The Heat🔥IRIS-T And Echelon Destroyed💥Unstoppable Russian Mototroopers⚔️ Military Summary 2024.07.14

The Heat🔥IRIS-T And Echelon Destroyed💥Unstoppable Russian Mototroopers⚔️ Military Summary 2024.07.14

hello my dear friends you’re in the military of sumary Channel and today we will discuss the situation in Ukraine on the 14th of July of 2024 today we have a lots of very interesting updates so let’s start and today I would like to start with KOIN Direction More precisely with the North and coping direction as you can see we don’t have lot of updates from this territory just few explosions few artillery strikes but to discuss this direction it’s better to increase the numbers of days since the beginning of months but before we do this first let’s discuss this video and let’s start our counter in this video for example we can see two Bridges the first bridge that located in the left corner of the video and the second bridge is in the central part as you can see the bridge in the left corner was already destroyed by the Russians and the second bridge was destroyed and this video was published today so just this video show us to destroyed Bridges by ahed force of Russian Federation now let’s increase the numbers of this since the beginning of the mons and as you can see we have a lots of as you can see artillery strikes Aviation strikes so summarizing everything before we are going to deep in deeper uh we can make a conclusion that currently kopin North in kopin direction is the P primary target for the Armed Force of Russian Federation so now let’s return back to the bridges for example in this video we’ve just discussed this video a little bit further in the Eastern Direction in the vicinity of the central part of copin we got another video uh that was published for example yesterday on the 13th of July and in this video we can see another Ukrainian bridge that goes along the railways that was destroyed as a result of Russian missile strike or Aviation bomb strike this is very important Bridges the previous videos and this one because these bridges are located above the railways sometimes it’s important to destroy the bridge that will block the movements along the railways which will reduce thec possibilities in their leg IC so summarizing everything this is the third bridge that was destroyed by the Russians during the previous two days now let’s move a little bit further in the Eastern direction to the Village by the name of pet pavlovka and there is a river uh this one Gita and we have two videos this one which was published on the 8th of July so around 6 days ago in this video we can see another bridge that was destroyed by the Russians as a result of Aviation strike or as a result of missile strike a little bit further in the Southeastern direction we have fif bridge that was destroyed by the Russians so uh just and this video was published on the 13th of July so yesterday so summarizing everything CH since 8th of July till 13th of July the Russians damaged or destroyed at least five bridges in the northern kin’s Direction and this caused significant problem to Ukraine mainly logistic and all these explosions all these attacks means that the Russians were keeping this territory as long as as possible so of course it’s not the first time when the Russians discovered that there is a brid there are bridges in this area that should be destroyed of course not the Russians were allowing the ukrainians to use these bridges for supplying and supporting because they knew that at zero time at day D let’s call it like this when the Russians destroy all these Bridges the Ukrainian logistic will collapse automatically and uh there is just one reason why the Russians start bombing and destroying this Bridges exactly from the period of time from the 8 of July till the 13th 14th of July is that the Russians are about to begin their greatest offensive operation with the purpose to defeat the ukrainians completely in kin’s Direction and to restore control over KOIN now let’s move further let’s move further in the southern Direction and we have another bridge between sadova and kin itself this is the bridge and this is sand bridge that is very difficult to destroy but anyway the Russians do have possib AB ility to damage the bridge to reduce the Ukrainian logistic and this is the sixth bridge in a row and this video was published on the 2nd of July of 2024 uh later we got some updates about the situation as you can see this is the bridge and this post was published for example on the 6th of July four days later the Russians damag it and as you can see in few days the cleanance managed to restore uh the let’s say the this road to restore this Supply road so I’m not sure that the C have some problems but anyway obviously after another strike the bridge was the movement in this area was paralyzed most likely a little bit further in the South and direction we have another the seventh bridge in a road that the Russians destroyed as a result of isander or missile strike seven Seven Bridges were destroyed or damaged by the Russians since the beginning of July and most of these attacks of course are connected with the Russian activity in the vicinity of pishan the thing is that the ukrainians don’t have possibilities to send their forces from the southern part because as skull is too big in this area and the closest region that ukrainians can take reserves from is ascol isum ascol sling so very far as you can see and it’s very problematic to move forces from the south in the northern Direction so it’s better for the Russians to collapse to defeat to destroy logistic in the northern part and to establish complete fire control over the main Supply roads that goes from the north to the South if ukrainians do have possibilities to cross a skull River somewhere and somehow and if they are able to send additional forces reinforcements in the southern Direction in direction of Pana then the Russians have some surprises for the ukrainians they have established complete control over the road and usually from time to time the Russians are bombing the main street in along gka Village and if something can bypass gluska area then the Russians start using fpv drones uh and and Aviation bombs as well L missiles of course so everything they have but not to allow the ukrainians to send their forces from the northern copin direction to the central copin Direction so once again summarizing everything we can make a conclusion that the Russians are about to start probably one of the main um Battle of this summer The Battle for kin so let’s see maybe the Russians are going to do this or maybe the Russians are planning or trying to force the ukrainians to think like this uh because if the ukrainians will think that the Russians are going to use this area as a primary attack then they will be forced to keep some reserves and reinforcement in this direction which will allow the Russians to achieve Advan and to get some progress let’s say in har area or in the cent in the in the area of responsibilities of group of forces North but anyway if the Russians are going to attack most likely according to gations the Russians will try to break through the cran defense belt in the vicinity of sinov and the Russians most likely are going to attack through these Forest through this area because during just July we got tens of tens of different geolocations showing us that the Russians were bombing and attacking this Village by reducing this territory to ruins now let’s finish with har Direction let’s talk a little bit about glubok and about vchan itself we have additional updates from this territory the Russians continue bombing and attacking the crinian forces along the railways in the industrial Zone according to different sources this territory was captured by the Russians or the Russians managed to cross wer River but this gations confirms that most likely there are still no Russians in this area but the Russians are about to begin offensive and we have the video of how the Russians were bombing the crans in the southern part of of Chans in the vicinity of this Forest so these are two explosions and these are two explosions today we also got very weird geolocation also from the Russian sources and this video the Russians were attacking and FP with drawing the ukrainians in the northern part of of Chans this video was published today and current it’s very difficult to understand the date of this video but according to this for example scene uh the ukrainians still have some positions in this area maybe the ukrainians are in circled or something like this but for now we need more clarification more details to understand what exactly is happening in this territory so let’s wait a little bit and obviously we’re going to receive additional updates very weird and strange situation contined developing to the east of bugat the Russians are saying that they’re contining expanding their foothold in the vicinity of pipka to the west of selika and the Russians stated that after very heavy artillery preparation they managed to improve their positions and also they published the video of that artillery preparation in these episodes in these scenes we can see how the Russians were bombing the forest more precisely the positions of 57s motorized Brigade and after uh and this preparation the Russians captured additional positions so very we Direction I would like to see finally some GE locations that can confirm or show us uh the Russian positions because without any gations it’s very difficult to understand what part of this Forest is under complete Russian control and where are the Ukrainian Edge positions as for lioka itself the Ukrainian sources published the video of the death Road of the Russian forces probably this is the first death road that was published by the ukrainians or since the beginning of the special military operation in this video we can see significant number of destroyed armed Vehicles personnel carriers that were abandoned and destroyed by the ukrainians during the um support and Supply process of the Russians who are currently located inside of gloca but the thing is that most likely uh in this video we can see not just the Russian vehicles but also the ukrainians that were destroyed during during the Russian offensive operation uh the Russians reported that they continue bombing and attacking the Ukrainian temporary positions and the concentration of forces the ukrainians according to Russian sources managed to concentrate up to 95,000 soldiers in har Direction according to official data that we can find in the uh in the internet the Russians concentrated around 15,000 soldiers in the same direction so as you can see the difference is very big and the difference is very weird because having such a big superiority in Manpower I see no problems from the Ukrainian side to restore control over every single square kilometer in this area but for some reason the ukrainians are still hav start still haven’t launched any attempt any attack in just the small local clashes in the vicinity of gloca that’s it and probably the reason of that is the the Russians are using faap 3000 and faap 1,5 00 the Russians control the territory Ukraine artillery forces and systems wiland said so basically the ukrainians probably can start offensive but this attack this offensive counter offensive offensive will bring significant losses significant casualties as a result of Russian counter artillery du Aviation strikes so that’s why they can’t start they need to establish at least some some 50/50 situation at least in artillery if they want to continue in the Southwest part of har the Russian sources published the video how they managed to discover another Convoy of Armed Force of Ukraine with significant number of armored vehicles tracks and so on the Russians made two iscandar strikes as a result of first iscandar strike the Russians destroyed the train destroyed significant number of armed Vehicles personnel carriers then the ukrainians sent rescue group and when Rue group arrived the Russians made the second strike the sources reported that as a result of attack attack on Ukrainian Railways this train and Ukrainian and as a result of Russian attack on Ukrainian air defense systems they managed to destroy the ukrainians Lost up to 150 soldiers up to two 20 armed vehicles and significant number of units of Air Defense Forces as for Air Defense Forces this event took place in the southern part of nepro for example in this video we can see how as a result of reconnaissance operation the Russians managed to disc Ukrainian air defense system ir and as soon as the Russians managed to discover they attack this territory with iscandar missile with cluster round munition the ukrainians Lost IRS and they lost Ammo Depot and significant number of rockets for this type of weapon furthermore the ministry of Defense of Russian Federation and Ukrainian sources published another video but in this video we can see also the IRS air defense system but this system uh in comparison with the previous one was destroyed by the Russians as a result of lanset strike which is also very important so we got a lot of reports about uh about statements from the Western countries that they’re planning to send significant number of air defense systems but we see that ukrainians are losing much more air defense systems in comparisons in comparison with the numbers they’re planning to receive now let’s talk about other important directions and first let’s discuss seers area as you can see during the previous 24 hours we got significant number of dations as well if we increase the numbers of this since the beginning of July we’re going to see that probably CIS area is the second area of significant Russian Artillery Focus the first one as we discussed is the coin’s direction and the second one is C’s Direction why is that why the Russians are so focused in this area and the main reason of that is that ukrainians are more or less successful in their counter offensive attempts if you remember just during the previous months just during July the ukrainians managed to restore control over these territories in K forest and for this for the for these attacks the Ukrainian 12’s Brigade of special P purposes of is responsible so this is their let’s say achievement this is their progress and the Russians probably see the problem they probably understand that they need to do something and this is the reason why the Russians are bombing this territory most most likely either the Russians have some problems with reinforcements and reserves currently most of reserves are focused on other directions like har for kin so basically they don’t have free hands for this direction and that’s why they try to resolve the problems and the issues with artillery strikes this is the first probably uh understanding of the situation the second thing is that the Russians don’t want to involve infantry in the battle because they understand that now they can use CH artillery Force Aviation and ukrainians basically will destroy themselves in these attempts to attack Russian positions while they don’t have any superiority in air defense or in air or with different types of equipment after the ukrainians will lose significant number of forces the Russians May begin counter offensive and to restore everything they lost and to get add additional territories under Russian control anyway the situation in this area is very interesting as for New York and the Tas aerations we have aeration we have some updates pro-ukrainian mappers have adjusted their Maps adding additional territory in the gray zone so now this territory is covered with the fog of war the pro-ukrainian mappers don’t understand what exactly is happening there we understand for sure that the Russians are about to capture this territory and we have very interesting reports from New York as we discussed in the previous updates the Russians have almost captured Petrov Gora and this adjustment on map of from Pro from Pro Ukrainian mappers we received few days ago so that means that most likely the Russians managed to improve their positions even further and we discussed that the distance between the heart of New York this industrial Zone and the edge Russian positions in the south is less uh the distance is less than 400 Metter and in this video we can see how the Russians were pummeling and reducing to ruins the heart of New York and which confirms that most likely the Russians are about to launch a full scale offensive operation in this direction or they have already launched now the battle and clashes are taking place inside of this territory let’s wait because most likely tomorrow or the day after we’re going to start receiving first updates from this territory as well now let’s move further let’s talk about the Western of daf direction we have additional updates and additional changes on map we have video confirming that the Russian control over the fields between the railways and so itself in this video we consider the Russian soldier who is moving and he was attacked by the Ukrainian fpv drone this video confirms the Russian control over this territory we got very interesting video from noas of Capa the situation is so critical so the ukrainians are forced to send additional forces in this Direction with the purpose not to Counterattack the Russians but to unblack those ukrainians who were stacked and blocked by the Russians from the north from the Northeast from the East and from the south for if you remember during the previous few days we were talking a lot about the Russian attacks the Russians captured the Farms there were reports that the Russians captured the school there was a report and they had real gations confirming Russian progress in the eastern part so very heavy clashes the ukrainians were encircled we have lots of significant number of fpv drone strikes in every single Street in every single building which confirms complete control over the sky and today the ukrainians published the video of their Counterattack this is very interesting video from many let’s say points of view for example this is Storm Troopers of 47 mechanized Brigade basically for the first time since the beginning of the special military operation I guess we see the work of 47’s mechanized Brigade Nots with the use of fpv drones but real clashes on the ground with the use of Storm Troopers but the thing is that the ukrainians according to information we have were using the special Battalion schal so in Ukrainian squal means storm or storm in Russian so it’s something like analog of Russian sto storm squats storms assault Troopers and these storm squads mainly cons consist of former prisoners those who signed a contract with Ukrainian Ministry of Defense who were released were sent to the training centers and now they’re on the line of combat contact so the K understand were moving from this direction they landed along this in this area and then they started or tried made an attempt to clear this tree line with the purpose to restore control over 0542 Road and to allow those ukrainians who were blocked in novasil of Capers for evacuation to further uh the mainland so probably something like this uh happened here during the previous 24 hours we don’t know for sure whether the ukrainians managed to restore or maybe the ukrainians managed to restore but obviously this is not something like attempt to restore for forever that was a temporary situation temporary event just to hold the lines for a while and most likely after a few hours the ukrainians were forced to abandon their positions and the northern nasva Persia collapsed completely now let’s move further we have additional updates from the south Dan direction from the village of UR the ministry of Defense of Russian Federation reported that as a result of clashes this Village was completely captured by the Russians and this is very unique operation conducted by the Russians and the thing is the most unique part from this from the battle for the village is that the Russians used for the first time the combination of heavy artillery strike as you can see in this video every single square meter of the village was bombed by the Russians before the beginning of the final offensive operation and after very heavy explosions very heavy artillery strikes the Russians launch Moto storm operation just probably in this scene we can count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 then 8 9 10 11 more around 12 motorcycles just in this small episode I wonder how many um how what is exact number of motorcycles and storm troopers were involved in this operation probably few tons from a few dozens of motorcycles and this is very difficult tactic for Ukraine because the Russians used to use the same number of forces during the previous attempts to attack the Ukrainian positions in any single Direction but the previous times the Russian were using just one personnel carrier and let’s say 20 Storm Troopers some of them were located on the armor some of them were located inside of the armor and that was very easy target for the ukrainians because as soon as they see this armored vehicle they will start attacking this armed vehicle with fpv drones and sometimes the Russians were losing significant number of forces those who were inside either inside and on the armor itself and these tactics when the Russians use more than 20 bicycles at once is very big problem for the ukrainians because they don’t have 23 fpv drone operator operators at once so if you have 20 motorcycles that means that you need to have 20 fpv drone operators because it’s the motorcycles are very fast and the every single fpv drone means one motorcycle obviously it’s impossible the don’t have such a big number of um fpv drone operators and these tactics allow the Russians to capture significant territory to dig in deeper to hide in the basements to hide among the ruins and when the ukrainians probably arrived with the second wave of fpv drones they were completely late the Russians already captured the territory and probably managed to clear this Village about 100% And this is very interesting because uh this is one of the biggest problem of Armed Force of Ukraine uh they ukrainians start using fpv drones fpv drones they start using probably in February of 2022 at the beginning of the Special M operation probably the next day when the special military operation started the ukrainians began using fpv drones about 3 years after the beginning of the use of this Warfare the ukrainians haven’t managed to change anything they were doing the same maybe they were improving this weapon maybe they change start using fpv drones bab Yaga different approaches different tactics but it was all it is always the same thing and the thing is that the Russians for three years of resisting and fighting with these fpv drones finally managed to found a solution how to uh how to fight how to how what kind of counteractions they can do uh to reduce the losses for example the first uh the first time when I start having some doubts about the fpv drones tactics by the Armed Force of Ukraine um the first doubts I got in May of 2023 or in April don’t remember for sure when the Russians began using ttal tanks so when the Russians began using ttal tanks first the ukrainians spent significant number of fpv drones to destroy Russian turtle tank but uh after the first use of ttal tank the Russians began using these tactics over the line of combat contact everywhere and the ukrainians probably found the solution how to destroy ttal tanks and as soon as the ukrainians found the solution how to destroy ttal tanks the Russians start using motorcycle Storm Troopers and now I don’t know how the GRE are planning to fight with this uh Warfare created by the Russians anyway Raj has fallen the Russians are going to move further and if the Russians feel or see that ukrainians are weak and they can’t stabilize the situation and if they don’t have any solution how to stop the Russian motorcycle storm operation attacks of Sons of Anarchy the Russians will continue moving and on using these tactics the Russians do have possibilities to capture significant territories in the South noas direction noas direction and maybe even to enter Village itself we’ll see obviously we’ll see and we’re going to understand this very soon as for zapar direction we haven’t received anything special just regular activity that can mean everything either the Russians are planning to start offensive or they just want to force the ukrainians to think like that as for hon no changes on the ground just faps arriving just explosions uh lots of uh fpv drones lots of faps lots of reconnaissance and saot operations but no changes on the ground and that’s it for today military summary Channel reminds to condemn any violence in the world thank you for your watching subscribe to my channel put your likes Jo my patreon and have a good day bye-bye

This video describes the military situation in Ukraine on the 14th of July 2024
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  1. Zelensky didn't try to prevent the conflict through diplomacy because he lacks honor and integrity.

    In 2014 there was a coup. Soon after, there was a massacre in Odessa (dozens of people were burned alive). Ethnic Russians living in Ukraine were treated as subhuman. Their language and culture was being oppressed. A civil war broke out due to the rise in ethnic tensions. For 8 years the Ukrainian military was indiscriminately shelling civilians living in Donbas.

    If Zelensky honored the Minsk agreement and pledged neutrality, none of this would have happened. The 8 year civil war would have ended and Donbas would have remained part of Ukraine. War is the ultimate failure of diplomacy.

    Zelensky, Poroshenko, Merkel and Hollande admitted that Ukraine had no intention to honor the Minsk agreements.

    Who didn't want peace? Who advised against the 2022 peace talks in April? Hint: someone visited Zelensky in Kiev at that time.

    Russia's national security was compromised once NATO began to expand eastwards. Russia clearly stated that Ukraine joining NATO was a red line (November 2021) and unfortunately this concern was never taken seriously. The Russians openly stated: if nothing changes, we will be forced to act in order to defend our national security. Enhancing the national security of one country at the expense of another is unacceptable. The Russians have legitimate security concerns.

    20th September, 2021: Ukraine launched military drills with US and NATO.

    NATO is not a defensive alliance. NATO illegally bombed Yugoslavia (a direct violation of the U.N. Charter).
    We should never forget what they did to Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq etc.

    Who blew up the pipeline causing an environmental disaster?

    Zelensky banned all opposition and arrested a leading priest.

    Zelensky tried to invoke article 5 under false pretenses. Remember the incident in Poland.

    Ethnic Russians living in Ukraine were treated as subhuman. Their language and culture was being oppressed.
    Poroshenko said, “Our children will go to schools and kindergartens—theirs will hide in the basements”.

    Russians will never forget the 2014 Odessa massacre. The whole world needs to know about it.

    Why was Denis Kireev eliminated? He was a member of Ukraine's negotiating team during the peace negotiations. He wanted to help his country.

    Ukraine has a hit list. They target artists, journalists and ordinary citizens. Hundreds of children are on this list. 13 year old Faina Savenkova was placed on this list.
    Pink Floyd's Roger Waters is on this list. Jimmy Dore (American stand-up comedian, podcaster) and Aaron Maté (Canadian writer and journalist) are on this list.

    There is evidence that Ukrainian troops have been indiscriminately shelling civilians in Donbas (they used petal mines and targeted areas where there was no military presence).

    The azov troops trapped in the azovstal steelworks in Mariupol used human shields. They refused to allow civilians to leave despite of humanitarian corridors being present.
    Russia held a proposed cease fire in order for the civilians to leave, but azov would not allow the civilians to leave.

    Ukraine has committed many acts of terrorism (car bombs and other forms of assassination). Darya Dugina (journalist) R.I.P.

    The first terrorist attack on the Kerch bridge killed the truck driver and the individuals in the adjacent car (innocent civilian victims).
    The second terrorist attack on the Kerch bridge killed two parents and severely injured their young daughter.

    I have done a lot of research and it took me a long time to write this comment. I have stated a lot of facts and I have given my honest opinion.
    I have provided a brief summary of events that took place. In order to explain this whole situation in great detail, a book would need to be written.
    Hopefully someone will write an UNBIASED book, stating facts and allowing the readers to form their own judgments. Everything I said can be fact checked and verified.

  2. Zelensky didn't try to prevent the conflict through diplomacy because he lacks honor and integrity.

    In 2014 there was a coup. Soon after, there was a massacre in Odessa (dozens of people were burned alive). Ethnic Russians living in Ukraine were treated as subhuman. Their language and culture was being oppressed. A civil war broke out due to the rise in ethnic tensions. For 8 years the Ukrainian military was indiscriminately shelling civilians living in Donbas.

    If Zelensky honored the Minsk agreement and pledged neutrality, none of this would have happened. The 8 year civil war would have ended and Donbas would have remained part of Ukraine. War is the ultimate failure of diplomacy.

    Zelensky, Poroshenko, Merkel and Hollande admitted that Ukraine had no intention to honor the Minsk agreements.

    Who didn't want peace? Who advised against the 2022 peace talks in April? Hint: someone visited Zelensky in Kiev at that time.

    Russia's national security was compromised once NATO began to expand eastwards. Russia clearly stated that Ukraine joining NATO was a red line (November 2021) and unfortunately this concern was never taken seriously. The Russians openly stated: if nothing changes, we will be forced to act in order to defend our national security. Enhancing the national security of one country at the expense of another is unacceptable. The Russians have legitimate security concerns.

    20th September, 2021: Ukraine launched military drills with US and NATO.

    NATO is not a defensive alliance. NATO illegally bombed Yugoslavia (a direct violation of the U.N. Charter).
    We should never forget what they did to Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq etc.

    Who blew up the pipeline causing an environmental disaster?

    Zelensky banned all opposition and arrested a leading priest.

    Zelensky tried to invoke article 5 under false pretenses. Remember the incident in Poland.

    Ethnic Russians living in Ukraine were treated as subhuman. Their language and culture was being oppressed.
    Poroshenko said, “Our children will go to schools and kindergartens—theirs will hide in the basements”.

    Russians will never forget the 2014 Odessa massacre. The whole world needs to know about it.

    Why was Denis Kireev eliminated? He was a member of Ukraine's negotiating team during the peace negotiations. He wanted to help his country.

    Ukraine has a hit list. They target artists, journalists and ordinary citizens. Hundreds of children are on this list. 13 year old Faina Savenkova was placed on this list.
    Pink Floyd's Roger Waters is on this list. Jimmy Dore (American stand-up comedian, podcaster) and Aaron Maté (Canadian writer and journalist) are on this list.

    There is evidence that Ukrainian troops have been indiscriminately shelling civilians in Donbas (they used petal mines and targeted areas where there was no military presence).

    The azov troops trapped in the azovstal steelworks in Mariupol used human shields. They refused to allow civilians to leave despite of humanitarian corridors being present.
    Russia held a proposed cease fire in order for the civilians to leave, but azov would not allow the civilians to leave.

    Ukraine has committed many acts of terrorism (car bombs and other forms of assassination). Darya Dugina (journalist) R.I.P.

    The first terrorist attack on the Kerch bridge killed the truck driver and the individuals in the adjacent car (innocent civilian victims).
    The second terrorist attack on the Kerch bridge killed two parents and severely injured their young daughter.

    I have done a lot of research and it took me a long time to write this comment. I have stated a lot of facts and I have given my honest opinion.
    I have provided a brief summary of events that took place. In order to explain this whole situation in great detail, a book would need to be written.
    Hopefully someone will write an UNBIASED book, stating facts and allowing the readers to form their own judgments. Everything I said can be fact checked and verified…

  3. Bravo Ruussiiaa 🇷🇺 🎖️ 🇷🇺
    Denying the BALKANIZATION
    OF Russia 🇷🇺
    & Annihilating USNafo
    in Ukronaziland !
    UUURRRAA 🙏🤍 💙 ❤️

  4. W sumie teraz wpadłem na pomysł mobilnego pola minowego , dron , mina przeciwpancerna , układanie miny z dronem na trasie czołgu ( nie pomoże zakłócanie sygnału ) gdy czołg przejedzie dron może przenieść minę na nowe miejsce aż do skutku, dotychczas miny były zrzucane przez drony naziemne w mojej koncepcji miny mają latać

  5. Retired Maj. Gen. William Mullen led the training in the Ukrainian army was reported dead in California miltary base. He was actually killed in the Frontline in Ukraine but the US covered up his death.

  6. Keine Friedensverhandlungen mit der Ukraine Wir werden die neuen Grenzen auf dem Schlachtfeld ziehen Selensky und seine Spießgesellen vor ein Kriegsgericht stellen

  7. I have been watching your channel from the very beginning of this war… Recently I saw some channels publishing ukraine attacks on oil depots of Russia with videos… Is this news true or are these just some anti Russian channels spreading fake news…

  8. @gruenerteufelDD
    9 hours "bad English,",,? English itself is a product of borrowed words from other than the pre-used British culture. We call that "pariah" language. "pariah" is also a borrowed word. Google….you from pre-used culture.

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