations are lifted if American leadership makes a step forward and allows us to destroy Russian military aircrafts on their basis as you can see President zilinski is attending the summit but Ukraine is not part of NATO and it is not expected to get membership anytime soon soon it’s a contentious issue NATO membership for Ukraine in fact it’s one of the reasons why Russia the reasons that Russia gives for starting the war Ukraine wanted to join NATO and that would have brought the military Alliance to Russia’s border now 2 years on Kiev is still Keen to join it has some backers like France but not everyone is on board for starters Joe Biden himself is reluctant he does not want to give any guarantees to Ukraine same with Germany it doesn’t want the NATO to overcommit so what’s the way out a compromise tomorrow the NATO will release a summit declaration it is expected to be worded in such a way that all sides are happy Reports say nato members will promise Ukraine a quote unquote irreversible path to membership but it will come along with a long list of terms and conditions to invite a new ally we need consensus um and um all allies agree um uh that Ukraine will become uh a member uh but it’s too early to say exactly when that will happen uh what I can say is that we are moving uh together with Ukraine uh Ukraine closer and closer to Nato membership the membership invite won’t come at this Summit that’s out of the question even KV knows that until the war is over they won’t get a NATO membership invite so zalinsky will have to wait and at this point he has a bigger a concern Donald Trump I hope that if uh people of America will vote for uh president Trump I hope that his policy with Ukraine will not change will the US keep supporting Ukraine if Trump becomes president zilinsky cannot be sure of it will the us remain committed to Nato if Trump becomes president NATO members cannot be sure of it so Trump’s Shadow is looming over this Summit and with good reasons America is heading into a presidential election as of today the former president Donald Trump is ahead in the race he’s polling better than Joe Biden in the past he’s walked out of multilateral commitments and he said that America will not pay for the security of others all of this makes American Allies in NATO nervous so they’re pushing for protections they want to Trump proof NATO and how will they do that well the UK’s new prime minister K stama has dropped some hints he says the NATO needs to lock in some Financial commitments for the long term my message is very very clear that this NATO Summit is an opportunity for allies to stand together he’s talking about the NATO budget and the financial contributions of each member every NATO member must allocate 2% of their budget to the military but some allies are not not pulling their weight like Canada Canada’s defense budget is around $20 billion that’s just 1.34% of its GDP it’s way below the 2% promise and Canada has no plans to raise its budget yet to meet its spending Target now Reports say nato members plan to confront Canada on this so there’s a lot of ground to cover in this Summit two years back NATO was staring at irrelevance the war in Ukraine has given this group a new purpose today it has more members than ever before but you see size does not guarantee success NATO is also a divided house with serious gaps in its military strength and uncertainties related to funding not all member states are pulling their weight so while a 75th Anniversary should be time for celebration NATO would do well to make it an opportunity for [Applause] [Music] introspection across continents one power news source bringing you diverse perspectives on the issues that [Applause] matter we go beyond the boundaries to give you that little extra about every sporting [Music] moment so thanks thank you for making first post 5 million strong we’re counting on your support and you can trust us to bring you the news unfiltered and un [Music] banished climate change is on our doorstep it’s time for a revolution to take Route and it starts with 1.4 billion Indians it starts with one tree one tree for Humanity one tree for Mother Earth one tree for a future project one tree a news8 network initiative [Music] 20 World Cup bang move across to the west east can you expect this hello I’m Al coming to you from South Africa today we have a special start with an report on India shifting nuar for the first time since off became hello and welcome to First P America I’m mic ham coming to you live from the nation’s capital in Washington DC [Music]

NATO Divided: Ukraine War, Trump’s Possible Return Cast Shadow at Summit | Vantage with Palki Sharma

The 2024 NATO Summit in Washington DC, which kicked off today to celebrate the alliance’s 75th anniversary, has been overshadowed by disagreements and concerns about the war in Ukraine. While welcoming new members Finland and Sweden, the alliance faces a divided front on how to support Ukraine. The United States, under President Biden, has pledged continued military aid, but other members are wary of escalation. Ukraine’s President Zelensky is pushing for fast-track membership, but faces resistance from some members, including Germany and the US itself. While the US has announced a new aid package, there’s no consensus on how far NATO should go to support Ukraine.
Donald Trump’s lead in US polls has cast a shadow over the summit. NATO allies are worried about his past criticism of the alliance and potential withdrawal of support for Ukraine. A summit declaration is expected tomorrow, but major decisions on Ukraine’s membership and long-term support are likely to be postponed owing to the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war. Palki Sharma tells you more.

NATO | Summit | USA | Washington | Russia Ukraine War | Ukraine Aid | Vladimir Putin | Kyiv | Firstpost | World News | News Live | Vantage | Palki Sharma | News

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  1. End the Fucking senseless War norw or no one left to survive sooner or later. I will vote for incoming President and ask for
    stop this War. Current Biden administration and miniors are obsses with Russia and created this Crisis. I would like
    Upcoming President Trump to stop this war.

  2. The US printing the dollars , artificially controlling it's economy and supporting Ukraine and sailing afloat for decades.

    It's the right time to dump dollars, go digital and embrace a digital currency with no US interference.

    The moment this happens, all the boot licking alliance (NATO) will be on its knees.

  3. I think NATO wants to avoid the stigma of accepting a dictator. Zalensky did suspend elections, ban opposing political parties, and close all private news services. It might happen when Zalensky is replaced.

  4. Bringing in Ukraine to nato will force Russia to intensify the operationsโ€ฆ Putin has said this and why the hell are our leaders dragging us into that

  5. NATO should tell Zelenskyy to p!ss off. Zelenskyy is in for a rude awakening when Trump gets back in the White House. Trump won't stand for this nonsense and Zelenskyy can't manipulate Trump like Zelenskyy does with brain dead Biden.

  6. NATO OR EU membership was not the reason for war it was a way to fool Ukraine by the west the reason is UKRAINE'S mineral resources that Russia China and the west want the stakes are high for the west Russia China Ukraine has only become a prey of the west,Russia is already getting what it wants from Donba's and also selling to China that's why the west will not let Ukraine negotiate till DONBAS is taken back,even Ukrainians know that even if the war ends Russia will invade again in the future they say we have to prepare to fight Russia again

  7. Ukraine is not winning this war ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ weapons begger ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ Am waiting for Trump to get in ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  8. The day America stops fiddling with other countries wars and what not, this world will become a better, peaceful place.

  9. nato!!!!!! a bunch of jokers destroying their own economies. biden should be in hospital. the world is marching into ww3 bcos of nato. sooooo are nato doing the right thing??????

  10. War loss and many life too. Are the warmongers happy now and leaving Ukraine in ruins. Philippine you are next target for them to inflict war and you too will be the ruined country.

  11. Because of the speeches and debates clause nothing a president says matters, you have to algebra it out because it could just be a lie legally, and often is a lie. We have no cause or course to believe the words and factually more to the opposite.

  12. Ukraine is Russia ๐Ÿ˜‚like Taiwan to China ๐Ÿ˜‚North Korea to South Korea ๐Ÿ˜‚Japan and India to packisan will always be use to fight theล•e neighbours ๐Ÿ˜‚wi know this ๐Ÿ˜‚

  13. Never underestimate the enemy. Donations of wmds are not designed for peaceful negotiations. It intends an expansion of war and priming war to the extent of using ultimate weapons to destroy any adversaries. NATO is marching and provoking to the ultimate.

  14. Aid after aid after aid Ukraine still failing it will continue to fail
    Lot of corruption in Ukraine, shortage of troops in Ukraine
    F-16 will arrive in Ukraine they have no experience pilots Russia is going to destroy them all F-16 will not help Ukrainian
    Ukraine is failing on the ground what about in the air?
    U.S and western must stop wasting money by funding Ukraine war they are failures and Corrupted country
    Zelensky must go to jail he is killing Ukrainian Zelensky can't fight larger country like Russian and expert to win that will not happen
    Don't forget Hitler never defeat Russia
    what Zelensky can do? nothing, he must negotiate peace talk and stop killing Ukrainian
    Air Defense never win war troops win war, Ukraine running out of troops. Air Defense will not help Ukrainian Russia will destroy them as they are destroying them thats why Zelensky keep asking patriot
    The only thing Zelensky knows is to ask aid after aid this show Ukraine is failing
    Aid send by western is larger than Ukrainian troops๐Ÿ˜…

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