Russia-Ukraine war: NATO’s F-16 fighter jets arrive in Ukraine | WION Pulse

Russia-Ukraine war: NATO’s F-16 fighter jets arrive in Ukraine | WION Pulse

as NATO leaders GA in Washington the long anticipated transfer of F16 fighter jets to Ukraine has finally begun watch this next report to know how these American jets Mark a significant milestone in Western support for keev but its impact on the ongoing conflict with Russia may be less dramatic than any hope Ukraine’s eight is ending its f-16s are finally coming the arrival of the Jets signals a significant step in bolstering Ukrainian defenses against Russia’s Relentless assault I’m also pleased to announce that as we speak the transfer of F-16 Jets is underway coming from Denmark coming from the Netherlands and those Jets those Jets will be flying in the skies and of Ukraine this summer to make sure that Ukraine can continue to effectively defend itself against the Russian aggression but despite their imminent arrival the impact of the f16s on the Ukraine Battlefield is still in doubt in anticipation of these Jets Russia has significantly upgraded its air defenses effectively neutralizing any element of surprise the F-16 Fighting Falcon multi-roll fighter jet developed in the 1970s has been the main stay of Western Air Forces for decades known for its agility and versatility the F-16 can perform air-to-air combat ground attacks and reconnaissance missions its Advanced avionics and ability to carry a wide range of weapons makes it a potent platform however the effectiveness in the Ukrainian theater of war is subject to numerous constraints over the past few weeks Russia has intensified military pressure on ke both launching large scale strikes on Ukrainian air bases targeting locations like mirold bolava and cier re Ukrainian soldiers and activists are questioning the failure of their Air Force in protecting airfields despite knowing the f-16s are on their way this highlights the ongoing challenge in utilizing the Jets effectively Russia is striking all airfields potential F-16 bases every day including attempts to damage air strips and infrastructure these continuous strikes have not paused for the last two months at least moreover the F-16 are not a Panacea for Ukraine’s air defense challenges the Jets face formidable obstacles from Russia’s sophisticated S400 air defense systems and advanced electronic warfare capabilities the effectiveness of Ukraine’s F-16 Force hinges on various factors the number of jets provided their specific Armament and upgrades the proficiency of Ukrainian pilots and the robustness of Maintenance operations in a war zone the f-16s May enhance Ukraine’s air defense capabilities to some extent offering improved protection against Russian bombardments and potentially allowing for more effective close air support of ground operations but the Jets survivability in contested airspace and their application in various combat scenarios will be critical factors in determining the course of the war Bureau report we on world is one Edward p Joseph is a senior fellow at the Johns Hopkins University School of advanced International Studies a foreign policy analyst and also a former US Army helicopter pilot is now joining us from Washington DC Mr Joseph good to see you and welcome will the the delivery of F-16 fighter jets have any impact on the Russia Ukraine war you think yes uh Eric first good to be with you and your viewers and the answer to that is absolutely yes it’s not that uh people misunderstand and what happens when you introduce a new sophisticated weapon system like the F-16 into a active Battlefield uh active theater as is the case in Ukraine they think oh well this is going to have this immediate um military impact and it’s going to immediately uh change this change this calculus on the ground that that’s a potential but the the real uh point uh here the the real impact is what it does to the adversary the the the enemy of the ukrainians which are the Russians and what this does is it puts the f-16s put an array a vast array of Russian targets at risk so it’s not that all of a sudden these f-16s are going to take out all of those targets it’s that Russia now has to plan for the cap cap abilities the the uh remarkable um and uh highly impactful capabilities of the F-16 and take measures to protect those targets which in turn affect what Russia can do in the battle space itself and and that creates in other words the f-16s introduce complications for Russia and therefore they do affect the the battle space and they affect uh what Russia can do and its approach to the war besides alone what the targets are that the f-16s will actually engage Please Mr Joseph let’s flip the coin now how are the Russians prepared to counter the f-16s because this matter has been in the public domain for a year now that kev’s allies will be providing these fighter jets to Ukrainian forces it’s uh a very important question um Eric and we we come to both a uh the Tactical question as as to how the military will respond and we also come to the political and the impact on morale which will be completely uh inverse in both Ukraine and within Russia so let’s come to the Tactical sense yes now Russian military planners will have to uh take into account the range of the F-16 and and the fact that it extends uh uh the uh Ukrainian ability to project uh force uh much further than it did in the past and this affects both what Russia can do offensively uh and it affects how Russia will deploy its air defense systems so it’s a uh it’s an enormous complicating factor for Russian military planners that will affect their ability for example to conduct offensive operations so it’s not just about well they’ll position the s400s here and that way they’ll neutralize the F16 it’s a fact that by in so doing they will introduce other vulnerabilities that Ukraine can take care of and that again this is all about complicating the decision- making of your adversary and that’s what the f-16s do at a minimum in addition to putting targets at risk that Russia is unable to to protect against an F-16 strike so that’s the first part but the second part is is equally important and that is the political and the morale impact so you see with this this comes as 32 uh NATO allies meet in Washington celebrating the 75th anniversary of NATO this is for Russia in and of itself a huge blow to see this uh unity and unanimity including not just from NATO the European Union and I was present last night when the uh senior European Union foreign policy official Yosef Burell made a strong speech completely in solidarity with NATO as the primary territorial defense of Europe and uh completely in solidarity with the Allied effort the European Union effort the NATO effort to support Ukraine in its defense against Russian aggression Mr barell again speaking for all 27 EU Nations was 100% aligned and and speaking against any type of false fake uh neg negotiations that would allow Vladimir Putin to take advantage of his aggression and and and characterize this as a threat to European security and obviously it’s a threat uh more widely and the US recognizes that threat of course under President Biden so this is f16s are significant as well in this in that they’re a further demonstration of Western resolve a further demonstration of their belief okay in Ukraine and its abilities to to accept and process highly sophisticated um Western Weaponry in addition to the sophisticated Weaponry that Ukraine itself is producing for example its own drone systems so so this is a positive this is a morale boost to Vladimir zalinski uh and the Ukrainian people and it is a significant impact to the uh negative impact on uh President Putin and the Kremlin please all right Mr Joseph we are running out of time thank you very much for your time we have to leave it there I’ve been talking to Mr Edward p Joseph who’s a senior fellow at the Johns Hopkins University Mr Joseph thank you for talking to us today you’re welcome for all the latest news download the weon app And subscribe to our YouTube channel

As NATO leaders gathered in Washington the long-anticipated transfer of F16 fighter jets to Ukraine has finally begun. Watch to know more!

Broadcasted on July 10, 2024

#russiaukrainewar #f16 #nato

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  1. Two 737 MAXs have had deadly crashes: Lion Air Flight 610 in late 2018 and Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 in early 2019, in which 346 people died. Contributing to the accidents was the Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System (MCAS), which activated unexpectedly due to erroneous angle of attack data, and remained active because of pilot error caused by inadequate training. The aircraft was subsequently grounded worldwide from March 2019 to November 2020, with the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) garnering criticism for being the last major authority to ground it. Investigations found Boeing did not fully inform operators about MCAS and found shortcomings in the FAA's certification process for the aircraft.

    Reference: “Boeing 737 MAX”

  2. Now lets see how these F16 's, tech from 1980, that was sold to protects us from Russia will perform against Russia. Finally we can see the proof in the pudding.

  3. Well.. more fodder for Russia to shoot at. These F16s are no match for 7th generation fighter jets, especially if Ukraine don’t know how to use them.

  4. Given that ukraine is not part of NATO, why is NATO desperate to win this war, and if so, why are they really scared of putting their military in harms war. RUSSIA seems very prepared and unfazed to engage NATO.
    Each time America introduces ant weapon ,they hype it only for Russia to annihilate them, what is different this time?

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