Lautaro scores at copa America final

by Millerlite87

  1. Been yelling at myself, please sub this guy in ever since like the 70th minute.

  2. Man I was waiting for him to come on so that he could finish this game of. It’s getting late.

  3. What. A. Goal. And What. A. Tournament this has been for you!!

    Congrats Lauti! Prove those world-cup “fans” wrong!

  4. leaving him on the bench, as the top goalscorer, and your best forward was a crazy descision. but as soon as i saw him come on i just knew he was going to score, and he completely delivered.

  5. I feel so happy for Lautaro, but also Messi (because of the injury), Di Maria (last match in national team) and the rest of the Argentina national team

  6. Absolutely redeemed himself for past national team performances. Complete striker. Forza Inter.

  7. I’m Colombian and I knew it was over when he came on. No idea why he didn’t start

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