Zelensky ‘Tired’ Of Ukraine Govt Amid Russia’s War Gains; Plans To Kick Out PM Shmyhal | Report

Fresh report by news outlet Ukrainska Pravda reveals all is not well within the Ukraine Govt. The news report indicates President Zelensky may fire Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal and replace him with first deputy prime minister Yyulia Svyrydenko. The news outlet, citing govt sources, claimed Zelensky has grown tired of the govt and its head especially after PM Shmyhal’s reform plan that included changes to Kyiv’s anti-corruption bodies and the judicial system. Watch.

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  1. So, the Nazi Non-Leader of Ukraine, is " unhappy " with his government….since he is not the legal Leader of Nazi corrupt Ukraine, he can do what any citizen has a right to request…request an election…get all the woke corrupt morons partying in Odessa, to institute an election in corrupt Ukraine, for September….I'm NY 1962 Toms very British/Brazilian future wife MD, Veteran, Middle East & Cont. of Africa

  2. Zelinsky kan få asyl bara av Putin med att muta honom med F16, Gripen m.m. som han så intensivt kräver av hans västkompisar!! Så kan han få en lya i Sibirien och hans liv blir i säkerheten. Fru Zelinska får bo i slått i UK och köra sportbilar, köpta för EUs skattebetalars milioner som "Stöt till Ukraina" och Ursulas gåvor till sin unge, älskade ukrainska krigare på komedi parketten, med sina älskare och vika ut sig i Playboy att få mer och mer gylende dollars, ha, ha!!! Varje får sin Karma serverats till sist!!! Men vad väntar på dem som köpte sig i ukraina med propaganda – "Vi skall kriga till den sista ukrainare", vapen, brurkar landet, för bussiness med suregat mammor, säljer ukrainska barn att adoptera – ledare för det skamliga affärer var själva Bidens son!!!

  3. "forced into voluntary retirement" that doesn't even make sense.

    "replaced by xy who is friend of Zelenskys wife and favoured by the west" ..what a surprise.

    the pm made a reform plan for anti corruption, can't have that.
    Ukraine had a president and government democratically elected by the people, they wanted to enshrine ukraines neutrality in the constitution and were refusing to 'play' with the us/west. they had to go, Nuland and Pyatt orchestrated a coup in Ukraine and had the government replaced with one that was willing to work with them and join nato. there's even audio and transcripts leaked. only thing is they put a fascist regime in place unknowingly that started bombing and killing Russians in east ukraine but anyway, who destroyed Ukraine's democracy? changed the constitution to allow them joining Nato which is direct violation of the declaration of ukraines independence and refuses to hold elections? people cheering this nation which is just a project of the u.s. anyway, don't even realize how corrupt it is, by far the most in eu, and it's even up there in world rankings

  4. Zelensky is virtual head of a state that is not going anywhere. Unique modern example of a gov without a real state and people. No elections no representation a suspended polity.

  5. Why bother with government in Ukraine ??? America 🇺🇸 will do as it pleases in Ukraine . Staged , Planed & Managed . By America 🇺🇸 , NATO , AUKUS & EU . Cause a Coup de Tat Installed a Puppet to cause . Dissent & Hostilities then a revelation .this is an American led pathetic coup attempt of a Russian 🇷🇺 / Ukrainian country Ukraine . And no amount of lies by America and its war mongering allies can alter that fact .Stand Down America 🇺🇸 . Before it’s too late ⏰ . Peace is the only way forward. Stand Down Now . Very disappointed Australia continue supporting murder of Ukrainians . Australian Criminal Bastard Government . Committing crimes against humanity in Ukraine . That’s how I see it . Andrej Kondisenko Cairns Australia 🇦🇺

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