Ukraine, Trump and the Future of NATO | WSJ News

Ukraine, Trump and the Future of NATO | WSJ News

the war in Ukraine and the real possibility of Donald Trump’s re-election have presented NATO with some huge challenges today NATO is more powerful than ever here’s how the block has transformed as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization celebrates its 75th Anniversary it’s going through huge changes the biggest transformation has taken place in Europe after Decades of shunning membership Sweden and Finland joined the block following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine the Baltic Sea is now uh a NATO Lake uh with an extremely strong defense capacity beyond the geographic expansion much of the Allies Focus has been on boosting defense spending in 2014 NATO’s member countries agreed to spend at least 2% of gross domestic product on defense within a decade 10 years ago only three states Greece the United Kingdom and the United States hit this level of military spending today 23 of the now extended group of 32 are expected to meet this target double last year’s number 2% is now the uh the floor for our defense spending many NATO members rushed to spend more on their defenses earlier this year as development in Ukraine and the impact of a potential second Trump presidency amp ified concerns my predecessor has made it clear he has no commitment to Nato speaking at a campaign rally the former president said that he would encourage Russia to invade us allies that don’t contribute sufficiently to military defense no I would not protect you in fact I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want you got to pay and delays delivering USA to Ukraine early this year complicated the situation on the front line so to shore up long-term support for keev NATO announced a range of new measures for the next decade country after country has vowed to help Ukraine build its deterrent and defense capacity that sends the strongest possible message to Vladimir Putin that he can’t Outlast Ukraine he can’t Outlast Ukraine’s Partners NATO is also establishing a new command in Germany to coordinate the provision of military equipment to keev and the training of Ukrainian troops the operation will take over much of a mission that has been run by the American Military since Russia’s invasion in 2022 it aims to ensure support will continue even if under Trump the US reduces or ceases to help NATO officials say the alliance is going through its most significant changes since the Cold War but sustaining Europe’s spending increases will be difficult and while the blocks arms manufacturers are working around the clock they still build weapons too slowly to meet Ukraine’s needs but in Washington leaders of the block were optimistic the NATO the United States has something no other Ally no other major power has and that is more than 30 friends and allies Russia doesn’t have that China doesn’t have that the United States uh has NATO makes uh the United States stronger [Music]

As NATO celebrates its 75th anniversary, aid for Ukraine and prospects of Donald Trump’s re-election trigger the biggest changes within the bloc since the Cold War.

#NATO # Ukraine #Russia #Trump #wsj

  1. Zelenskyy regime is on its last legs as Biden himself. Both can't be propped up even until November. Realization of the inevitable finally started to dawn upon mainstream media.

  2. FJB / HARRIS a blind leading a blind. the world is laughing at the U.S. special at the NATO meeting so Embarrassing. the worst president

  3. NATO should have been disbanded in 1991 following the dissolution of The USSR. Reason: no more "Warsaw Pact" (1955-91) The Pentagon tried to tell this to our politicians but they refused to listen in keeping Ukraine "Neutral" to preserve the peace in Eastern Europe.

  4. America is tired of the Neo Imperialism from Europe. We’re tired of being exploited out of our tax dollars to protect you when we can clearly defend ourselves. We clearly share the same values of Western Liberalism. What friend uses another though only for protection? Europeans are so quick to look down on us, until Russia scares them. Then they always cry for our power. It’s pathetic. You were once the continent of conquers. Go defend yourself. America first!

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