Storm Shadow cruise missiles CAN be used by Ukraine to hit targets in Russian territory

Storm Shadow cruise missiles CAN be used by Ukraine to hit targets in Russian territory

Storm Shadow missiles can Blitz military targets inside Russia and in more good news for Ukraine F-16 jets are on the way and allies have promised more Patriot air defense systems but it comes in the wake of a devastating Russian missile strike on a children’s hospital in ke again is we’re in again my name is Jerome starky I’m the defense editor at the Sun newspaper and this is is Frontline your weekly Roundup of the most important news from the war in Ukraine we start with the announcement from Ukraine’s president zalinski that British Storm Shadow cruise missiles one of the most formidable weapons in Ukraine’s Arsenal can be used to hit military Targets in Russian territory now Britain has before this said that it would be Madness to try and stop Ukraine using weapons that Britain supplies to hit Target it’s on Russian soil but this is the first time we’ve had explicit confirmation that the Storm Shadow cruise missiles these are bunker busting cruise missiles fired from aircraft can be used to hit targets inside Russian territory and that significant because it creates ambiguity uncertainty for Moscow on where it should Place its air defense systems to try and stop those missiles hitting high value targets the rules around using Western weapons against Targets in Russia has been a subject of heated discussions particularly for the ukrainians and particularly in the wake of that Russian offensive recent Russian offensive into harv from neighboring Russian belgrod Province Britain has for a long time been on the front foot in this area we know that those Storm Shadow missiles have been used to devastating effect to hit targets particularly inside occupied Crimea most notably uh warship and a submarine in drydoc and the headquarters of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet president zilinski while he’s been in Washington DC in America for the 75th Anniversary NATO Summit said that he had learned that Ukraine could use these Storm Shadow missiles uh to hit Targets in Russia and he said he was uh discussing the Practical implications of that when he met Britain’s new prime minister sakir starma in more good news for Ukraine uh the United States have said that F-16 Jets from Denmark and the Netherlands are on their way as we speak uh those fighter jets are due to be operational due to be flying this summer so any day now and this is a subject we’ve touched on a lot it’s something you’ve asked a lot of questions about when are the f-16s going to arrive it feels now more imminent than ever and if if the past is anything to go by in this conflict actually when we hear official announcements that weapons are on their way it has often meant that those weapons are already there that is my speculation I cannot confirm that we’ve also heard from the Americans though that more f-16s may soon be forthcoming from the belgians and the Norwegians and today uh Sweden has repeated its offer to send or donate its grippen fighter jets as well now the griin uh have long been put forward as perhaps the most suitable NATO fighter jet for Ukraine’s fight particularly because the what they were built to uh take off and land on roads rather than runways because the conflict scenario that they were envisaged for rather designed for uh would see the dispersal of Sweden’s Air Force to avoid it being attacked at airfields and that is obviously a risk that Ukraine faces they are a resilient Hardy aircraft and in the way of that devastating U Russian missile Blitz earlier this week which hit a children’s hospital in keev America has confirmed that there will be at least three new air defense batteries on their way to Ukraine uh those batteries are coming from Germany and Romania but also the Netherlands is going to donate components uh to get a fourth Patriot system up and running as well and that will bolster the Patriot air defense systems that are already there and of course just to be clear these are the systems that can shoot down Russia’s most sophisticated missiles uh the Patriots have shot down the kinal Hypersonic missiles which President Vladimir Putin said were Unstoppable uh We’ve also heard uh from the NATO Summit that there will be dozens of other Tactical Air Defense systems soon on their way to Ukraine uh these are include uh Gard systems Nan systems and Iris air defense systems so all good news for Ukraine ke will of course want everything to arrive as soon as possible and one of the messages from Britain’s new defense secretary John Healey when he visited Odessa uh soon after uh the labor party won the election in Britain soon after he was appointed to that post his message was that he would be accelerating the pace of donations from the United Kingdom we will just talk about that air strike earlier this week that hit the uh adeit Children’s Hospital in ke the main Children’s Hospital in keev because news just in today that one of the children who was being treated there uh during that strike has sadly uh died we saw heartbreaking footage of wounded blooded children covered in dust being brought out of the rubble of that hospital sick cancer patients children undergoing keep chemotherapy wheeled out in in their wheelchairs many with drips still in their arms uh as the building was evacuated at least two adults were killed uh when that hospital suffered a direct strike dozens were injured uh and of course many many more people killed and injured across Ukraine because the strike that hit keev uh was not uh was keev was not the only target more than 40 missiles president zinski said hit targets right across Ukraine was unusual about that particular bombardment was that it happened in broad daylight and the suggestion from people I’ve spoken to in Ukraine as they feel that this is designed to cause maximum Terror to cause Maximum Carnage because for much of this conflict those big missile strikes have happened at night and that is when many buildings be they warehouses or military targets uh might be uh less populated fewer people there but hitting these targets during day time guarantees almost guarantees that there are going to be more uh casualties and when the target is a hospital it guarantees civilian casualties zilinsky said it was important for the world to see what’s going on uh his top advisor Andre ymac described it as a genocidal attack the United Nations representative for Ukraine called it unconscionable uh that a children’s hospital should be targeted and the children should be hit a a a Salient and really powerful reminder of exactly what is at stake what is happening in this conflict because easy uh for us occasionally to forget uh the realities of the daytoday misery that this war is inflicting and in terms of what’s happening on the battlefield the short answer not an awful lot but there has been intensive fighting since our last update around the town of chiv Y chazi sits just to the west of bahmut remember bahmut was for many many months the focus of Russia’s Furious meat grinder of salts Russia has captured bahmut uh The High Ground the town on that sits on The High Ground uh just to the west of it Chaz ofia I was there gosh about 18 months ago and even then it felt like a ghost town uh Now by all accounts it remains an eerily awful Place many of the buildings uh that I would have seen have since been uh reduced to Rubble Ukrainian forces in the most recent development we think have retaken some of the positions that they were forced to vacate broadly speaking as before the front lines are not moving very much where they are it appears to be Russian forces grinding slowly forward if you’re watching this on YouTube and you do have any questions uh please do ask them in the comments below fantastic response last time round nearly 2,000 comments and questions uh thank you very much I’ll do my best to answer some of them now a lot of questions about f-16s when are they going to arrive well we’ve answered that uh they might already be there certainly they’re on their way um could the f-16s be based in neighboring countries of course that would be to protect them to try and protect them from Russian missile strikes it’s a good question there have been suggestions I’ve read suggestions that that is perhaps what’s going to happen there is concern that if f-16s were based in neighboring countries though and were to take off and conduct uh kinetic strikes against Russian targets that that would be seen as an escalation there is always there remains this residual concern among Ukraine’s allies about uh this conflict spiraling out of control but at the same time uh a message from many of Ukraine’s supporters is that they cannot be deterred by Russian threats and saber rling so it remains to be seen exactly where these f-16s will be based that may remain uh secret for obvious reasons the prospect of keeping them inside Ukraine and outside Ukraine certainly uh being given serious thought another question will the North Koreans make any significant difference to Russia’s war effort last week we talked about the fact that uh pyang had pledged to send a brigade of combat engineers to boost uh the Russian war effort it’s unlikely in real terms that this would make any real difference uh Russia has a huge number of soldiers already involved and the North Korean troops are not expected on the front lines it’s more symbolic it’s a sign that North Korea is committing to support Russia and in fact the way North Korea might make a real difference and is trying to make a real difference is through the supply of large amounts of dumb Munitions artillery shells to keep the Russian howitzers on the front line firing while we’re on the subject of North Korea uh worth noting that Chinese troops have been taking part in drills in war games in bellus Ukraine’s Northern neighbor just a reminder there of the axis of powers China Russia North Korea who are lining up against the Western Le Alliance to support Ukraine and of course all of that fueling the fears of uh possible global conflict I described last week how a how countries are being sucked into the war in Ukraine and number of you asked well isn’t that therefore already a World War I think there’s a subtle difference the world war was certainly World War II was fought by many countries on many territory uh what is happening in Ukraine is extensively Ukraine and its allies and Russia and its allies fighting uh on a single territory or rather on the two territories of Ukraine and Russia uh Curious question about whether the British Dragonfire laser uh could be a game Cher uh could it shoot down Russian Hypersonic missiles it’s a really interesting question the Dragonfire laser is a Cutting Edge new British technology uh that can has been proven uh to be able to shoot down drones it fires an incredibly powerful and accurate laser beam at Targets uh it has not been deployed operationally it’s still in the development phase so too early at this stage to say whether uh it will be useful shooting down anything in the conflict in Ukraine let alone those Hypersonic missiles and the final question is Ukraine losing I think it’s a really important question because uh ultimately the situation in Ukraine is not good not good for the ukrainians and indeed I spoke to a former Chief of uh Britain’s general staff uh a former head of the British army who said very clearly right now Ukraine is losing it’s losing slowly but it’s losing because Russia has more men and more Munitions to throw into this fight and Russia can grind forward and forward but that does not mean the outcome of this conflict is a forone conclusion because it remains to be seen how long Russia can sustain that effort and much of Ukraine’s uh counter offensive or or rather sort ongoing resistance uh is focused on trying to uh break Russia’s will and and crucially its ability uh to fight as ever if you have any questions please uh do ask them in the comments below and we’ll Endeavor to answer as many of them as we can next week and I’ll also get into the comments myself if there’s some I can’t answer uh on the video then I’ll answer them in the comments below uh instead

Storm Shadow cruise missiles can be used to hit military targets inside Russia for the first time and in more good new for Keiv, F-16 jets are on the way, and allies have promised more Patriot Air Defence batteries but this comes in the wake of a devastating Russian missile strike that hit a children’s Hospital in Kiev.

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  1. Solar storms can turn off our electric devices. Can west invent weapons base on same idea that turn off Russian drones/cruise missiles? Or it is to strong energetic consumer?

  2. Seriously why nato is pushing so hard to get themselves involved? They wanna start a ww3 so badly. Just imagine the new era of Cold War begins. Trump wants to settle the war but nato inching to invade Russia. Bye bye world, I'll see you on the other side.


    UKRAINE has been fighting with one hand tied behind it's back – While The Evil Athiest Communist Dictator Putin subjects Russia to no limits – Hitting power plants, civilian homes and children's hospitals.

  4. This is all an invention by the Sun and some other sources. When Cameron in May, or Starmer a few days ago, say that Ukraine "should be allowed" to strike deep into Russian territory, some British newspaper scream "Ukraine can now use storm shadow to strike Russia". This is utter BS. Ukraine was never authorized, by real official channels, to use storm-shadows in Russia. And in fact it is easy to check that Ukraine never used Storm-Shadows in Russia, after Cameron stupid, ambiguous, hypocrite comment. Yesterday, when another oblique affirmation by Starmer appeared to say use was authorized, Zelensky said he learned that from the news, for the first time. Immediately, Starmer rectified his own words, making clear there is no authorization to strike Russian targets. Never there was one, ask Zelensky. The UK have a very low quality information industry. Many Britons really believe that the UK authorized use of storm-shadows in Russia. Sadly, she did not, not in May, not now. Nor did the Netherlands, or Denmark, or Sweden, or anybody else. Grown up people should understand that such a decision might elicit a Russian retaliation, even a retaliation on UK soil, and that would entail NATO engagement. Therefore, the decision to use such weapons in Russia IS A NATO DECISION that must be taken all together, because it is all together that we will have to answer, if Russia retaliates by hitting UK soil. Stop spreading false news.

  5. CAN be used, but it most likely wont be effect because of new S-500 systems that are anti-hypersonic missile reaching 600km. HIMARS got jammed, Excalibur shells from artillery were jammed… Maybe at first this missile we do some damage, but it will be denied that access as well.

    And those F-16's wont do better if the MiG's and Su's weren't good enough at the start of the war. Anti-air systems will prevent any air superiority.

  6. But Ukraine is being destroyed and has zero chance of winning, so this video means nothing in the overall scheme of things. Do you think Russia will surrender to Ukraine because a few Storm Shadows hit them??

  7. em, proof it was a Rusian missile please. Simple, take the ceasefire deal on the table from the Russians, same one it was 2 yrs ago less the taken territories (we blew that one) and the war and the killing stops immediately, a 4 year old could understand this, do you not want peace???

  8. We must not escalate and negotiate away some land for peace! We need peace in our time as Russia is a superpower with a top-notch military. Negotiate now and end this horrible war!!! The US can give back Alaska as a token of goodwill towards Pootin. We need appeasement and common sense! 😮

  9. F16s being kept outside of Ukraine seems OK when China & Nth Korea can arm Mr Poo-tin with whatever. Make no bones about it, this will develop into a world War. It is the communist regimes against the rest of the world. NATO cannot afford to let Poo – tin win, and ultimately will have to step in whether they like it or not. The Un (united nothings) are immaterial, mostly full of hot wind and the other stuff. Even the EU are second rate. It will be NATO that will carry the burden for Europe and possibly the rest of the world. They should have troops in Ukraine now since Chinks have them in Belarus.

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