Far right alliance projected to win up to 280 seats in snap elections • FRANCE 24 English

Far right alliance projected to win up to 280 seats in snap elections • FRANCE 24 English

this is of course just an estimate of the first round but you do get an idea I mean this is here the far right and at the moment of uh June 2024 When U mcon dissolved Parliament they had 88 seats in Parliament so that is a huge huge huge jump for the far uh for the far right this is Emanuel macon’s uh parliamentary uh majority presidential majority and at the moment of dissolution they had more or less we’d say 250 seats if you cons if you count also the other parties that had uh joined with uh his uh his political party so you really get an idea of how high the far right has gone how low Emanuel mcon has gone in these estimates here this is a new popular front so that is that leftwing Coalition encompassing uh parties from the hard left but also the Socialist Party they are again projected about 125 to 65 seats so a very very different looking National Assembly according to these first round estimates it is just to get the perspective of this deep te as well when we’re looking at you know the fifth republic since shoulder G we had two parties we had the gists and you had the Socialists and then 2017 suddenly Emanuel macron comes along they have a majority they have 350 um they can work out a presidential majority they need 289 go to 20 uh 22 they suddenly have uh around 250 they don’t have what they need now we’re really seeing a shrinking of the center absolutely indeed uh and uh I mean once again I think it’s important to bring up that number you mentioned 289 is is what you consider the magic number if you like it is the number needed uh for an absolute majority in Parliament it wasn’t the case in in 2022 this is why we’ve sort of had this uh this this Parliament that’s really been stalled for the past two years according to the estimates it I mean once again it’s very hard to predict there is a second round uh and many of those races will be three horse races but in any case it doesn’t look like at least according to these estimates that any party would get um uh that absolute majority either which means that France the French Parliament would once again sort of be stuck in this relative majority and what consequences that has irrespective of who becomes prime minister I think is a really a big question uh going forward how this will affect the the next three years until presidential elections

The far right alliance led by Marine Le Pen’s National Rally are projected to win from 230 to 280 seats in the lower house of the French parliament, close to the 289 seats needed to form an absolute majority, FRANCE 24’s Dheepthika Laurent said.
#France #far right #legislative elections

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  1. Huge huge far right , you can almost hear the fear in her voice, stop with the far right , "far "is radicle normal , this is more nationalist , stop with the propaganda rhetoric , thanks 👍

  2. Le Pen leads the National Rally Party. How can journalists us a chart or graphic that changes the name to "Far Right Party"? Horrible propaganda!

  3. Stop with the false and biased reporting. You refuse to call the left wing alliance that came in second place and has extreme left wingers in it as the "far left alliance", why?

  4. France is poor and needs a reset. It will be painful for France and Germany as leaders in the EU. The world is changing. It's a fact .Bonne chance et merci 🙏 💕

  5. The Fringe Minority are posed to win an overwhelming majority. It'll be tough for the far-Left corporate press to spin that for their employers, but they'll have to try if they want to get paid.

  6. Note how that foreigner (from the 80s?) says HARD left, never far left or radical left.
    She has no problem saying far right, though.
    Sorry toots.. the electorate has shifted. What you call far right is now the MAINSTREAM right.

  7. Far right, far right. The media borg is writing the script that all Globalist media scum repeat over and over. This is why you make us sick. We know your tricks, that's why you lost. It's over!!!! The treasonous left is a cancer in society.

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