Russians utilize AI to spread disinformation | Ukraine Update: Day 869

Russians utilize AI to spread disinformation | Ukraine Update: Day 869

dear friends it’s day 869 of the unprovoked Russian invasion of Ukraine and the Russian bought Farm utilizing AI to spread misinformation in the US has been shut down by the American officials in cooperation with the cyber security forces of the Netherlands and Canada according to the US justice department nearly 8,000 fake accounts pretending to be Americans were powered by the AI to spread pro-russian propaganda and misinformation in the social networks mainly Twitter of course the whole structure was supervised by the deputy chief of the Russian propagandist Channel Russia today it was stated that producing fake accounts was some of the most timec consuming tasks in frames of the Russian informational war against the west but utilizing AI to automate content creation makes it much easier for the Russian cyber terrorists to make it possible the Affiliates of the Russian propagandists at Russia today use software known as M orator to create fake online accounts representing various nationalities the Russian software is capable of mass creating authentic looking fake Internet people deploying content that mimics typical Publications in the social media and mirroring disinformation of other fake accounts you can find the link to the full report in the description what are the messages typically disseminated by fake AI powered Bots basically you can imagine the full scope of the false narratives justifying the Russian aggression against Democratic world but what’s interesting here specifically is that majority of fake accounts were posting on behalf of American citizens with alternative point of view of course the main message is Russia is not the enemy which is probably the most popular nowadays uh they say that Putin knows the ultimate truth that is’s the god Russia is a peaceful country and you with your silly democracy and freedoms were all brainwashed by sorus and greedy American government uh the US and Russia should work together to bring peace to the universe ukrainians must be wiped out and things like that uh don’t fight against Russia be their friend collaborate uh narratives implemented here were designed not only to confuse American users not only to create doubt within the us but also to so Discord between the US and the European countries especially after the Russian war against Ukraine was recognized as genocide by the European Parliament the gap between the US and Europe will grow eventually as a result of the Russian informational Warfare of course it will take months but this is exactly the main goal for the Russian cyber terrorists especially now when the Democratic World should Stand United like like never before why do we even have such problems nowadays guys it’s not because free people are most vulnerable to the misinformation unlike people in Russia for example where uh they only have state propaganda zero Independent Media and zero freedom of speech it’s not because we have broader access to the information the only reason is because today in the 21st century the Russian terrorists use information as a weapon against us it’s not why it’s who and today instead of fighting the Russian terrorism together we’re spending time discussing whether Russians are threat or not meanwhile the Russian cyber forces are working hard to destroy your countries from within utilizing modern Technologies such as AI uh not to solve Global problems not to make education more accessible uh not to find alternative energy or solve the food crisis but to fight Wars against Democratic Society in their cyber space so Discord between the countries and inside of those countries using fake bols this is what the Russian terrorists do every single day while people keep discussing if the Russian regime is bad tonight on the stream we will discuss some of the latest in the social media and yes I’m talking about Viva section my friends our new educational show designed to analyze pro-russian propaganda also we will talk about the overall strategy utilized by the Russian regime since we often talk about tactics and narratives forgetting about the global picture with that my friends I wish you all a beautiful day I’m operator starski as always be safe

Full Report by the Joint Cybersecurity Advisory:

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  1. ''Russia is not the enemy'' reminds me of the movie 'Mars Attacks' where the aliens broadcast ''we come in peace'' while shooting everyone and everything… You have to be extremely low IQ to believe the Russian narrative, just open your eyes and watch non-propaganda news/information…I can recommend –> Ground News for that. Keep up the good work StarskyπŸ‘ Slava Ukraini✌

  2. Because humans cant tell the truth i have really lost so much faith in humanity. How dumb we all are. Or it seems that way. Do u think humanity will survive? I just thank god i lived in the 80s and 90s before this world went to hell. Hey marijuana is legal. Lol. SLAVA πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦

  3. I knew it , some of you been suspicious of this im sure, some things just didnt make sense with the likes and comments as mentioned in the video here.. its crazy how much disinformation /misinformation out there..
    some might belive and repeat the error

  4. Russia is a terrorist state responsible for untold numbers of war crimes. Now their latest and most stupid idea yet. Convincing the US and Ukraine to come to the peace table with Russia and there surrender the land that Russia is currently occupying that belongs to Ukraine. They want the United States to persuade Ukraine into giving up that land to Russia for membership in the EU and NATO. This would in essence capitulate to Russia making them the clear winners here. It would render NATO as useless as tits on a male hog. As insane as this sounds I hope we nip it in the bud. There is only one victory and the is the expulsion ofthe Russian invaders from the northeast. Slava Ukraini πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦

  5. It's truly depressing how so many Americans are this easily "confusable"πŸ™„. It appears most never learned basic critical thinking skills, let alone political awareness. Just feed the masses junk food, beer, sports, and porn, with a helping of religion on top, and they're content to let the world and their personal freedoms fall into the sewer πŸ˜–

  6. I see we have some Kremlin buddies and tankies in the comments, constantly supporting whatever the Kremlin wants to push out in order to continue Russian aggression against neighbors. Trump's team loves these guys.

  7. Thanks for this Starsky. Muscovy's bots are like cockroaches: they scatter in light. But they also expose the total lack of value or vision of the petro-kkepto state they represent. Of course this is what happens when you let a small corrupt kgb agent who knows only dirty tricks seize the reins of power.

  8. lately i came across a comment in my country ( Italy), where a guy, spreading pro Russia ideas, referred to ww2 as "great patriotic war". I just pointed out that no one except russians call it that way. Stupid jerks!

  9. Thank you for this very important video ! Even some of our prominent politicians have been fooled and taken in by the Russian lies and propaganda.

  10. It's human nature! Because we naturally want to believe what we see and hear, we're not only drawn to bullshit, we can easily become its ally. The mind is malleable… from deception or truth.
    Operator Starsky, thanks for doing what you do.

  11. Russian propaganda is a problem in many countries of the world, specially closer to elections and aims to undermine democracy and confidence in our institutions. Laws need to be passed and enforced to ensure social media takes the issue seriously.πŸ’™πŸ’›

  12. These famous "American patriotic conservatives" who get super furious as soon as you say something remotely positive about the USA. πŸ˜†

  13. In today’s word anything that comes out of Putin’s Russia is to be considered untrue.
    If I want the truth about what is going on in Ukraine I listen to you. Anna, or Max.

  14. In my opinion we (the world) are going to have a lot of problems with this AI stuff. In the wrong hands (like Putin and scammers etc.) it is going to be misused terribly……

  15. Yeah, I feel like, these days….As part of ALL educational curriculums…there should be a module on "CRITICAL THINKING & RECOGNISING A.I. GENERATED CONTENT". Education needs to move with the times, keep "current" as best as possible….

  16. I did notice that there was a lot more pro Russian you tube sites lately. Lot’s of comments from people claiming to be American saying how peaceful, kind, and intelligent Putin is. It looks like their pals in China, CGTN, have synchronized their bs reporting too.

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