Death toll rises after Russian strikes on Ukraine capital Kyiv | BBC News

well what will have brought leaders Minds very much into focus when it comes to Ukraine and what’s happened there over the past few days and emergency workers have found more bodies buried under the rubble of that residential building and ke that was partially destroyed during the Russian air strikes on Monday it brings the number of dead across Ukraine to 43 most of them in the capital let’s go live to ke we can speak to the BBC’s James Waterhouse who is there James just explain to us where you are and what is happening there yeah we were in one of those districts that you mentioned in Kiev uh which was also hit in that large scale missile attack on Monday uh behind me uh was uh the point of impact where 14 people were killed including five children and it’s a site as a team we have seen time after time you have the crater you have the whole chunk of a block Blown Away by the force of the impact there are shattered Windows all around and you can see exposed Apartments where people’s lives were once uh lived and you know all the while state-run newspapers across the border in Russia uh are calling for even more missile strikes on Ukrainian cities so while the country’s president uh is in Washington DC we are seeing you know a political strategy by Ukraine they are almost showcasing uh scenes like this to try and secure security guarantees in the long term or more more military uh support but you know at the moment we’re seeing quite a ferocious recovery effort as they lift Twisted Metal in Dey away to find uh who might be left James is it quite a difficult line for president zalinski when he attends these big International Summits because Joe Biden President Biden has just promised more air defense systems he has to be grateful for that and yet they need more in Ukraine they do and when you say more Lucy you know if you’re looking about what zalinski really wants what Ukraine really wants uh is NATO membership they want to be part of the alliance to have all of the benefits and they would ideally like all uh 32 members to send their troops to Ukraine and help them fight this war against uh Russia but that’s not going to happen it’s partly why Vladimir Putin launched his fullscale invasion embarked on a decade of aggression towards Ukraine but equally the West has been unable to curb uh that Russian aggression so I think to be honest with president zinski in Washington there is a kind of cap on his expectations he will look for more security guarantees dozens of bilateral agreements are being signed you’re right he has secured more uh air defenses but that is as good as it’s going to get for now for Ukraine it’s looking to get enough to survive Russia’s Invasion and only if Ukraine survives it can it embark on those those long-term goals of longer security guarantees uh more alliances uh behind it and perhaps NATO or EU membership but I think the words of his foreign minister dimitro kilba are curious he talked about working with the US rather than NATO that tells you everything you need to know about where Ukraine is looking to get help in the near term that picture of Devastation behind you James but if we could step back for a moment what is happening in the rest of the country what is happening on the front line so you have this kind of it’s a state of constant really weal we we talked a lot didn’t we about this uh major crossborder incursion by Russia uh back in uh back in May uh where the delay to us help ammunition uh armored vehicles and tanks and the like the delays to that kind of Aid allowed Russia to really try to capitalize uh and so they launched a major crossb incursion in the northeastern hardip region Ukraine has stabilized that front line to a degree um because of having permission to use Western missiles On Target some targets inside Russia but otherwise it’s a kind of status quo which doesn’t go Ukraine’s way you’ve got towns like chazar on the Eastern front in the diet region reduced a rubble as uh the Russians inch closer continue to envelop what’s Les left of a city but it is a city reduced to ruin and almost completely deserted the Russians can clearly sustain the losses they are which the ukrainians cannot they are the smaller dog in this fight in this war of attrition so that is where we are now and that is why you are seeing Ukraine in a political overdrive to both get the immediate help it needs but also keep the calls for negotiations at Bay but to give you an idea of how far both sides are from peace you have President uh you have Vladimir Putin uh launching the missile strike of this nature at the start of a week uh and then you have president zinski in response saying sometimes you want to kill him those that’s an extraordinary words to be uttered by a world leader but this is a world leader whose country is uh on the receiving end still uh of a full scale Invasion after a very long feeling two and a half years for for for millions of people here yeah remarkable words James thanks so much for joining us from ke there we’re going to take you live to Washington shortly as well uh to bring you right up to date with what is on the agenda of the NATO Summit those calls from pres presidents of I too for more military aid but

The number of people killed in Ukraine during a deadly Russian strike on Monday has reached 43.

More bodies have been found buried under the rubble from a residential building that was impacted in the strikes.

The attack was globally condemned, with US President Joe Biden saying it was a “horrific reminder of Russia’s brutality”.

Mr Biden, who is hosting a Nato summit in Washington on Tuesday, also vowed to strengthen Kyiv’s air defences.

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  1. Ukraine claims Russian missile hit a childrens hospital; Russia claims a NASAMS missile fired by Ukraine was to blame.
    Instead of calling for an independent investigation, "trust me bro" journalism continues.

  2. What's the betting that it will soon be revealed that Ukraine was actually responsible for the air strike. Plenty of examples of them making similar attacks and the same accusations during the conflict. Putin is not Netanyahu. Had Putin been a maniac like Netanyahu then Ukraine would have looked like Gaza two years ago and thousands of civilians would be dead (like the 14000+ Ukrainian civilians killed by their own government since 2014 for basically speaking Russian). Plus the U.S. and NATO has to justify the latest pledge of cash and weapons to Ukraine to their own population.

  3. At least 50 children were died in qaza every day,and eastern countries aren't even say some thing about that genocide that Netanyahu make every day, when putin kills only 5 children they talk any television in their countries every day!!!!!!

  4. I believe if Russian president in rigid stage who cannot achieve his final target and he have to timely squeeze his that condition s “ it’s sure!!!”
    And as said American president announcement last day the countries who are situated in surrounding are of Ukrainian they also have to timely forces for their independence that’s why we are telling this is only be a Ukrainian & Russian war not a countries mix war if it’s going to spread as well as surely Russia will defeated!!!”
    So don’t time waist and life waist and nothing any more to waist of both “!!!
    Let’s see what will next decision!!!

  5. Pentagon Top Military GOD Said ;;KING David took his staff in his hand, and chose him f 16 ive smooth stones out of the brook, and put them in

    a shepherd's bag which he had, even in a scrip; and his sling was in his hand: and he drew near to the named Goliath, Amen

  6. 186k civilians killed in Gaza. Many killed with uk bought weapons But this is a bigger story clearly. I wonder if they believe theyre actual journalists?

  7. Russia fucked up everything.. 🤔🤨 their own lives..economy.. freedoms.. the vortex of doom is dominating their mindset… and with a deformed midget Putin as their leader..Russia has forfeited their future.. it's over Russia..get used to it.. 👋🏻

  8. How many missiles have Ukraine fired into Russia ? How many bombs did Germany drop on British people ? How many people did Japan kill when they attacked America ? How many Napalm bombs did America drop in Vietnam ? ,,,,,, dear BBC it's called WAR,,,,,,,, stop your nonsense

  9. Russia does not target schools like the USA, UK, Ukraine and Israel. And no official investigation has been carried but the sorros owned media are quick to accuse Russia.
    Also, consider the disparity between NATO's war on Russia using Ukraine as cannon fodder. Compared to Israhells genocidal Holocaust on innocent Palestinians that's been happening for the past 76 yrs. Can anyone see the difference?
    Particularly the special treatment Ukraine gets compared to Palestinians, the language msm use, the fact that they're even journalists in Ukraine and none in Palestine. Play silly games, win silly prizes. And if you FK about poking a bear, you'll find out the hard way. Reap what you've sowe for the warmongering fascists.

  10. Russia attacks Ukraine knowing very well that it already caused large scale casualties among civilians, so it does not matter what Russian war criminals claim to target. As the aggressor, Russia is responsible not only for the entire outcome of this missile attack, but for all the casualties and damages since February 27, 2014 when Russia broke peace and invaded Ukraine.

  11. NATO have no limits to support Ukraine….. They're failed to support Ukraine….. putin wants to take Ukrainian lands back to Russia…
    Sending military aid to Ukraine will never work….

  12. The bbc is crude in its choice of words. In palestine, an airstrike killed palestinians, whereas in Kiev, it was a russian attack. If anything, the bbc cannot be accused of impartiality , and certainly is an accomplice in the israeli barbaric actions, its war crimes, and genocide.

  13. For the fourth time, Israel struck schools in Palestine where civilians were hiding. For the fourth time!!! Why are they all silent about this? B*tches

  14. How the war began in Donetsk.

    Exactly 10 years ago, on May 26, 2014, peace ended in Donetsk and the war began. The first shelling, the first destruction, the first deaths of Donetsk civilians.

    On May 26, Ukrainian helicopters fired at the station square, shot cars on the roads near the airport, killing several dozen civilians.

    Donetsk residents about that "black" day:

    "I don't know for whom, but personally, I will always remember May 26, 2014. I will never forget or forgive the fact that a peaceful city of millions was shot by Ukrainian aircraft. On this day, my eldest son, who was just over 2.5 years old, was in kindergarten on Kievsky Prospekt. When the aircraft began bombing the airport and the surrounding areas, the telephone connection was lost. I don't want anyone to experience the horror of a mother who hears explosions in the area where her child is. The son was brought in only his panties, as the kids had a "sleepy hour" and they were asleep when the bombing began. The parents took the children undressed, just carried them out in their arms…. My child was afraid of helicopter sounds for a long time after that…
    And how many civilians died then… How much destruction was there… How many destinies have been broken…"

    "This evening I was in Avdiivka for the last time, it was raining and I will never forget this terrible trip from Avdiivka to Donetsk. The road was already blocked, rumblings were heard and there were bright flashes around the city, and the crazy hum of airplanes. May 26 is a truly terrible day for Donetsk residents. On this day, the armed forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine attacked Donetsk airport and nearby areas from the air and from the ground. It was the first fear, the first pain, and the first blood…"

    "By order of the newly elected President of Ukraine, Poroshenko, the Ukrainian Armed Forces militants used combat aircraft against the civilian population. May 26– 2014, is the day that changed us forever…"

    "This is the day when, in the middle of the most ordinary calm day, a terrible shelling began in Donetsk…

    This is the day when there were the first tears of terrified women and crying children running to the nearest entrance in the hope of hiding from an unknown danger…

    This is the day when we heard the echo of the first explosions that reverberated throughout the city…

    This is the day when we were gripped by the first tremor in our body and the first horror of the sound of an explosion…

    This is the day when the residents of Donetsk were innocently killed…

    This is the day after which we will never be the same…"

    "A rainy day…I wanted to write a lot. I will not. Everything will be counted to everyone…I would like to believe it. The guys have a bright memory…"

    "On May 26, 2014, the war came to Donetsk. Eternal memory to the dead!!!

    The light of Donbass

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