‘Huge resolve’ in Europe and US to support Ukraine

‘Huge resolve’ in Europe and US to support Ukraine

does it give you any sort of pause for thought as well around attacks that you know the person will never works around it might get pretty willing in Parliament but just to pause and think well let’s not go to person well I I’d like to think most uh political leaders don’t engage in political attacks and attack the substance obviously it’s willing in the chamber but importantly uh most people are able to park that uh once they leave the debating floor uh and engage in other activities such as for example playing touch footy uh with members of the opposite uh party but we should always be very conscious of our language and not not get too personal to reflect on people’s positions and uh policy differences rather than saying uh other things most people get into politics for the right reasons they’re Patriots we just have different views about how to improve the country okay um I’ve asked you a few times around assistance for Ukraine it would be remiss of me not to mention the $250 million package drones for Ukraine and their war against uh The Invasion From Russia why was this specific assistance uh selected well this is responding to the requests of the Ukrainian government we’ve been very focused on supporting their needs with practical assistance this $250 million goes to drones it goes to Boots and other personal equipment for soldiers it goes to artillery ammunition um air to ground Munitions and anti-air uh missiles these are are all things that Ukraine desperately need and so we’re privileged to support them with the announcement from the Deputy Prime Minister and this Builds on recent announcements for example when Richard Mars visited uh uh the region only a couple of months back uh in fact I was visiting cypac in Melbourne today to make a major drone announcement for the Australian Defense Force and they’ve been supplying drones to Ukraine for a couple of years now funded by the Australian government so this is really important to support them against Russian aggression uh that’s going on right now in Europe if in the future the US did pull support or dramatically pair it back Ukraine feels as though it would be a catastrophic blow to its defense do you think Western nations would be willing to dip into their budgets enough to stop that from happening well I’m not going to get into hypotheticals about future policies or potential policies in the United States but what I can say is that there is a huge resolve uh in Europe and the United States to support Ukraine against Russian aggression um I represented Australia at the Munich security conference uh a year and a half back and I was struck by the range of politicians from different parties united in supporting Ukraine and United in investing in their own def defense in their own military to combat Uh Russian aggression uh I met with politicians from the German greens party for example who are a Farr from the Australian greens who support strong defense spending because they’re seeing what’s happening in the world and they know that um a strong deterrence impact of a strong military is critical to preserving democracy around the world Pat Connor I appreciate your time thank you thanks Tom

Defence Industry Minister Pat Conroy says there is a “huge resolve” in Europe and the United States to support Ukraine in its war against Russia.

The Australian government has pledged $250 million in support for Ukraine in its ongoing war with Russia.

“There is a huge resolve in Europe and the United States to support Ukraine against Russian aggression,” Mr Conroy told Sky News Australia.

“They know that a strong deterrence impact of a strong military is critical to preserving democracy around the world.”

  1. Z▪︎sky just looks, sounds and feels CREEPY; He and bye-done are perfectly paired.TOO many Americans are suffering, to be sending our taxes to Uk.

  2. I don’t think there is. What you media types force on us to think isn’t what everyday people on the streets think. I talk to lots of people and a good 90% blame NATO and US aggressive posturing towards Russia. Shame the western governments can’t find this money to spend on its own people.

  3. Local Ukrainian community & others from former Eastern European satellite states, what do they think?Some if they had not been able to emigrate may have had an uncertain future.

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