Starmer allows UK missiles to be used for attacks inside Russia | Ukraine war

Starmer allows UK missiles to be used for attacks inside Russia | Ukraine war

now the Prime Minister has told Ukraine’s president he can use British missiles for defensive strikes against targets inside Russia the announcement comes after sakir starma Met Vladimir zalinsky yesterday at the NATO Summit in Washington which is continuing today well let’s talk to our Moscow correspondent Iva Bennett Iva how has this news been received in Russia has there been any kind of reaction yeah so this is a continuation of existing UK policy um is still significant though because it’s a signal of intent from Ki T and the new labor government about uh its policy when it comes to Russia and Ukraine um David Cameron Lord Cameron the former foreign secretary was the first to uh give Ukraine permission to use British missiles to strike inside Russia that was at the beginning of May it provoked an angry response from the Kremlin then and Kier starmer’s comments uh to Vladimir Vladimir zalinski have done so again today with Vladimir Putin’s Chief spokesperson uh Dimitri pesov saying uh this is another irresponsible step towards increasing tension and escalating the situation we will carefully record everything and take measures what those measures will be we don’t know but it’s not the first time Russia has made these kind of warnings when this policy was first announced a couple of months ago from David Cameron Russia’s foreign Ministry said that any UK military facility or military hardware could now become a target for Russia whether inside Ukraine or outside and it’s that threat of retaliation that the new labor government is clearly wary of as articulated on Sky news this morning by the new security minister Dan Jarvis of course we’ve got to guard against that and of course we’ve got to be incredibly careful but what’s most important is that in concert with our NATO allies we work together to make sure that President zalinski and Ukraine have got the material support that they need to defend themselves against Russia it is an illegal Invasion the consequences of which are massive for the whole of the world and we stand shoulder Tosh shoulder with our allies in doing what we can to support our colleagues in Ukraine now having having said all this I think Moscow is actually more worried about what the US has said um at this Summit in uh this NATO Summit in Washington saying that from 20126 is going to start deploying long- range missiles in Germany Washington has said that’s a demon ation of its commitment to European uh defense NATO defense but Moscow sees this as a provocation with Russia’s foreign Ministry uh promising a military response and Russia aren’t the only ones who are angry today about this NATO Summit what’s come out of it China is too particularly regarding a NATO statement on China’s role in Ukraine that statement this draft statement called China a decisive enabler of Russia’s war effort beijing’s hit back calling that biased malicious belligerent it’s called on NATO to deescalate rather than what it says shift blame so if you thought tensions were high already between Russia and the west and China and the West well I think safe to say they’ve just increased

Sir Keir Starmer has told Ukraine it is free to use UK missiles for defensive strikes on targets inside Russia.

Russia warned it would “respond accordingly”.

The announcement came after the new British prime minister met Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy at the NATO summit in Washington,

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  1. I've got some disturbing news. Russia jams up to 90% of GPS guided munitions and increasing. That's why they ain't disturbed to much of what's throwed at them… So this is more of a showcase for the audience at home. 🕊️

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